Yazdanian M, Armoon B, Noroozi A, Mohammadi R, Bayat AH, Ahounbar E, et al. I've been in Suboxone since 2012. I just found out this morning that this medicine (suboxone/ generic buprenorphine films and pills) is very bad for teeth. This also has caused severe depression. I have a perpetual sore under my tongue from the medication! After getting on subs with in the first 2 years my teeth literally was starting to crumble. Separating this drug effect from that of the previous drugs that resulted in the suboxone Rx is likely impossible. I never smile if i do i turn my head away from people and have to get antibiotics for infections. If you were to look at our photos From then till now, it would not look like two people who were Free from opioid addiction; living a normal and healthy lifestyle. I would fund this study! I was never told suboxone did this kind of damage! It was a very upsetting time since I could not find the culprit, thus I made sure to pay even more attention to my teeth and followed an excellent oral health regimenwithout success. And I had no prior dental problems before 2013 besides braces when I was in high school so actually I had pretty nice and taken care of teeth before I was ever prescribed this medication. 4 years later here I sit I had chalked it up to putting my body thru too much over the years never a medication that was meant to save my life- my teeth are rottting. I cannot stop it because the withdrawal is excruciating. my husband and I have both been prescribed Suboxone for several years with no knowledge of potential tooth decay, my husband lost all his teeth, and now has dentures at 31, and I also have had multiple fillings and teeth pulled, and issues. I have been on This medication for 8 years. Me and my husband have both always had perfect teeth. Today, Miriam Delphin-Rittmon, Ph.D., Assistant Secretary for Mental Health and Substance Use and the leader of the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), released the following statement in response to recent FDA guidance on how to prevent the use of buprenorphine from leading to tooth decay. After researching this issue, I have learned that Suboxone weakens the bones around the teeth, thereby loosening the teeth, and they fall out. Very quickly did we learn that it was a lie. Good luck to you though lol, I wouldnt mind jumping in on it if it has merit, but this sounds like a dead end to be honest. I have done everything I possibly can to prevent them from falling but sadly I believe I will need a dental bridge. I unfortunately lost all of my teeth 4 years ago not knowing it was suboxone. _removed_. I have asked doctors repeatedly if this medication causes this and of course the only answer I get is not that I'm aware of. Buprenorphine medicines are an important tool to treat opioid use disorder (OUD). I was quoted about 10k to fix it all. Wish I would of at least been told to take precautions. Again, I wish the makers of Subutex and Suboxone would have it made clear how drastically their medication affect ones teeth since I would have chosen a different treatment. 0, Just in a few years I have been taking this medication I've had multiple teeth pulled my front tooth crack and almost every tooth has decay in it. Like the other comments I to have been on this medication for a couple of years know before my teeth were ok and now I have only four teeth left my doctor brought this to my attention about this medication causing tooth decay and rotting teeth it blew me away to here this I can't afford dentures if I would of knew this I may not have started using it I think there should be compensation for de, Like the other comments I to have been on this medication for a couple of years know before my teeth were ok and now I have only four teeth left my doctor brought this to my attention about this medication causing tooth decay and rotting teeth it blew me away to here this I can't afford dentures if I would of knew this I may not have started using it I think there should be compensation for dental cost and are lively hood I can't eat anything with out hurting, Im reading these comments and its scary how much they sound like my wife and me. After 9 years of being on Suboxone my smile is something I intentionally hide from the world out of fear of being judged or made fun of. I now have had to have all top teeth pulled and now I have a denture in place. I am in need of dentures, now. Of the 305 cases, 151 reported the treatment for the adverse event, with tooth extraction/removal as the most common, which was reported in 71 cases. I was never told that my medication was the culprit of my severe tooth decay. I now am missing 7 or 8 teeth and almost all of the rest of my teeth have crowns on them. The .gov means its official.Federal government websites often end in .gov or .mil. For me and my body tried and true used for close to 50 years methadone worked just fine. If you have questions, please call the refund administrator at 1-877-545-0238. I can't afford insurance I've had bone loss so dentures aren't working for my top. You should wait at least 1 hour before brushing your teeth to avoid damage to your teeth and give your mouth a chance to return to its natural state. 855-543-DRUG (3784) and press 4druginfo@fda.hhs.gov. Including teeth. We require combined karma > 5. I've been prescribed them for 9.5 years now. My mom never wanted to become addicted to a narcotic. I never smile if i do i turn my head away from people and have to get antibiotics for infections. Same I started out with the tablets in 2010 and a year later I had rotten teeth. Two cracked and one in the FRONT, popped out and caught it in my hand. Someone needs to be held accountable in this because my dentist bills itself have cost me so much. I believe suboxone was the reason my oral health declined. Doc changed me back to my old meds as of today, Hello Ive been on suboxne since 2009 I was always complemented on my smile and also had nice teeth then around 2012 my teeth started hurting and cracking I to stayed in the house I was very embarrassed to be seen and was always covering my mouth was never told about tooth decay now at 48 I had to get dentures and Im very hurt upset got bad anxiety and dentures are difficult to wear please help a. Hello Ive been on suboxne since 2009 I was always complemented on my smile and also had nice teeth then around 2012 my teeth started hurting and cracking I to stayed in the house I was very embarrassed to be seen and was always covering my mouth was never told about tooth decay now at 48 I had to get dentures and Im very hurt upset got bad anxiety and dentures are difficult to wear please help all of us who where never warned by any doctors and the manufacturer. There is approximately $500,000 left in the settlement fund. I was on suboxone for several years. Im thinking my teeth are heading in the same direction. By neither her physician nor the pharmacist. In the beginning, when my first few molars began crumbling, I was told its not related. i took Suboxone back in 2012 and I am experiencing major dental problems. I want to know what I need to do to get help with getting implants. I am having the last four teeth removed from my uppers on 4/22/22, as they are beyond repair. Data 2010-2020. She was never informed there have been reports of tooth decay using this medication long term. So much that my dentist said as along as I keep taking care of them I may never need major dental work. The cost of fixing my teeth is in the tens of thousands of dollars. I'm 38 yes old and it has ruined everything about my life! To this day articles from the fda etc say some. Educate patients on strategies to maintain or improve oral health while being treated with transmucosal buprenorphine medicines. This medication that was supposed to help me get off painkillers due to car accidents, has done nothing but ruin my life and take the one thing that was most important to me, my teeth. I never had a single cavity until age 39, and Im only 45. The benefits of buprenorphine medicines clearly outweigh the risks. I'm assuming they will fix our teeth, because right now, the insurance program that I have will fix my teeth, but.. I took good care of my teeth even while I was using. Bottom teeth are wrecked not sure the extent yet. They should be held accountable. I have four lower teeth left but within a few month after I received a deep cleaning, my remaining teeth are now in such bad shape as well that my dentists is not sure if they can be saved or strong enough to hold a partial. I had dentures at the age 32. The medication helped save my life b[Show More]I was prescribed Suboxone several times from 2010 to 2028. I cannot stop it because the withdrawal is excruciating. Plus my dentist said my enamel and gums are disappearing. The first broken tooth happened in 2020 which was over a year after suboxone was prescribed to me. I been off suboxone for a 17months with no teeth left no sex drive and problems with focusing or memory problems! I have to have implants on three and more are messed up. She trusted her provider to have her best interest at heart and was lied to. There's a new suboxone class-action lawsuit filed against Reckitt Benckiser & Indivior. I was never informed of any negative side effects of buprenorphine therapy other than "the usual side effects of opioid management". With all of that being said. People could start by telling the truth. I am a Suboxone patient that is experiencing dental decay I want to know if there is a class on my action lawsuit I can join, Im 27 iv been on them sense 2014 and have had to have all my.teeth removed i now have total top and bottom dentures. Can someone let me know of any nationwide lawsuits I may be able to research? Suboxone is sold in dosages of 30 pills or a supply of two days, depending on the type of sublingual film (the small plastic film is thin, square shaped, and unobtrusive). Symphony Health Metys. I can't say that I regret taking Suboxone because it truly saved my life. I've been in Suboxone since 2012. This is criminal. Dentist said its not due to dental hygiene - my gums are great. I still have more work due. I filled out the paperwork for the lawsuit. I unfortunately lost all of my teeth 4 years ago not knowing it was suboxone. In and out of rehabs nothing really worked for me until Suboxone. Whoever made the Suboxone needs to pay for them. First Name * Last Name Email * Case Description FREE Confidential Case Review Find out if you may be eligible for a hearing loss settlement. Nearly all of my once perfect teeth have cavities that the dentists wo[Show More]I started buprenorphine therapy not because of use disorder but because of chronic pain that needed management while I was out of a job and subsequently no insurance. I'm down to soft food only, and even that is almost impossible anymore. My teeth are literally breaking off, crumbling and rotting! Lawyers review cases nationwide. The constant agony. Idk why the dont make a sweetener free version like with liquid methadone doesnt take a genius to know that tak. They should be held responsible for many people for not warning patients of the dental risk. Ive been on suboxone 4 years and have had to get all my teeth removed, 2 dental surgeries, and am in the process of getting dentures or denture implants. Hopefully somehow these Pharma companys can help us cover the dental costs in the future! In 2015, buprenorphine was approved as a film to be placed inside the cheek to treat pain. Shes. I have never been notified of any lawsuits in the past. I was never told that this could be an adverse effect from this drug. Suboxone gave me part of my life back, but took my smile!! 2 minor cavities but besides that perfect. I know someone with a similar situation. The above article says 300 have suffered tooth loss. At bo point was I EVER warned that this medication would destroy not only my smile but my pride, self worth, mental health, marriage the list goes on and on. I now have to be embarrassed of my teeth everyday for the rest of my life. It was a painfully long process to fix my teeth and now I am embarrassed when I smile and it is difficult to eat many different types of food. Prim Care Companion CNS Disord 2013;15:PCC.13l01533. My husband is a disabled vetera. Likely 4 root canals still coming. One by one, my teeth started falling out. This is not only a travesty for those of us who have legitimate pain but also a conspiracy on the part of the clinics and drug manufacturers to get you onto a drug that's cheaper for them to distribute. I was never told or notified that this could be a potential side effect or issue. Regular exposure to chemicals in hair relaxer may cause uterine cancer, ovarian cancer and other injuries. The medication comes in a tablet and film form. I wish I was rich. She has been Suboxone free for 12+ years. I had many fillings in the beginning but once those were filled no new tooth decay has popped up in almost 4 years., There's a class action lawsuit you could join, FINALLY..https://theclassactionnews.com/drugs-pharmaceuticals/suboxone-problems/. Looking to see if there is a suboxone class action for dental problems. But Ive been having all sorts of teeth problems. I am so depressed about my teeth. I have always taken very good care of my teeth and people even asked me if they were . I just assumed it was because of my past life style and it's just finally catching up to me which maybe that is part of it. FTC Opioid Addiction Treatment Suboxone Class Action Lawsuit Ive spent more time. Ive been on suboxone 4 years and have had to get all my teeth removed, 2 dental surgeries, and am in the process of getting dentures or denture implants. I used opiates for a year before starting suboxone. I am 45 years old and due to the Suboxone strips I've been taking, I recently just had to have all my teeth pulled and get dentures. I was told I have prettty much no enamel on my teeth.. Suboxone weakens the bones around your teeth so they fall out. I have experienced everything the other commenters have described, but because I couldn't afford regular dental care prior to being put on Suboxone, I don't qualify for the class action lawsuit because I can't "prove it". Idk why the dont make a sweetener free version like with liquid methadone doesnt take a genius to know that tak[Show More]I get it for all the oral forms. And if not that, having to live with ourselves knowing that our decision to make our lives better and ditch opioids has now caused us to lose our teeth.