So how did a man once intent on furthering science become a source of misinformation that undermines the very research he funded? Hes very convincing. Think about it Molnupiravir has a 50% risk reduction whereas fluvxoamine is over 90%. Physicians who use the drug for COVID now swear by it. For example, tylenol+caffeine+fluvoxamine can lead to serotonin syndrome. While YouTube has repeatedly taken down the full video of the DarkHorse episode, various clips have been watched over 4 million times, and the full audio remains available on Spotify. They were giving covid patients the antidepressant fluvoxamine as soon as possible after diagnosis, based on anecdotes about the drug limiting the runaway immune response that causes many severe symptoms. When the pandemic started, he created the COVID-19 Early Treatment Fund (CETF) to fund researchers working on repurposed drugs including fluvoxamine which reduces death from COVID by a factor of 12. And, according to three members of CETF's scientific advisory board, he put pressure on them to promote fluvoxamine for clinical use without conclusive data that it worked for . More recently, hes adopted extremist positions on covid vaccines, which he alleges are toxic. He has claimed that one in 1,000 people who have received mRNA vaccines have died as a result, and even claimed the vaccines kill more people than they save at an FDA public forum, which was first reported by the Daily Beast. (Siliciano did not respond to requests for comment for this article.). Some people report mild nausea while on the drug (stops when stop the drug). The NIH did nothing despite the fact the that NIH, FDA, CDC, and academic institutions participated in the panel, this is NOT about the science. I have all of these on hand and I load up on vitamin D3 every day. Last Checked: 03/03/2023. In June, after CETFs advisory board resigned, Kirsch did a Facebook Live video with Zelenko and celebrity rehab coach Dr. Drew. Kirsch said that his attempts to promote fluvoxamine are being curtailed. My publicly shared concerns regarding the safety of the COVID-19 vaccines may have had a negative impact on my company, M10. Summarizes the 5 observational studies, RCT, RWE, and some of the more interesting anecdotal data. There are other non-prescription things you should always have on hand. 'In every single case, treat virus early and treat it hard': Steve Kirsch Everyone is stunned, but nobody is surprised. Compulsive hand washing? After publication of the recommendation in December 2021, the NIH did absolutely nothing change their recommendation. Doctors wait for government permission (EUA or added to the NIH guidelines) before using a drug. The infectious disease scientists lied to me. We asked Steve to tone it down. This looks ominous, but it harmless. That way you can start immediately. At the dosing for COVID (50mg BID x 14 days), there is a 1% chance of mild-nausea and because the dose is so low and the time it is taken is so short, and there are no psychotropic effects (which require more than 3 weeks of use; the psychotropic effects non-existent if you don't have depression or an anxiety disorder in the first place). The drug was FDA-approved more than 65 years ago. Once the Phase 2 result came out, it should have been embraced by doctors. It was recommended back in January 2021 by a key opinion leader (KOL) panel to be used, but it took a year for the KOL meeting notes to be published because they were rejected by 10 journals. This is a more comprehensive look at the key evidence supporting fluvoxamine: Hear from the doctors who did the studies directly as well as the Dean of Medicine at Emory University: List of the best evidence-based COVID treatment options. Those days are gone. Ms Tech | Pexels (hands); Kirsch (, Ivermectin has been falsely promoted as a covid treatmentbut for those who use the drug legitimately, seeing it become a piece of anti-vaccine misinformation is disconcerting, supports Technology Review's reporting on covid, anti-covid-vaccine, pro-ivermectin pundit, Roomba testers feel misled after intimate images ended up on Facebook, How Rust went from a side project to the worlds most-loved programming language. He immediately tweeted an offer to give anyone $1 million if they could win a debate with him about vaccine deaths. Fluvoxamine is way better than Molnupiravir, but the NIH doesnt approve drugs on effectiveness. Fluvoxamine: Finding a possible early treatment for COVID-19 in a 40 The findings, published Wednesday in the New England Journal of Medicine, add to a growing body of scientific evidence pushing back against the use of the antiparasitic drug that has been promoted by some prominent voices on social media. Some people report mild nausea while on the drug (stops when stop the drug). No long haul symptoms if you start the drug ASAP after first symptoms. We pretty much practice government agency opinion medicine all over the world now, with just a few exceptions. May 16, 2022. It could do nothing. No more. Steve Kirsch Home page Yeah, its possible, he told mehe also says that he has regularly seen Kirsch manipulate evidence so that it seems to support claims that are, in reality, baseless. The drug was widely prescribed as a covid treatment for much of 2020, based on anecdotes and flawed studies. including the very promising Fluvoxamine. Nobody in the medical community is speaking out about how hypocritical the medical community is for ignoring the positive Phase 3 trial results and instead following whatever the NIH or FDA says. Fluvoxamine Data Unveiled as Promising Early Treatment in Patients with It should be crystal clear to everyone that the current CDC guidelines for treating COVID aren't working. Note that some of these articles are inaccurate. Unfortunately, as Jeffrey Morris at UPenn points out, public health officials and scientists have done plenty to undermine their own authority, like claiming masks dont work, downplaying the natural immunity conveyed by previous covid infections, and not doing enough public communication about vaccine safety surveillance systems. Always be self aware when using fluvoxamine. But the whole process has gone too slowly for Kirsch. Steve Kirsch Home page traffic volume is 1,957 unique daily visitors and their 3,914 pageviews. It was tested in coronavirus patients because fluvoxamine has very strong anti-inflammatory properties. Proven in clinical use all over the world. So much for evidence-based medicine. committee votes 11-2 that the evidence is not adequate to demonstrate a net health benefit for molnupiravir over symptomatic care alone; Paxlovid and fluvoxamine receive more favorable votes, This site requires JavaScript to run correctly. A very short op-ed arguing for using fluvoxamine against COVID. Silicon Valley entrepreneur Steve Kirsch urges the FDA to quickly So take the lowest likely effect size * 60% success rate and you are looking at an expected 45% reduction in death which is clearly better than a 0% reduction. Links to evidence about fluvoxamine including the public data repository. Kirsch, though, often relies on the heartstrings to smooth over a lack of data. There may be a depression of libido while on drug, but since the drug is taken on acute basis, this is only temporary and it reverses once the drug is stopped. The NIH never did a risk benefit analysis of this drug. I think we did rigorous reviews of proposals for research.. See more below. . There are reports of people who cant tolerate the drug, but they stop using it and nothing bad happened. This give another 50% of benefit. I fully expected both organizations to do absolutely nothing. Vitamin D, NAC, betadine, aspirin, and Nigella sativa are all super cheap, effective, and available without a prescription. The antidepressant fluvoxamine, which is generic, but sometimes sold under the brand name Luvox, is a member of the class of drugs known as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs). TV NEWS : Search Captions. Borrow Broadcasts : TV Archive : Internet 22, 2021, 9:00 a.m. Steve Kirsch , a former tech entrepreneur who earned a fortune worth up to $300 million, has been showcased on TrialSite a few times for his activity supporting the clinical development of repurposed drugs for COVID-19 treatments. The reason is pure corruption. We could have saved a lot of lives. The rest of the board soon followed. You can use fluoxetine as well (aka Prozac). Medicine today isnt about saving your life. Author Affiliations . The most stunning study of fluvoxamine ever done was at the Golden Gate Fields racetrack in November 2020, right after the WashU trial was published in JAMA. You can help by bringing this document to your doctor's attention. While combining the results of several well-designed trials can strengthen an argument or unearth patterns unseen in smaller samples, a meta-analysis is just the sum of its parts; any single well-done experiment is more useful than combining the results of several poorly done ones. Online Status. and here are the slides I used in, Collections of op-eds and presentations about fluvoxamine, Please see my answer on Quora Be warned!. . Keyword: ivermectin There are 4 outpatient studies that have been done (2 at WashU (see Phase 2 trial results published in JAMA), one in Berkeley, CA by David Seftel, one in Brazil published in the Lancet, and one in-patient study done in Croatia. , a non-profit known as the nations drug pricing watchdog, did a review of the evidence and determined that fluvoxamine evidence is superior to Molnupiravir. Steve Kirsch on Twitter To protect M10 from my COVID-19 vaccination opinions, I will no longer post about my vaccination concerns here. The NIH picks the drug that makes the most money for the drug companies regardless of long-term safety Molnupiravir! The next major effect is that that fluvoxamine activates the sigma-1 receptor. I fixed the link to the fluvoxamine article. Steve Kirsch and Dr. Robert Malone, MIT COVID-19 Postgame - Substack