Its could have (or couldve). Learning? We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. And to be honest, her character has regressed significantly over the past few years. In this week's episode of Star Trek: Discovery season four, we saw Tilly leaving her crew and heading to the academy in order to foster young minds. I guess making Tilly first officer isnt anywhere close to ridiculous as making KT Kirk a Captain who was still a cadet and had probably spent 2 weeks in space before he got the jobbut its pretty damn close. And no one in their right mind would play poker with her. Some folks here like this nu trek because it lowered standards to make them feel better about themselves. (Hey, Im likely one of the oldest people here, and its too easy/lazy to remain stuck in the 1960s and 70s! Full Circle is pretty dark in some ways. Many smoke to keep the weight off. Good for Mary! But my initial annoyed response to DISCO in particular, well, Ive let go of that in the past two years, as life is too short to get all worked-up angry over personal quibbles with a tv show. And to get to see that visually, that was a very gratifying moment for me to see, Okay, somebody different showed up., Mary Wiseman as Tilly and Oded Fehr as Admiral Vance in Coming Home. In a Paramount+ featurette (which you can see below) about the making of the episode, Wiseman talks about how Tilly has changed: Coming back for the finale was really exciting for me because she comes back in this fully black Starfleet suit. The laughing, alone, is far more damaging and shameful and disgusting and disrespectful than obesity itself. I agree with you on principle as far at this being fine on a fictional Star Trek show. The audience is growing due to our amazing loyalty, but I give them credit toobecause Discovery, we have all these new shows. Mention one thing or person loved by EVERYBODY. He was a cool character and one of the best things about season 3. Unfortunately PICARD turned out to be set in the same period, so it derailed my plans, although later I did figure out a way to explain the considerable differences in the Prime Universe. I define me. I absolutely love Tilly/Killy. Im reaally hoping season 4 will be smoother, Im holding thumbs here. "Hope springs eternal" was the central thesis for Star Trek: Discovery's Season 4 finale . Its 2020 and were taking any more of your sh!t. Mary Wiseman is sending the message that your body is your own, your responsibility, and nobody elses business, not any sort of health and fitness message. Too nervous and anxious. By being visible on your TV screen? Any accent would be acceptable for a time that hasnt happened yet. I even got a t-shirt that says DISCO on it, which prompts inquiries about my musical tastes of past decades when I was a twenty-something, lol. For me, generally speaking, when Barclay or Trois mom appeared it signaled a terrible episode in advance. MS Wiseman owns the sadistic Bitch Capt Killy like she does Tilly. Theyve written Tilly as just the straight oh theres Tilly for the jokes. Even though she's still in the final season of Starfleet Aacademy studies She was assigned to the USS Discovery to get some practical experience. Key difference in thinking, and it makes all the difference in the big picture! That said, I know people can be cruel and I am even worried bringing up this topic for fear of the idiot fringe piling on, but I hope Mary Wiseman is okay or has a good reason for her weight gain since S1. Sylvia Tilly (mirror) | Memory Alpha | Fandom Ridiculous or not, it has been well established in Trek canon that starships have counselors/therapists, and they are often used by the crew. American actress Mary Wiseman payed several smaller roles in the past but recently gained a big recognition as Cadet Sylvia Tilly in new iteration of Star Trek franchise called Star trek: Discovery. And with Troi being a betazoid, thats why she was on the bridge. Anyway it was just a thought. Just blows my mind. Would a woman watching this aspire to be a Tilly or aspire to be a Dax, Kira or Janeway? Shes a badly conceived written and conceived character theyve desperately tried to bolster. In the latest Star Trek: Discovery episode, Sylvia Tilly ( Mary Wiseman) was tasked with . Is Tilly leaving Discovery? - Tilly is a wonderful incarnation of our inner geekdom, a person you would find at conventions or in fanfiction I love this character so much because she isnt perfect. Trolls that bodyshame others are a lower life form. And yeah, some of us are coach potatoes, most of us certainly not gold cut supermodels. Maybe Saru wont be on the ship as much but Im guessing they are going the same direction. But the show almost seems to go out of its way every season for some of the dumbest story points you can think of. Do I want to be Barclay or Harry Kim? To me, at least. It really doesnt fit in the century they are in. That being said, knowing what weight restrictions there are for men and women serving avoid combat ships in todays Navy, my bet would be she would need to lose some weight to preserve her shipboard assignment in todays real-world Navy. All you ever do on this board is show up and attack womxn for being womxn, LBGTQ+ for being LBGTQ+, people of color for being people of color. However, I do struggle with popular media normalizing unhealthy weights whether over or underweight because they are health risks. There are a number of places you can receive professional help and I strongly recommend you seek that help. You misunderstood. Make better choices. All Access Star Trek Podcast, Discovery, DS9, Lower Decks, Section 31, Star Trek 4, Star Trek: Picard, Star Trek: Prodigy, Strange New Worlds. Then there are many women like Sonequa, who feel theyre too skinny. In every real-life Trekkie community Im a part of, as well as most online, shes loved. However, if we got to see Tilly gradually improve herself. Lets stick with the science and not target individuals. That will be the one I read first! I KNOW, people say they are great, I was too focused on Star Trek when those were airing, but I might try and give the original show a shot one day. Sincerely, obesity is defined in terms of the proportion of body fat associated higher risk of illness. Other ships having counselors in the TNG era was mentioned. Mary Wiseman: That that could be a very powerful person in the Mirror Universe. All are Trek! Right! Tilly's Discovery Season 4 Exit & Season 5 Future Explained Then that very well could be something for not just women but everyone to aspire towards. Why does the therapist appear to outrank the CMO? That finale appearance was basically a cameo. Star Trek: Discovery currently streams exclusively on Paramount+ in the U.S. GD, what shoes is David wearing in those pics? What accent? Theres a difference between celebrating obesity and accepting individual human beings, treating them as human beings, and not targeting them specifically for emotional harassment. Just like every other character in a show that generally is badly written. That sort of thing contributes to some pretty hardcore dysmorphia sure, they are famous and have luxuries and money so many of us dont, but hearing stories like how Carrie Fisher was told she should lose weight to be able to reprise Leia, or how Kumail Nanjani is scarily fixated on his physical appearance now is sad. While not getting specific about if or where we will see Tilly again, Wiseman also hinted the finale was not the end of her story: Tilly is not somebody who lets people leave her life. The ships shrink should not be a Command level position and in fact would make sense to be on the CMOs staff. In general, the Litverse kicks off with the TNG A Time to series that fills in events between the movies Insurrection and Nemesis. No one can be expected to sugarcoat reality for you, and your attitude to people who dont is very indicative that you need someone to help you with that. Mary Wiseman: I wish there maybe in the future theres room for some protective best friend/boyfriend energy. When Mary Wiseman's Lt. Sylvia Tilly left the USS Discovery for a job at the new Starfleet Academy in the fourth episode of season four, it was promised she would be back. But respect is always earned and never enforceable. And if youre able to use that against someone, that could be very, very dangerous. And I belong., After reading the Forbes article, Wiseman got some backup from someone who knows what its like to be a woman in the captains chair: Kate Mulgrew, who thinks Mary is killing it on Discovery and should pay the haters no mind., I saw the @Forbes article on Mary Wiseman @may_wise clearly killing it onscreen & off in #StarTrekDiscovery. As for the debate about sending the message being overweight is good: the heart of the issue is that everybodys body is their own, not health and physical fitness. out of shape for the job shes in and the role she wanted to perform. It always cracks me up when people say that they hate Tilly. This modern trend of celebrating obesity is what is wrong with American society, and is another reason why the rest of the world laughs at America. But to play the Devils Advocate here for a moment Tilly as she was originally presented and continued to be for quite some time is not something most women would aspire to be I should think. In season one and early season two, I was finding it credible as a case of someone who had unresolved PTSD and was unmoored from the culture that had encouraged her to supress her trauma. I want to really like Discovery, I do. Also the writers, Erika Lipoldt and Bo Yeon Kim. At the other end, underweight is also unhealthy and associated with other risks, but gets less negative attention in entertainment. You are correct, it comes down to the same thing, poor plot development. She wrote ten books based around this concept and still writing them. I truly do love this show, but Burnham and Tilly are so damn annoying. Id add Kirk to that at several times over the years. Its all relative, but I dont see a lot of actors being body-shamed. She would have flushed out of SFA in her first year. ;). I would ask our family doctor, Is there anything you can give me thatll make me gain weight?'. So sayeth Scotty, the contrarian. Originally I imagined him as Denzel Washington or Blair Underwood, but after belatedly watching The Wire and Luther I think Idris Elba would be a really good match. I know Gene Rodenberry never wanted Starfleet to be portrayed as a military outfit, but this has gone so far in the opposite direction that its being run like a pre-school participation awards ceremony. But was it not made pretty clear that Counselors had become a regular thing on command crews in the TNG era? Up ahead, we explain what happened to Tilly in the recent episode and also discuss actor Mary Wiseman's status on the show. Absolutely. My condolences to you, for your mum. Im sorry if the idea of someone not like Discovery upsets you, but its unreasonable to expect people to change their minds for that reason. What do you mean? It is not OK to be overweight. I see other people mentioning the books on Reddit and Youtube because of the new show obviously. What is wrong, pretty bad to read, is fans mocking the actors, it is actually very sexist, not cool. Maybe its just me, but I dont really care about women or mens weight on TV shows, I dont care for negative comments on them by haters, but neither do I care for the actors/actresses making such a whiney big deal about it. The fourth episode of the new season of Star Trek: Discovery ("All is Possible") arrived this morning and it has fans buzzing about Lt. Sylvia Tilly. The character. Jealous and insecure,they can only feel better by putting others down. But Im just happy we are talking about Voyager again, especially since this show is basically a spin off of it! I keep reading that no character like hers should not be in starfleet, yet she is. | December 23, 2020 | Barclay was funny and silly but relatable due to his social anxiety. the only one worth saving.. quite possibly the most irritating character in Trek history. I hope that Wiseman uses that info into the future because it does work for fat burning and muscle building.. Mary Wiseman has established herself as a talented actor on Star Trek: Discovery.