Legal Reference: MS Code 41-23-37, 37-7-301, Attendance, Tardiness and Excuses (JBD) A Certificate of Immunization Compliance (Form 121) or a Certificate of Medical Exemption shall be on file on each student enrolled. This section outlines Rankin County School Districts process for identifying and placing English Learner (EL) students in an appropriate Language Instruction Educational Program that assures them of an equitable, quality education. The Rankin County School District will take the following actions to involve parents in the joint development of its district-wide parental engagement plan under section 1112 of ESEA: Establishing a district-wide Parental Engagement Steering Committee. A switchblade knife means a knife containing a blade or blades which open automatically by the release of a spring or similar contrivance. Must pass language arts, science, math and social studies with a grade of 60 or above. Except in cases of excessive force or cruel and unusual punishment, a teacher or other member of the instructional staff, a principal or his designated representative, or a bus driver shall not be civilly liable for any action carried out in conformity with state law and Board rules regarding the control, discipline, suspension, and expulsion of students. Although the Board of Education, administration, faculty, and staff desire that no student use or possess illegal or performance-enhancing drugs, we realize that our power to restrict the possession or use of such drugs is limited. Los pantalones deben ser ajustados adecuadamente. Expulsion is the denial of school attendance for any period in excess of ten (10) school days sequenced consecutively. Any student violating this policy (by use of such device in an instructional or educational setting, gymnasium or classroom setting or interior building setting where students may be instructed or supervised) shall be subject to having such equipment or communication device or cellular telephone temporarily confiscated by any school official (the principal or his/her designee or authority) and/or temporary or permanent suspension from the possession of such device for the remainder of the school year. Participation in school-sponsored extra-curricular activities in the District is a privilege. 37-7-335, Legal Reference: MS Code 37-7-335; 37-7-301(ff), Emergency Closings (EBBD) Rankin County School District will identify a Homeless Education Liaison toassist students. This complaint procedure provides a process for filing, processing and resolving complaints of such conduct. 9. Comments and/or report cards from previous school(s); Carnegie Units Requested by student/parent/guardian. Students should wear a plain white collared shirt with sleeves. To educate students about the serious physical, mental and emotional harm caused by illegal drug, alcohol, or steroid use. LEGAL REFERENCE: MS Code 37-7-301; Financial Accounting Manual for Mississippi School Districts, July 1, 1992. Final grades may be weighted for Grades 9-12 if a student is enrolled in the following courses: Advanced Placement courses = 1.10 x grade, Dual Enrollment/Dual Credit Courses = 1.10 x college grade (College grade must be a C or higher to qualify for the weight. Refusal or failure to fully cooperate and take a drug and alcohol test under the conditions of reasonable suspicion shall be considered a positive drug and/or alcohol test result. 2. If you believe any online information or functionality is currently inaccessible, contact Melissa Shawn, communications and web specialist at 817-215-0135 or Other fees designated by the superintendent as fees related to a valid curriculum educational objective, including transportation; and. The child was legally enrolled in school for a minimum of four weeks in the previous state. In no case shall the inability to pay the assessment of fees authorized under the provisions of this Fee Policy result in a pupil being denied or deprived of any academic awards or standards, any class selection, grade, diploma, transcript or the right to participate in any activity related to educational advancement. 6. NISD affirms its commitment to ensuring people with disabilities have an equal opportunity to access online information and functionality. Users should refrain from using district email for personal business. Suspension is the denial of the privilege of attending school in the regular pattern and is imposed after due process by the principal or his designee and will be counted as an unexcused absence. Excellence in character and scholarship in all we do! All monetary donations should be recorded by the school bookkeeper in the School Activity Fund. 5. If it is determined from the childs cumulative and full disciplinary record or application for admission that the child has been expelled, enrollment may be denied until the superintendent or his designee has reviewed the childs cumulative record and determined that the child has participated in successful rehabilitative efforts. Each user acknowledges that the information available from other websites may not be accurate. Other residency documentation may be approved or required by RCSD administration. Convocation Day - Staff Only. 3. Knox County Schools is committed to excellence in foundational skills, great educators in every school, career empowerment and preparation, and success for every student. Devices with no battery life must be charged in the classroom. The term includes: sharing the housing of other persons due to loss of housing, economichardship, or a similar reason (sometimes referred to as doubled-up); living in motels, hotels, trailer parks, or camping grounds due to lack ofalternative adequate accommodations; living in emergency or transitional shelters; Children and youth who have a primary nighttime residence that is a public or private place not designed for, or ordinarily used as, a regular sleeping accommodation for human beings; Children and youth who are living in cars, parks, public spaces, abandoned buildings, substandard housing, bus or train stations, or similar settings; and. Click here for some information about student life at NWMS and welcome to our school. Except as provided for above or by law, the students right to be present on the campus and attend classes will not be suspended, except for reasons relating to the health, safety and well-being of the student, other members of the school community or school property, or unless said students presence poses a potential threat of disruption or potential danger of or disruption to the educational process or learning environment, as determined in the sole discretion of the County Superintendent of Education or designee. The principal shall have the right to deny visitation rights to any individual if in the judgment of the principal the visit might negatively affect the classroom procedures and/or might endanger public health. The program is under the leadership of the district superintendent and the supervision of a principal. No oversized coats are permitted . The signature of the parent, guardian, custodian, or doctor, 6. The use of hand signals, graffiti, or the presence of apparel, jewelry, accessory or manner of grooming which, by virtue of color, arrangement, trademark, symbol, or any other attribute which implies membership or affiliation with such a group, presents a clear and present danger and is to be discouraged by school officials. No student shall be assigned to a grade level more than three (3) grades above or below the grade level that the student would have been assigned by the school from which transfer is made. The student having the highest and second highest grade point average during his/her school period shall be recognized as Valedictorian and Salutatorian, respectively. Exceptions can be made by the principal when extreme circumstances arise. Los estudiantes no pueden usar camisetas con tiras de espagueti. If the student desires to appeal the decision of the DDC, the student shall inform the superintendent of education of such desire to appeal, in writing, by registered mail, within seven (7) days following the decision of the DDC or thereafter be barred from further appeal. Principal:Dr. Josh Jones In supporting the social and emotional well-being of all our students, we commit to respect the human rights and civil liberties of all people, and condemn all hateful speech and violent action directed at any student or individual, including immigrants and people of color. First damage occurrence: $50.00 deductible to cover damage. Rankin County School District has established the following guidelines for credit recovery: 1. The program will be offered to eligible students in each attendance zone with participation elective on the part of the student and parent. Phone:601.939.2288 Arranging meetings at flexible times to maximize the opportunities for parents to participate. ), with the utilization of pre-numbered tickets required if it is anticipated that the event will generate gross receipts in excess of $100. The student will be informed of the charges orally or in writing by the principal or his designee. 6. Por favor tome nota de los das de gimnasio y asegrese de llevar puesto zapatos apropiados para esos das. Home - Northwest Independent School District - No carbonated soft drink cans/bottles are allowed in the cafeterias. Need for special educational services. The Rankin County School District provides multiple career pathway options for high school students including career academies, academic and career technical education programs of study at the high school, and career technical programs of study at the Pearl-Rankin Career Technical Center. If you have witnessed bullying of another student or feel that you are being bullied, please fill in the information at this link: NWMS Student Bullying Reporting Form. 11. Automobile Use (JGFF) (b) A student may be searched by school authorities when school authorities have reasonable suspicion, as previously defined, that the search is likely to produce evidence or items or objects or substances that the student has in his or her possession or control that is prohibited by school board policy or rules or by law, as set forth above in this policy. Ringworm is characterized by a round pink/red rash with a raised, rough, scaly border. The school district will be governed by the following statutory definition of parental involvement, and expects that its Title I schools will carry out programs, activities and procedures in accordance with this definition: 8. 115 StoneBridge Boulevard 123 Beverly Drive The student will not be allowed to return to school until he/she has been to the Rankin County Health Department and has no nits. Parents are expected to accompany the student back to school for re-admittance after each act of truancy. The Northwest Food Pantry will be open every Thursday during the closure from 11am to 1pm at Northwest Middle School. The principal shall be responsible for establishing a schedule for the administering of tests within that school. Only those students who have completed all graduation requirements as specified by the Board of Education and MS Board of Education may participate in graduation exercises. Each principal will be responsible for developing a system of notification and action for the staff members under his supervision. Users should not attempt to remove the virus themselves or download any programs to help remove the virus. Parent and Family Engagement Policy-English, Parent and Family Engagement Policy-Spanish. Everyones underwear, top and bottom, should be hidden under clothing. Click here to view immigration frequently asked questions, The Salt Lake City School District values and celebrates the incredible diversity of our students, families, and staff, including our robust refugee and immigrant constituency. Users should not sign up for subscriptions of memberships for sites not directly related to RCSD business using RCSD email accounts. Phone:601.829.2825 Recognizing the challenges faced by military recruiters, Congress recently passed legislation that requires high schools to provide to military recruiters, upon request, access to secondary school students and directory information on those students. Students that are enrolled at the Alternative School before the four and one half weeks of a grading period may be eligible for early return if there is a mutual agreement between the Learning Center and home school administration. | The prior academic and disciplinary record of the child; 4. Fax:601.893.0110, FLORENCE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Kindergarten2nd The Rankin County School District will provide the following necessary coordination, technical assistance, and other support to assist Title I, Part A schools in planning and implementing effective parental engagement activities to improve student academic achievement and school performance: Providing timely support, information, and services to staff in participating Title I programs. The District Placement Committee will review the materials submitted by the School Counselor and make a placement recommendation to the School Principal in a timely manner. The carrying out of other activities, such as those described in section 1116 of the ESEA. The laboratory will inform the principal of the school and the Superintendent or his designee of positive test results.