Juan O Savin: Trump "Make Me President" Baiting the Deep State Juan comes on at around the 19 minute mark. On The Fringe: Biden works to Cause War while Trump tries to Stop War. Check this link out or go to Current Politics \ Social Media posts on the Drop Down Menu. http://www.lensatov.com/, * On the Importance of the Universal Laws. So who is this man of mystery that is aware of all the military plans and maneuvers? US Pentagon is developing a new weapon of mass destruction: Thousands of drones. For the Latest Palbulletin posts please also visit: Want to also know what General Flynn, Sidney Powell, Lin Wood, Patrick Byrne and others are posting on social media? Are the White Hats really waiting until every single person sees the need to purge evil from all of our institutions? The [DS] has . Aug 22 2022, * FROM THE DESK of SAINT ANDREW * MEMBER of the 72 ELDERS of JUSTICE For the HIGH COUNCIL OF HEAVEN, * FROM THE FIRST ORDER * MEMBERS of the 72 ELDERS of JUSTICE For the HIGH COUNCIL OF HEAVEN, X22 Report Ep. UPDATED AGAIN AUG 14th. According to the Law of War Manual which Juan says is our version of the Geneva Convention our military had 1 year from the date of occupation which is Jan 21, 2021 to Jan 1, 2022 to wait before they act to expel the invaders by force. Juan O Savin Revealed - UGETube ***********************************. This content is made available by use of the public RSS feed offered by the host site and is used for educational purposes only. And NOT inside every CHURCH or souls gather. Anyone can run for President if they are a citizen of the United States and they also follow the requirements of the Constitution. JUAN O SAVIN - Telegram These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. I am not currently working due to health reasons. 10 places you can't miss https://lnkd.in/drXHqpZz STAND-UP for YOURSELVES & for those WHO CANT! The STRONGEST and https://rumble.com/v2ap8vi-juan-o.-savin-with-intel-on-russia-nuclear-war-ohio-and-the-coming-move-of-.html. - FRINGE CULTURE Savin is also the author of a book titledKid By The Side Of The Road. So, those who want to say Ive now officially gone bonkersjust be amused by what I present. Host Dr. Meri Crouley has a fantastic conversation with Juan O Savin in this latest interview. Jim Willie & SGT Report: The World vs the Khazarian Mafia. It is a NATURAL PROCESS. WE ARE ANGELIC BEINGS GODS and GODDESSES ALL of YOU HAVE IMMENSE POWER yours to DISCOVER! Now he is demanding that we send our kids to Ukraine to fight against Russia. Some of the big topics discussed are Pete Buttigieg's handling of the Ohio disaster, Biden crime family and January 6th footage. ! Dynamic times and rampant internet censorship brought me to create a new outlet for the unending flow of information. - Must Video. Americans are being deceived on a grand scale. His informed commentary reveals some connection to the Q Team. Weill stresses the importance of a secretary of state role and how it is pretty consequential in how elections are run. Helping these figures win such a position is like letting the fox into the henhouse, she says. Seeking information is Light Work. He claims the government was involved. His compassion about the World with his knowledge he shares should open all of our hearts and minds that in fact together We can and will move mountains! Juan O Savin: Trump was invited to Run. I think, even if hes not JFK Jr., I found my tribe member!!! Exactly My THOUGHTS as well!In my Gut ..I feel it is in deed JFK Jr.Alot are saying no..that Vincent Fusca is but I dont Feel that at all. What a team Q makes. I have no doubts. When I first watched the Juan O Savin (John O (for Jackie) Savin for the Town in MA where JFKs Library and Muesem are, I got Goose Bumps and Chills!! Yes . GUIDE YOUR THOUGHTS as they ARE POWERFUL. Especially of interest to those new to these subjects. If so who will we see? This website is ran by just me. His soft approach and mental calmness in the midst of the storm are also striking a cord with me as I ponder the mans mystic. What is that pattern? Juan O' Savin - Telegram There is NO SUCH THING as DEATH, YOU JUST MOVE-ON, to ANOTHER LEVEL as YOU ARE ALL ETERNAL BEINGS. Raquel DESTROYS Trudeau | Leaked Chinese Scandal &, 3-2-23: 3.2.23 Patriot Streetfighter Scott McKay ROUNDTABLE w/ Mike Jaco & Nino Rodriguez: Sleeper Cells Activated (1hr 17min), X22 Report Episode 3011: They will Need to Expose their Plan, Sacrificed Public Trust Just to Get Rid of Trump March 02 2023, Company Gives FREE MEDICAL CARE To East Palestine VICTIMS: Feds ABANDON Ohio After TOXIC TRAIN, Dr. Michael Salla and Jean Charles Moyen: Encountering Space Arks and their Guardians on Mt Fuji and Mauna Kea Volcanoes, Kat Anonup Update(s): Bin Salman, No Escape, No Deals, X-Files Med Bed Video, White Hats Mar 03 2023, Scientists reveal hidden corridor in Great Pyramid of Giza March 02 2023. 1. We must ask God to assist us, to intercede on our behalf." @1:09:00 Juan O Savin says: Claudia M. Fortan Savin - Sales Operations & Pricing Support - EMEA I have to say that this argument is growing thinner by the minute, though. The world has of course become a very crazy place and it is hard to keep up with all of the madness. All beings are birthed directly from the Heart of One. JUAN O SAVIN: THE UNVEILING OF JFK JR. AT PATRIOT DOUBLEDOWN EVENT IN VEGAS By Kerry Cassidy October 25, 2021 1 Min Read UPDATE: 10.26.2021. She continues to star in British shows, Where are ABBA now? X22 Report: Ep. Lets keep up the fight! This is God's Calling to us and the FINAL BATTLE FOR PLANET EARTH. Thank god that we still have patriots such as Kash Patel and also Ted Nugent who continue to fight for this great nation. Myself, not knowing anything about him, just listened thinking he was an inside source for he said he had attended some meetings and had information and was giving information on the parts of his meeting that he could tell. Juan O' Savin: BREAKING "The Trumpet & The Lion" (Video) 0. Get ready for your powers. For months, all we've seen of Juan O Savin are his boots. Subscribe 601. HERE'S YOUR PROOF. One of the Juans has BLUE EYES.THE ONE BELOW. I am not currently working due to health reasons. Create a free website or blog at WordPress.com. The Swedish band is working on its much-awaited avatar tour, Is Sophia Loren still alive? SAINT ANDREW QUOTES: for YOU. YOU ARE LOVE On The Fringe: Deep State Desperation and Brokenness on full display, Zelensky on War with Russia: the US will have to send their sons and daughters. When I compare the voices, I find the voices are similar in cadence, in texture, the way they both say s, clearly O Savin voice is using a type of voice filter also he is decades older now, and fully dropped the New York accent in intervening years but the richness of O Savin to me sounds like a fully ripened JFK Jr. And the hand movements. I will guide you. Juan O Savin & Dr. Meri Crouley: INTEL ON RUSSIA, NUCLEAR WAR, OHIO AND Her life in Switzerland, How did Boom Pacino die? Juan O Savin's famous leg stretch and hand on the left. MANIFEST an ETERNAL COMPASSIONATE LOVE Compare it to JFK Jr. who can be heard in the video below. This video displays that this is not a small group of people in this gang. Also check out our huge database of posts on various topics including President Trump, old Interviews, Scandals and Conspiracy theories: The government can not keep truth warriors silent. ! This was just a secondary election because they didnt meet the threshold of 50 percent. Mel K has a fantastic conversation with Sean from SGT Report about the intense battle against the evil globalists and deep state. Liz Crokin on Eye of the Storm: Child Trafficking, Epstein and More! Trump has made the statement in the past that he was invited to run. PEOPLE are at all DIFFERENT LEVELS THANK-YOU to ALL those LOVELY LIGHT BEINGS that CAME HERE to GUIDE US, HELP US and PROTECT US. Building, anchoring, and restoring hope, trust and Love within the human community. As you know big tech are censoring MAGA websites tremendously. ALERT: Can you NOW see it? Certainly not your average, rogue YouTube conspirator. There was a guy at the early Trump Rallys that might have been Jr, but there was a double that looked like that man, but not the same person, a decoy for sure. By continuing to use the site, you agree to the use of cookies. THEIR Wealth Goes To The CHURCH! Juan O. Savin on the Current State of Play between Alliance and Deep State Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. Juan O' Savin. 3, 2023, Ismael Perez ~ A Clarion Call to All Lightworkers, https://goldenageofgaia.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/Dr.-David-Martin-MURDER-CHARGES-Against-Fauci-Peter-Daszak-Ralph-Baric-and-many-others.mp4, https://goldenageofgaia.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/LEAKED-22Project-Pandora22-Multiple-Presidents-KILLED-to-Keep-this-HIDDEN.mp4, https://goldenageofgaia.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/Cities-across-Canada-join-the-movement-1.mp4, https://goldenageofgaia.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/telegram-cloud-document-1-4915997293301204030-1-1.mp4. Wayne is a major player in the Conspiracy movement having established for himself excellent credibility as a QAnon.. What I found most fascinating is the interpretation Juan tells in his video above is the same information I have researched for years and put in my book briefly in Burning Whispers, and more in Sly Foxes, Wolves, and Men Is Marxism Growing In America. Jeffrey Prather: Arizona Politicians Pimped by Pushers? Feels like a dramatic birthing. Woody Harrelson Stuns Crowd on Saturday Night Live Appearance as he talks about a Big Pharma Drug Cartel, X22 Report: Ep. = NO NUCLEAR WORLD WAR III (Video 21 minutes) DEATH JAB Recipients Are WALKING DEAD: Vax ATTACKS Heart/Immune System Leaving Body COMPROMISED! What does he mean that he was invited to run? CPAC kicks off, Hobbs exposed, Rogan drops more Red Pills, PRAY! If you're gonna fight, fight like you're the third monkey on the ramp to Noah's Ark. EGO WARS for NEWLY ASCENDING SOULS. Juan O Savin: the gut-punch will be President Trump's arrest SourceLight Seeing you home There is no doubt in my mind that he is JFK Jr in disguise. Lots of facial features are so dang close, it really seems like it could be him, if not its a hell of a convincing hoax, even looking at it critically I feel myself wanting to believe. 5.46K Views. The post SG Anon + Derek Johnson, Juan O Savin Update Today 2.26.23! It is very recent and contains unequivocal statements by Juan O Savin about what's about to happen. He does not act without our permission. Yet again he takes a look at numerous reports that conservatives urgently need to know more about. We know Juan uses elaborate speech with intricate implications of thought provoking idiosyncrasies. . The interim waiting period / holding pattern / perceptual stasis can be excruciating, even though we know in our bones that what we long for and are working towards is just a hairs breadth away. Everyone saw what happened when 20 brave Republicans demanded change in a corrupt town. What happens next? Clay Clark has a fascinating conversation with Bo Polny on what he believes may be occurring soon. This website uses cookies to improve your experience. Bo Polny on Unrestricted Truths: Revelation of Babylon. 1,758 Views 3. USE it with INTENTION 107 Daily Fans (325) Daily News (89) Neighborhood Talks (4) News (108) Series (13) Uncategorized (58) Information. ANYONE STANDING in GOD and HEAVENS WAY, who wishes to KILL, ROB HUMANITY and CONTROL OTHERS, WILL be REMOVED. Insider "Juan O Savin" says only military can save America now Video Juan O' Savin & SGAnon Decode TRUMP ARREST - MARTIAL LAW! Bo Polny on Unrestricted Truths: Revelation of Babylon. THE EGO BATTLE can be WON, when YOU REALIZE WE ARE ALL ONE LOVE FORCE connected to the GOD SOURCE! THINK of ONE BIG HAPPY EARTH FAMILY that was DIVIDED by the evil DARK WAYS. Were looking at several secretary of state candidates who just love Juan O. Savin and have signed onto his beliefs, which include just absolutely totally nutty stuff about D.C. being a satanic sacrifice pit and they see him as sort of a mentor figure.. We have additionally seen how the propagandist fake news have been using the narrative that there was no red wave and that also President . Share Embed Published on 24 Oct 2021 / In Non-profits and Activism. Our recommendations on other constructive news sites. YOU ARE SPIRITUAL BEINGS in HUMAN FORM. Back to Juan O Savins voice. Len Satov Derek Johnson, Captain Kyle, Tironianae & Kelly: Law & Order, Trump, Military Movements and Latest Updates. The accidents details, Kevin Berthias story His road to healing. Help Support Palbulletin by Subscribing to Locals Today! The actor shocked everyone as he told his opinion and the truth about what happened during the covid-19 pandemic. "The key to Love is sharing, [balancing] give and receive." The abnormal Hb A2 was found in two members of a family from Zagreb, Yugoslavia. I will help you. So I started there. According to reviews on Goodreads, it is a book that contains speeches by Wayne Willott. MAKE EVERY THOUGHT a LOVING THOUGHT! In this weeks episode of political podcast Fever Dreams, hosts Will Sommer and Kelly Weill take a deeper look at that shadowy character, Juan O. Savin, and how he, along with his supporters, could destroy American democracy. The burning question of the moment seems to be ~ What, exactly, needs to happen before the people who clearly and beyond any shadow of doubt have been perpetrating heinous and treasonous crimes against Humanitywhat has to happen before these ones are held accountable, and in spectacular public fashion? Compare to Juan O Savins wit and delivery. They opine that JFK Jr. went into hiding and is poised to come back to lead America as Donald Trumps Vice President. He apparently is like a foreign policy expert. . His name does as well: Juan O Savin = 107 = 17 = Q. Author Will Sommer talked to theIndependentabout the dangers of such a bizarre belief: QAnon itself is obviously pretty dangerous. I ran across him a while back as a guest on someones YouTube program. INTEND: GREAT THING for HUMANITY and YOURSELVES JOY & PEACE, SPIRITUAL GROWTH, PROSPERITY for ALL beings, ETERNAL UNCONDITIONAL LOVE, and LIGHT! Its time to buckle up and remember why were herekeep the Faith. Who knows. They Are BOTH Frauds & BOTH Associates of Pedophile Con-Artist Timothy Charles Holmseth. USE the VIOLET FLAME 2000 Mules, a documentary film created by Dinesh DSouza, exposes the widespread, coordinated voter fraud in the 2020 election, sufficient to change the overall outcome. Remember there are ways to change the voice via voice boxes on devices. Filed Under: Commentary, Suzi Maresca Tagged With: Janine Morigeau, Juan O. Savin. Second, it is violently opposed. Check your inbox or spam folder to confirm your subscription. ), Responsibility begins with the willingness to take the stand that one is cause in the matter of ones life. Coincidence that Stacey Abrams is in Nigeria as there are Allegations of a Stolen Election? Thanks again for the continued support. We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. Yet again he takes a look at many reports that conservatives urgently need to know more about. 3007b Trump: At The End Of My Next Four Years The Swamp Will Be Drained, Country Returned, On The Fringe: Deep State can not Move Fast enough anymore. I recently did an article on the Apotheosis of Democracy and the gods and goddesses in the capitol. Our recommendations on other lightworker sites. TikTok Bad Wednesday, August 5, 2020, Kat Anonup Update: Winning Bigly, Dark Angel Over Dallas, Nancy Pelosi June 10 2022, Stargate Newsletter: Reassuring Video on Placebo Jabs, DIVINE and UNIVERSAL LAWS to protect DIVINE ROYALTY on EARTH etc. This website uses cookies to improve your experience. Woody Harrelson Stuns Crowd on Saturday Night Live Appearance as he talks about a Big Pharma Drug Cartel, X22 Report: Ep. KERRY ON DARK OUTPOST: TRAIN SABOTAGE, WHITE HATS HEROIC MOVE, WAR INSIDE U.S. A must watch Juan goes into all the history of the cabal bloodlines and the war we are in. SOLAR SYSTEM QUARANTINE STILL ON! THANK-YOU to ALL involved with this. You have had many lifetimes. I DECLARE, ETERNAL LOVE, PEACE,UNITY, HARMONY, GRATITUDE, JOY, CREATIVITY, APPRECIATION, AND PROSPERITY for ALL! Everyone saw what happened when 20 brave Republicans demanded change in a corrupt town. Operation Tomahawk from Patriot Streetfighter on Vimeo. I just had it confirmed by an impeccable source that there are 2 Juansjust as I thought. Jim Caviezel's QAnon Guru Juan Savin Wants to Control Elections These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Author: BestNews Here. YOU have the ability to CREATE CREATE CHANGES! The [DS] has been waging an insurgency at we the people. What this could do is essentially connect QAnon to a constitutional crisis, and thats what could play out here if thats what happens., Kaplan says Savin appeals to many of his supporters because he seems to act like he has knowledge about everything. In an earlier video, Juan O. Savin said that the Supreme Court could sit on the Brunson case as their insurance against Congress stacking SCOTUS or in other ways obstructing it. Definitely not JFK Jr. We finally saw Juans face when he spoke at Patriot Double Down. Host Dr. Meri Crouley has a fantastic conversation with Juan O Savin in this latest interview. Genealogy profile for Risto Savin Friderik irca, pl. Nino has a new scheme he's trying to sell ya. Juan O. Savin is the latest person rumored to be JFK Jr. Internet conspiracy theories have compared the pairs voices and physical features, concluding that Juan is the real deal, just like they claimed that a financial services manager from Pittsburgh named Vincent Fusca was the real deal.