Mr. Peanutbutter challenges Woodchuck to a ski-race, where the winner will be named governor. Mr. Peanutbutter and Katrina divorced shortly afterward, with Katrina eventually getting a high-ranking job in the California government. Katrina winds up doing this, forcing Woodchuck to accept the challenge. Joey concludes that there is no way to get in touch and Mr. Peanutbutter says that its too bad, as he would have loved to get together. Diane even outright says this to him, advising him to actually go to auditions, and get a new agent. The doctor comes in and tells her blood work is good, but not to do any more drugs in the time being because she's pregnant. Diane, while pretending to be the thermostat, tells Mr. Peanutbutter not to talk so much. A drunk BoJack tells everyone to make this party an annual thing, and he wants to see everyone back here next year. Mr. Peanutbutter tells Pickles that that's just Diane and that she's no fun. They both agree to get an abortion. He then puts it back in his pocket unopened. 4 years ago Will Diane and Mr. Peanut Butter divorce? Joey then apologizes for being awful to Pickles earlier and says since Mr. Peanutbutter has been such a good friend it would be weird having sex with his fiance but once they were in it it felt like "two naked hearts raw and exposed but safe in the home they found in each other." Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! Mr. Peanutbutter thinks it's a wonderful idea and tells Oxnard to put all his money into spaghetti strainers, to Oxnard's dismay. This is because her determined, overly dedicated, and somewhat aggressive nature was born as a result of growing up with four lazy, irresponsible brothers who enjoyed tormenting her, an uncaring father who didn't support anything she did, and a spiteful and verbally abusive mother who resents and nags her for leaving her terrible home life to In the first episode, which takes place in 2014, Diane is hired to ghostwrite BoJack's autobiography. However, to her displeasure, as she hates big gestures, he threw her a surprise birthday party. Mr. Peanutbutter is on BoJack's couch talking to two actors from Glee, asking why they also sing when they're not in the glee club. They run past BoJack, who is at the Cinnabunny. Because Princess Carolyn doesn't give them any candy, thirteen-year-old Todd, Emily and a friend of theirs teepee BoJack's house. Princess Carolyn approaches Mr. Peanutbutter and she is confused when she spots Joey Pogo driving through the set. Jessica yells at Mr. Peanutbutter for not keeping the mummy away, while also revealing she auditioned to play the actual mummy as she storms off. He's saying to her "What do you mean, a duel? Mr. Peanutbutter asks her what it's like to be Diane. He takes out the engagement ring she threw at him earlier and asks if she still wants to marry him. He also tells Mr. Peanutbutter his strangling doesn't look real enough. Todd bypasses the lawsuit because Walt Disney accidentally wrote down the wrong name for the trademark, "Diisneyland." They are wearing matching costumes inspired by a new social media app called "Tweed Feed," which are tweed outfits with dinner plates, silverware, and plastic food taped to them. Let's Find Out! Mr. Peanutbutter says he thought she loved Joey. At the end of Yes And, she tells Mr. Peanutbutter that it's too hard to talk to him on the phone all the time, and they shouldn't call each other for a while because she misses him too much. and runs upstairs to the bedroom crying. BoJack's plan goes awry, however, when the robbery instead helps Diane reaffirm her love for Mr. Peanutbutter, and they push the wedding to happen within the week. Diane realizes he doesn't want her to go to Cordovia. Mr. Peanutbutter says that they're here for the Halloween party that he's had for the last eleven years, as BoJack always says at the end of the parties to do it again next year. Diane says she isn't jealous either and leaves. Mr. Peanutbutter calls Diane, and, still acting as if Diane is in Cordovia, he tells her he can't find the batteries for the remote, and that he should come home and help him. Pickles tells him she slept with a bunch of guys to get even, but none of them were like him and wishes for some sort of possibility to cheat on him with him. After Mr. Peanutbutter takes Diane home, BoJack gets drunk and steals the 'D' from the Hollywood sign to impress Diane. Mr. Peanutbutter assures her that she should drop it because if something was wrong his brother would tell him. Let's Find Out!," leaving Mr. Peanutbutter out of a job. He attended Herb Kazzaz's funeral in Still Broken, although he didn't know Herb personally and only went to the funeral to schmooze. In Start Spreading The News, Mr. Peanutbutter, in a meeting at MBN with Pinky Penguin and J.D. ; The Alcoholic: Briefly, after returning from Cordovia and crashing at BoJack's, Diane devolves into a drunken mess as a way to cope with the horrors she saw in the derelict country, fear of confronting Mr. Peanutbutter about the state of their marriage and shame of having "abandoned . So, why Diane sleep with Mr. Peanutbutter? In reality, he's actually on the Philbert set. However, Todd begins to suggest ideas to Quentin Tarantulino, and is reciprocated due to Tarantulino's eccentricity. Mr. Peanutbutter tells her that it just looks like he did, and they have to re-edit the scene. Mr. Peanutbutter says they need to think of someone. When Princess Carolyn questions Mr. Peanutbutter about his reputation, he says that hes not worried about it as he believes that people generally want to like him, and the universe will align in his favor. She says she doesn't want to be in a routine as an old couple. He dates and later marries Diane Nguyen, although the two get a divorce in Season 5. Joey says that he wanted to set up a meeting but his assistant went on strike and he doesnt know how to use a phone. Pickles goes on to say that she can tell that Mr. Peanutbutter feels guilty. Mr. Peauntbutter responds that the best years of her life are happening now and BoJack says the joke's on him because he couldn't even waste the correct best years of her life. When she walks away, he swallows a couple of his painkillers for his back and says this party sucks. Later, Diane asks if they can go soon, because being around so many famous people are making her nervous. Mr. Peanutbutter shows the latter problem after he cheats on Pickles by sleeping with Dianeand he asks her to break the news to Pickles, which Diane rightfully refuses to do. He angrily tells Mr. Peanutbutter that he did all the work, and kicks him out of the theme park. The next morning BoJack wakes up to Mr. Peanutbutter cooking breakfast. Todd is enthusiastic about the idea, due to being high on marijuana. Mr. Peanutbutter starts talking to BoJack, and after Diane talks to Mr. Peanutbutter he thinks she's in New York too, but quickly tells her he's not accusing her and that he feels better when he knows where she is. Mr. Peanutbutter then tells Princess Carolyn that the filming for Birthday Dad is going well. She says that he won't always be her only priority. At Todd's apartment, he has the furniture delivered and prepares the actors playing the guests for what they should say. In Sunk Cost and All That, Mr. Peanutbutter who is with Max and Paige at Elifino. Mr. Peanutbutter convinces her to stay home for the time being. He's her cameraman and their relationship quickly spirals into them moving in together. He assists BoJack with his scheme to film a crucial scene for Secretariat that was written out of the film by the executives where Secretariat convinces Nixon to send his brother to Vietnam in his place, and he later learns he died in. In That Went Well, Esteemed Character Actress and Fugitive From The Law Margo Martindale crashes her boat, which she stole from BoJack in Stop the Presses to escape the law, into a cargo ship carrying a large shipment of spaghetti for Sandro's new restaurant. He then tells her if she knows someone who would be good for the job to let him know. Todd then learns from a personal conversation with Mr. Peanutbutter that he has doubts about his marriage to Diane. Mr. Peanutbutter tells Pickles he can't believe that they've been having this party since 1993, to which Pickles exclaims that was the year she was born. However, after the two take their bath, Mr. Peanutbutter becomes irritated by the tomato sauce in his fur and tries to resist shaking off. Diane then says if they met each other as the people they are things would be totally different between them. Diane says that she isn't ruined, and he says that his problem is that he doesn't listen. He's glad he knows she hates parties and they won't ever have that argument ever again. An upset Diane tells Mr. Peanutbutter she made a fool of herself in front of BoJack, and questions why he made her talk to him. This starts an argument where Mr. Peanutbutter says that at least no one in his family has anger issues, saying that Pickles father Franco is "a hothead with a little pug complex," and that her mother more than likely provokes him on purpose, suggesting that they get off on it. She notices a cardboard cutout that looks like Mr. Peanutbutter behind a bookcase and discovers he wrote a memoir. He angrily tells Mr. Peanutbutter to get a job. Princess Carolyn answers the door to find three teenage Trick-or-Treaters. In The Kidney Stays in the Picture, he sitting at a bar at Elefante when someone off-screen recognizes Mr. Peanutbutter from the "Sad Dog" meme. Todd heads to Whale World to find said women. Katrina is excited to go to a real Hollywood party with him, but she makes him promise he won't leave her alone. He agrees, and she asks for no more surprise parties. In The Stopped Show, the filming for Season 2 of Philbert has started. Diane later returns home from the party tripping on a drug called Gush. Diane then says it can be jarring when you suddenly don't feel that way anymore. Mr. Peanutbutter says okay, but she has to come, and she agrees to come if he has the divorce papers. When Diane asks if he really wants her to go, he somberly says "Why does it suddenly matter what I want? Let's Find Out! Mr. Peanutbutter goes on to say even if he had his assistance it wouldnt be of much use because his representatives assistants went on strike as well. He is then picked up from prison by Mr. Peanutbutter. Mr. Peanutbutter expresses excitement over Todd having a new girlfriend. Diane and Mr. Peanutbutter are at the hospital, where Diane's wrist has been put in a cast. Diane says she's good in small groups and shouts that she hates parties, which interrupts the party. In Mr. Peanutbutter's Boos, he thinks this is why all his relationships fail and why his exes went from fun and happy to bitter and meanbut Diane tells him it's because he dates young women, and they just grow up while he continues to act like a "man-child" who places all the responsibilities, including himself, on them, which tires them and leads them to end their relationship with him.