Weird harmonies broke in upon and overflowed the melody, then ebbed away into sobs of music, again to reunite into a continued undulating chant. Crombach broke a lance in honour of the eleven thousand in 1647: his work, Ursula Vindicata, Colon. Our spies also swear and protest that they have seen the said child with their own eyes; and they add, that, on the occasion of his nativity, there appeared marvellous signs in heaven, for at full noon the sun lost its brightness, and was for some time obscured. This is followed by a list of other signs appearing, the most remarkable being a swarm of flying serpents, and a shower of precious stones. Accordingly, the poor starving wretches assembled at his door, and were ordered by him to dig a large pit in his tun, or home meadow. Spiritual blessings attended on the vision and custody of the sacred vessel; the guardians, and those who were privileged to behold it, were conscious of a mysterious internal joy, a foretaste of that of heaven. Upham, Sacred Books of Ceylon, iii. An unusual terror seized on the aged Druid; he heard a voice call, Arise, and see the Green Isle of those who have passed away! Then he entered the vessel. [167] Quoted in Iceland, its Scenes and Sagas, p. 349. They traversed Syria, and took shipprobably at Balsora; then, reaching India, they proceeded on their journey on horseback, till they came to a dense forest, the gloom of which was so great, through the interlacing of the boughs, that even by day the stars could be observed twinkling, as though they were seen from the bottom of a well. ; Apollodor. ii. spoke of the moon as a luminous white stone, and Democritus regarded the stars as Trerpou?. I confess myself unable to accomplish this. [1][6], The "parting glass", or "stirrup cup", was the final hospitality offered to a departing guest. [196] Schiefner, Heldensagen der Minussinischen Tataren. Once upon a time a shepherd was driving his flock over the Ilsenstein, when, wearied with his tramp, he leaned upon his staff. As this earth is very rich in phosphates, it is much appreciated by the agriculturists as a dressing for their land. The final development of this extraordinary story, under the delicate fingers of the German and French Protestant controversialists, may not prove uninteresting. ), has as subject a standing figure between two stars, beneath which are handled crosses. tom. They had to dig fifty fathoms before they reached the chamber of the dead. When we are told that in the remote Ogygia sleeps Kronos gently, watched by Briareus, till the time comes for his awaking, we have a Graecized form of the myth of Arthur in Avalon being cured of his grievous wound. Another is embodied in the tenet that the souls of the departed become angels. Kara Kuruptju is the evening twilight, Kesel Djibak the morning dawn which ascends to the heavens, and there lingers among the floating feathery clouds. But this is not the ancient form of the Indian myth. As the lateral limbs could have been of little or no use, it is probable that these cruciform hammers were those used in consecrating victims in Thorrs worship. i. Of this trespass he was accused by his sister who appeared in the way. Sooner shall this staff in my hand grow green and blossom, than that God should pardon thee!. But if one has taken the precaution to spread a piece of scarlet cloth below the nest, the swallow, mistaking it for fire, will drop the stone upon it. The news of the success of the Priest-King opened a door of hope to the desponding Christianworld. Etsy uses cookies and similar technologies to give you a better experience, enabling things like: Detailed information can be found in Etsys Cookies & Similar Technologies Policy and our Privacy Policy. This is probably the explanation of the story of Mdlle. Indra fights with the hideous serpent Ahi, or Vrita, who keeps guard over the fountain of rains. Mart.,originated the misconception; and, in fact, one missal, supposed to be old, has a similar commemoration; whilst an inscription at Spiers, according to Rettberg, mentions Ursula et Decumilia. Urvasi was an apsaras, or heavenly maiden; she loved Puravaras, a martial king, and became his wife, only, however, on condition that she should never behold him without his clothes. Tumas de Kantorbire, and then having paid his devotions at Monsigour St. Jake, he went on toCologne to see the heads of the three kings. And thus as he was in consolacion there came to him a yonge damoysel moche grevous and of noble maintene, named Beatrice, accompanied of a noble knight, and two squires, with iiii damoyselles, the which she held in her service and famyliarite.. I did not hear it from Mrs. Cs own lips, but I was sufficiently acquainted with her to form a very tolerable estimate of her character; and my wife, who has known her intimately from her own childhood, was in her younger days often staying with her for months together., I remember having been much perplexed by reading a series of experiments made with a pendulous ring over metals, by a Mr. Mayo: he ascertained that it oscillated in various directions under peculiar circumstances, when suspended by a thread over the ball of the thumb. Then he found himself unable to cope with his adversary, whose every slain soldier recovered life by means of the sacred vessel. How much more then were they astonished at learning that, the whole time of their absence, those who remained within the house had heard the moaning and clapping of hands even louder and more distinct than before they had gone out; and no sooner was the door of the room closed on them, than they again heard the same mournful sounds. This time he was mistaken. The Chevelere Assigne, a shorter poem on the same subject, was reprinted by M. Utterson for the Roxburghe Club, from a MS. in the Cottonian library, which has been quoted by Percy and Warton as an early specimen of alliterative versification. Once they had mounted, they were presented one final drink to fortify them for their travels. [94] De Mortillet, Le signe de la Croix avant le Christianisme. S. Jerome in the Vulgate rendered the passage in Ezekiel (viii. A prophet, killed by a wicked king several times and revived each time. Helias grew up with his godfather in the forest. Some of them are as follows: We began at the cellar in which the murder had been committed; into this the man with the rod (Aymar) shrank from entering, because he felt violent agitations which overcame him when he used the stick over the place where the corpses of those who had been assassinated had lain. Great! The list of representations might be greatly extended. The king was very fond of him, and gave him his sister Adalis in marriage, and made him Duke of Ardennes[212]. They resembled a- dice-box, and consisted of a couple of inverted cones with a partition at their bases, where they were united. And drink a health whateer befall, $55.20, $69.00 And so Sir Bors seemed that the head of the speare brent like a taper; and anon, or Sir Bors wist, the speare head smote him into the shoulder an hand breadth in deepness, and that wound grieved Sir Bors passing sore., One day, when King Arthur and his court were at Camelot, sitting at supper, anon they heard cracking and crying of thunder, that hem thought the place should all to-rive; in the midst of the blast entred a sunne-beame more clear by seaven times than ever they saw day, and all they were alighted by the grace of the Holy Ghost. This indicates the mouse as having been the symbol among the Philistines of a deity whom they identified with the God of Israel. She placed a cauldron on a fire, filled it with the requisite ingredients, and left little Gwion to attend to its seething, and blind Morda to keep up the fire for a year and a day, without suffering the operation to cease for a moment. Avicenna relates in his eighth book, Of Animals, that it was related to him by a faithful old man, that he had seen two little birds squabbling, and that one was overcome; it therefore retired and ate of a certain herb, then it returned to the onslaught; which when the old man observed frequently, he took away the herb, and when the bird came and found the plant gone, it set up a great cry and died. The swan-maiden stole them, and brought them to her lover. 303, 333, 414. But he, misunderstanding her, took more gold, and the mountain clashing together, severed him in twain. . Lond. The nations to which I have alluded, according to the words of the prophet, shall not stand in the judgment, on account of their offensive practices, but will be consumed to ashes by a fire which will fall on them from heaven. And when Helias saw him, he saide in himselfe: Here is a signification that God sendeth to me for to shew to me that I ought to go by the guyding of this swanne into some countrey for to have honour and consolacion. gi vois,Siert mis le faus profte en crois., Le vrais Dieux se regarda,Et li a dit que ni tarda,Icist ne tatenderont pas,Mais saces, tu matenderas., We hear no more of the wandering Jew till the sixteenth century, when we hear first of him in a casual manner, as assisting a weaver, Kokot, at the royal palace in Bohemia (1505), to find a treasure which had been secreted by the great-grandfather of Kokot, sixty years before, at which time the Jew was present. The Duke of Limburg and Brabant died leaving an only daughter, Else or Elsam. I can linger over those noble woodcuts, and learn from them something new each time that I study them; they are picture-poems full of latent depths of thought. The Scandinavian Valhalla was not situated beyond the Western Sea, but on the summit of a great mountain; whereas the Keltic Avalon lay over the blue waters, beneath the setting sun. And now farewell for ever! The greater gates of the palace are of sardius, with the horn of the horned snake inwrought, so that no one can bring poison within. . It is true, however, that the motion is much less strong and less durable in other fingers than his own. . It has been remarked with others who used the rod, that their powers languished under excitement, and that the faculties had to be in repose, the attention to be concentrated on the subject of inquiry, or the actionnervous, magnetic, or electrical, or what you willwas impeded. In this instance we have it no longer as a symbol of authority, but as a means of divining the will of God. After some trials, it again gave decided indications, and a well was begun and carried down a very considerable depth. In the reign of Henry II. The knight afterwards married, and had children. This Beatrice became the wife of Oriant, much to the chagrin of his mother, who had hitherto held rule in the palace, and who at once hated her daughter-in-law, and determined on her destruction. In this group of figures, the seven are represented as young, without beards, and indeed in ancient martyrologies they are frequently called boys. A little while ago I cut out of a Sussex newspaper a story purporting to be the relation of a fact which had taken place at a fixed date in Lewes. S. Ado wrote a martyrology in 880, but makes no mention of Ursula and the other virgins; nor does Notker of S. Gall, who died in 912; nor, again, does the Cor-bey martyrology of 900; neither do the two of uncertain date called after Labbe and Richenove. Fathers and mothers rushed to the east gate, but when they came to the mountain, called Koppenberg, into which the train had disappeared, nothing was observable except a small hollow, where the sorcerer and their little ones had entered. This peculiarity was noticed in him when a child of seven years old. In the battle of Stamfordbridge an arrow from a skilled archer penetrated the windpipe of the king, and it is supposed to have sped, observes the Saga writer, from the bow of Hemingr, then in the service of the English monarch. Innumerable bones were found, together with urns, arms, stone cists, and monumental inscriptions. It's really difficult to make decisions about what to do with cremation ashes. A tyrannical husband locked the door against his wife, who was out having tea with a neighbor, gossiping and scandal-mongering; when she applied for admittance, he pretended not to know her. Then the spirits of the flood vow his destruction, and send Undine on earth to embrace her faithless lord, and kiss him to death. When Cambyses was in Egypt, and the land groaned under foreign sway, no Apis appeared; but when his two armies were destroyed, and he came to Memphis, Apis had appeared; and he found the conquered people manifesting their joy in dances, and with feasting and gay raiment. 172176. Long was it believed in France that the unfortunate Melusina appeared in the air, wailing over the ramparts of Lusignan before the death of one of its lords; and that, on the extinction of the family, she was seen whenever a king of France was to depart this life. It was only natural that the early and mediaeval Christians, finding the cross a symbol of life among the nations of antiquity, should look curiously into the Old Testament, to see whether there were not foreshadowings in it of the wood whereby righteousness cometh.. Marcell. They went every where preaching1. And all Asie the lesse is yclept Turkye. Humboldt, in his remarks on this passage, says: Pomponius Mela, who lived at a period sufficiently near that of Cornelius Nepos, relates, and Pliny repeats it, that Metellus Celer, whilst Proconsul of Gaul, received as a gift from a king of the Boii or Boeti (the name is somewhat uncertain, and Pliny calls him a king of the Suevi) some Indians who, driven by the tempests from the Indian seas, landed on the coasts of Germany. If I am correct in supposing that the Hatto myth points to sacrifices of chieftains and princes in times of famine, and that the manner of offering the sacrifice was the exposure of the victim to rats, then it is not to be wondered at, that, when the reason of such a sacrifice was forgotten, the death should be accounted as a judgment of God for some crime committed by the sufferer, as hardheartedness, murder, or sacrilege. We will have nothing more to do with you.. Above the heads of the combatants flew a great swan; this was Kara, the mistress of Helgi, who had transformed herself into a bird. In some particular cases the origin of the myth is clear, in others it is not so. Passing along a mountain side, he sees the rocks gape before him, and entering, he sees a beautiful lady, who bids him help himself freely to the gold which is scattered on all sides in profusion. Among Semitic nations the mouse was also sacred. When the faith or the right was in jeopardy, a bell rang in the chapel of the Grail, and a knight was bound to go forth sword in hand to the defence. CHORUS: Moreover, to check incredulity in certain persons, I have thought fit to subjoin the following certificates. Among them, the most curious are those relating to the mermaid. They're sorry for my going away The following are some of the principal early editions of it. Nat. But one day he forgot to lock the cupboard in which he kept the feather-dress; the wife discovered it, put it on, spread her wings, and never returned. In one of these, Owayne Miles, H. S. Cotton. In the eleventh century the legend was versified by Marbodus, Bishop of Rennes. But God restored him to life once more, and destroyed the king and all his subjects[53]. In precisely similar manner the Semitic moongoddess, who followed the course of the sun, at times manifesting herself to the eyes of men, at others seeking concealment in the western flood was represented as half woman, half fish, with characteristics which make her lunar origin indisputable. The papal epistle is an assertion of the claims of the See of Rome to universal dominion, and itassures the Eastern Prince-Pope that his Christian professions are worthless, unless he submits to the successor of Peter. [224] Exception has been taken to this remark by some of the reviews; but the writer believes unjustly. The goddess appeared to the poor ass, and said, The morrow that from the present night will have its birth is a day that eternal religion hath appointed as a holy festival, at a period when, the tempests of winter having subsided, the waves of the stormy sea abated, and the surface of the ocean become navigable, my priests dedicate to me a new ship, laden with the first-fruits of spring, at the opening of the navigation (Lib. One would have supposed that the humility which had required the holy man to refuse a mitre, would have rendered him callous to the voice of slander, and have sustained him under deprivation. Cf. Sultan is to attack him and rescuethe infant. The text is doubtless older than its 1770 appearance in broadside, as it was recorded in the Skene Manuscript, a collection of Scottish airs written at various dates between 1615 and 1635. Now, ended all sighing and sadness,The waves of destruction all spent,I sing with the children of gladnessThe song of immortal content.. Swan, his widow, then fled with his children and her husbands body to Megen, fearing her brother Julius Caesar. If I had money enough to spend Sometimes the bottoms of the vessels were rudely engraved with crosses. As in Phoenician iconography this cross generally accompanies a deity, in the same manner as the handled cross is associated with the Persepolitan, Babylonish, and Egyptian gods, we may conclude that it had with the Phoenicians the same signification of life eternal. It was an imposing sight. And they that found him gathering sticks brought him unto Moses and Aaron, and unto all the congregation. He transformed himself into a hare; then she took the form of a hound. [26] This anecdote is taken from theJournal de Paris, May, 1787; but whence did theJournalobtain it? Dr Lori Watson, a lecturer in Scottish Ethnology at the University of Edinburgh states that its difficult to fully trace the origins of many traditional songs:[4]. and full of doubt over Gods word he went forth to meditate in the forest. At the same time his conscience began to reproach him, and he longed to make his peace with God. Then he entered Ephesus, rubbing his eyes, and he walked to a bakers shop. They invited him to go with them to a house of refreshment, and he went with them, but would not seat himself, remaining on foot to drink. Then came the salmon and the trout, the pike and the porpoise, fish great and small, towards the shore, listening to the sweet strains of the charmer (Kalewala, Rune xxii.). An old calendar in the Dusseldorf town library, belonging to the tenth century, copies Usardus, merely transferring the saints to the 21st October. So Galahad, after having anointed the wounded king with the blood which dropped from the spear, and made him whole, departed with his friends Bors and Perceval to the mystic city of Sarras, where he was made king. It was reserved for the pencil of Gustave Dor to treat it with the originality it merited, and in a series of woodcuts to produce at once a poem, a romance, and a chef-duvre of art. THE exact position of Eden, and its present condition, do not seem to have occupied the minds of our Anglo-Saxon ancestors, nor to have given rise among them to wild speculations. The wife then flung a log into a well, and secreted herself behind the door. Cycnus, a son of Poseidon, was matched against Achilles, who, stripping him of his armour, suddenly beheld him transformed into a swan; or he is the son of Hyrie, who springs from a rock and becomes the bird from which he derives his name, whilst his mother dissolving into tears is transformed into a lake whereon the stately bird can glide. There is a Polish story of a witch who made a girdle of human skin and laid it across the threshold of a door where a marriage-feast was being held. Presently the walls surrounding Paradise appeared. The Banshee is represented in Wales by the Gwrach y Rhibyn, who is said to come after dusk, and flap her leathern wings against the window, giving warning of death, in a broken, howling tone, and calling on the one who is to quit mortality by his or her name several times. But the people insisted on the sacrifice of the maiden, and all the poor father could obtain, was a delay of eight days, in which to bewail the fate of the damsel. The Pope, becoming pregnant, gave birth to a child; wherefore some do not number her among the Pontiffs. Hence the story spread among the medival chroniclers, who were great plagiarists. Thus Herodotus tells us how that at Memphis the death of the sacred bull was a cause of general wailing, and its discovery one of exultation. Joseph next celebrated the sacred mysteries, and, at the consecration, our Blessed Lord appeared and said, Galahad, sonne, wotest thou what I hold between My hands? Nay, replied the maiden knight, but if yee tell mee. This is, He said, the holy dish wherein I eate the lambe on Sher-Thursday, and now hast thou seene that thou desirest most to see, but yet hast thou not seene it so openly as thou shalt see it in the citie of Sarras, in the spirituall place. The custom was practised in several continental countries. A third view was, that he would be merely a desperately wicked man, acting upon diabolical inspirations, just as the saints act upon divine inspirations. When the sentence had been pronounced by Pilate, Christ was about to be dragged past his house; then he ran home, and called together his household to have a look at Christ, and see what sort of a person He was. The corresponding Danish story is told by Hans Christian Andersen. Not satisfied with the restraints of conventual life, nor finding the library sufficiently well provided with books of abstruse science, she eloped with her young man, and after visiting England, France, and Italy, she brought him to Athens, where she addicted herself with unflagging devotion to her literary pursuits. Hanover, 1843, P-114. The poets picture him rising out of the waters in the East, and setting in the ocean after his twelve hours reign in the sky. Don Fernando sprang joyfully on shore, and hastened to his ancestral mansion. For the fable of the Pope Joan, see J. Lenfant, Histoire de la Papesse Jeanne. La Haye, 1736, 2 vols. And so evere more sittiens, he is clept Prestre John.. iii. She listened with attention, and at the conclusion of his story, recommended him to remount his horse, and gallop out of the forest, and return to Poictiers, as though unconscious of what had taken place. A pious belief, which can trust in the moon and the myriad stars, and invoke them as saints in Paradise! . In order to test the virtue of the Bodhisattwa, Indra came to the friends, in the form of an old man, asking for food. The cross was also used in the north of Mexico. St. Hippolytus and Rabanus Maurus have been already alluded to. S. Petersburg, 1859, p. 60. In the ossuaries made of double cones, around the diaphragm ran a line of circles containing crosses. The whole house was aroused, and the thief was secured and hung. Ambrose, Isidore, and the Venerable Bede in the East[171]. The women bewail him, because his Lord had him so cruelly martyred, his bones being ground in a mill, and scattered to the winds[57].. A figure of him sporting in the waves, and apparently blessing a fleet of vessels, was discovered in a marine piece of sculpture, by M. Botta, in the excavations of Khorsabad. Consequently he lost the grace of the holy Grail, and fell in a joust, engaged in to give pleasure and do honour to his mistress. And Thietmar of Merseburg (b. This story of Lady Fanshawe is from a note to The Lady of the Lake.. Of course this knight, who is Helias, fights the Count of Frankfort, overcomes him, and wins the heart of the daughter of the duchess. At length arrived the time of Rogation processions. The Provenals had a large bottle wrapped in straw, and they persuaded the publican and his wife to descend with them into the cellar to fill it, whilst he, the hunchback, acted as watch in the shop. Obelisco-rum Urbis, p. 5. The minor details, as, for instance, the trick with the hide, which is taken from the story of Dido, shall not detain us. The Rev. He appeared in light on the walls of Jerusalem, waving his sword, and led the victorious assault on the Holy City. how nicely it gives token of the feelings of joy or fear which animate the soul! We need hardly follow the story in other translations. A thrill of passion ran through the veins of the minnesinger; and, leaving his horse, he followed the apparition.