The Commission took a number of steps to minimize the burden of the online file on broadcast stations. Relying upon the reasoning in that decision, the FCC and the United States Department of Justice later concluded that the lottery advertising prohibition may not constitutionally be applied to the broadcast of any truthful advertisements for lawful casino gambling, whether or not the state in which the broadcasting station is located permits casino gambling. It or its owners have, or have had, any interest in a broadcast application in an FCC proceeding in which character issues were resolved adversely to the applicant or were left unresolved, or were raised in connection with a pending application; Its ownership is consistent with the Communications Acts restrictions on licensees; Interests are held by foreign governments, foreign corporations, and non-U.S. citizens; There has been an adverse finding or adverse final action against it or its owners by a court or administrative body in a civil or criminal proceeding involving a felony, mass media-related antitrust or unfair competition law, the making of fraudulent statements to a governmental unit, or discrimination; There were any adjudicated violations of the Communications Act or the Commissions rules during the current license term; The licensee or its owners have been denied federal benefit due to drug law violations; Its station operation complies with the Commissions radiofrequency (RF) radio exposure standards; It has placed and maintained certain specified materials in its public inspection file in a timely manner; It has discontinued station operations for more than 12 consecutive months during the preceding license term and is currently broadcasting programming; It has adhered to its minimum operating schedule; Its advertising sales agreements discriminate on the basis of race or ethnicity and whether all such agreements held by the licensee contain nondiscrimination clauses; It has filed Form 396, Broadcast Equal Employment Opportunity Program Report; and. The V-Chip and TV Program Ratings. All EEO forms are electronically filed and are available for public review either in the FCCs online public file at, or in CDBS, the FCCs access database for radio at or in LMS, the FCCs access database for television at https:/ Purpose of the File. It provides a brief overview of the regulation of broadcast radio and television licensees, describing how the FCC authorizes broadcast stations, the various rules relating to broadcast programming and operations that stations must comply with, and the essential obligation of licensees that their stations serve their local communities. The information provided visually must include critical details regarding the emergency and how to respond. Which of the following statements best characterizes media ownership in the United States? If a radio station aired a personal attack against a candidate but refused to allow the same candidate the opportunity to respond to that attack on its station, the station would be in violation of the Which of the following is an example of a public broadcasting organization? In international affairs, conservation has come to mean support for military intervention and the maintenance of American military power. Additional information concerning this requirement can be found on the FCC's website at Accessibility of Emergency Information on Television. Lowest Unit Charge The majority of public television stations are owned by educational institutions and independent entities (including colleges and universities, municipal education boards, and nonprofit organizations); however, some statewide public television networks are operated as state government agencies, and some standalone public television stations serving an individual market are run by a municipal government or a related agency within it. A station that broadcasts or advertises information about a contest that it conducts must fully and accurately disclose the material terms of the contest and must conduct the contest substantially as announced or advertised over-the-air or on the Internet. President ______ appointed the first President's Commission on Civil Rights in ______. (Information on whether the total amount of this funding rose or fell was also unavailable.). In the United States, the Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) serves as the nation's main public television provider. Audio Description. Children's Television Programming Reports Stations must air identification announcements when they sign on and off for the day. This is the latest report in Pew Research Centers ongoing investigation of the state of news, information and journalism in the digital age, a research program funded by The Pew Charitable Trusts, with generous support from the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation. The goal of this policy is to help children distinguish between commercials and program content. When filing these types of applications, the applicant is required to publish a series of notices, generally in a local newspaper, containing information similar to that noted above regarding renewal applications. Before a party can build a new TV or radio station, it first must apply to the FCC for a construction permit. Rates charged for broadcast time are matters for private negotiation between sponsors and stations. Tobacco and Alcohol Advertising. To do this, each non-exempt station licensee must identify the needs and problems and then specifically treat these local matters in the news, public affairs, political and other programming that it airs. In a deviation from the affiliation model that began to emerge in commercial broadcast television in the late 1950s, in which a single station holds the exclusive local rights to a network's programming schedule, PBS maintains memberships with more than one non-commercial educational station in select markets (such as Los Angeles and Chicago, which both have three PBS member stations); in these conflict markets, PBS members which participate in the service's Program Differentiation Plan (PDP) are allocated a percentage of PBS-distributed programming for their weekly schedule the highest total of which is usually allocated to the market's "primary" PBS station often resulting certain programs airing on the PDP outlets on a delayed basis, unless the primary or an additional member station holds market exclusivity over a particular program.[23][24]. Underwriting Announcements on Noncommercial Educational Stations. An issue of concern to the public over the years has been violent television programming and the negative impact this broadcast material may have on children. Obscene Material. In contrast, NCE stations generally meet their operating expenses with contributions received from listeners and viewers, and also may receive government funding. For additional information about the sponsorship identification and payola rules, see News Distortion. All of the Title 47 rules can be found on the Government Printing Offices website, Petitions to deny the application must be filed by the first day of the last full calendar month before the expiring license term. As discussed previously, copies of all FCC EEO audit letters, licensee responses, and FCC rulings must also be included in the audited stations public file and are available for public review in a stations online public file. In response to the Civil Rights Act of 1875, the Supreme Court declared the act unconstitutional because it protected against acts of private discrimination rather than state of discrimination. Once techniques were perfected, radio became a necessity for military and commercial users alike.,,,, Accessibility of Emergency Information on Television,,, https:/,,, Regardless of whether it is effective, the broadcast of subliminal material is inconsistent with a station's obligation to serve the public interest because it is designed to be deceptive. The FCC also approved digital operation for AM and FM radio broadcast stations (HD radio). Political File (73.3526(e)(6), 73.3527(e)(5)) (retain for two years). Individual stations, such as New Yorks WNYC and Chicagos WBEZ, produce nationally syndicated original journalism as well. Applications to Build New Stations; Length of License Period A program is considered specifically designed to serve the educational and information needs of children if: it is aired between the hours of 6 a.m. and 10 p.m.; it is a regularly scheduled weekly program, except that a licensee may air a limited amount of programming that is not regularly scheduled on a weekly basis, including educational specials and regularly scheduled non-weekly programming, and have that programming count as Core Programming, as described in the Core Programming guidelines. The public file is an excellent resource to gauge a stations performance of its obligations as a Commission licensee. This requirement is grounded in the principle that members of the public should know who is trying to persuade them with the programming being aired. From the beginning, the network has refused corporate funding of any kind, and has relied mainly on listener support. While program and production expenses comprise only a portion of overall station expenses, an increase in these kinds of expenditures indicates that the stations are directing more dollars toward the creation of news content. Comments/Complaints to FCCBroadcast Information Specialists. In 2016, the Commission continued its modernization effort by requiring that broadcast radio licensees also post their public file documents to the FCC-hosted online public file. Ownership Reports and Related Material On the television side, NewsHour derives its revenue from a variety of sources, including PBS, the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB) and a mix of nonpublic streams such as corporations, individual giving and foundations. Digital subscription models in which people pay to access news content has proven to be a profitable approach for many elite, national newspapers but not for smaller or mid-sized local newspapers. an economics professor providing testimony to a congressional committee on the effect of tariffs. In the case of advertisements for commercial products or services, it is sufficient for a station to announce the sponsor's corporate or trade name, or the name of the sponsor's product (where it is clear that the mention of the product constitutes a sponsorship identification). The Food and Drug Administration has primary responsibility for the safety of food and drug products. The more specific your complaint is, the easier it is for us and any station involved to identify and resolve the interference problem. Support for freedom of speech, a free internet, and the press is higher in the United States than in most other countries in the world. Which of the following is an example of a public broadcasting organization Public Broadcasting in the United States accounts for a much smaller share of the media market than in other Western democracies, such as France, Germany, and Denmark. The Commission applies these limits to all video programming, free or pay, directed to children 12 and under. In terms of combatting racism, the NAACP had the most success with? The FCC requires certain apparatus that receive, play back, or record video programming to make available a secondary audio stream for providing video description services and accessible emergency information. D. All securities in an efficient market are zero net present value investments. Specifically, acknowledgements may not contain comparative or qualitative descriptions, price information, calls to action, or inducements to buy, sell, rent, or lease. Time Brokerage Agreements Noncommercial educational stations may acknowledge contributions over the air, but they may not broadcast commercials or otherwise promote the goods and services of for-profit donors or underwriters. More information about the Commissions childrens television requirements can be viewed at, and Station-Conducted Contests. The station conducting the contest must disclose material terms either through periodic disclosures broadcast on the station, or written disclosures on the stations Internet website, the licensees website, or if neither the individual station nor the licensee has its own website, any Internet website that is publicly accessible. False or Misleading Advertising. Instructions for filing informal objections can be found at We do not license TV or radio networks (such as CBS, NBC, ABC or Fox) or other organizations that stations have relationships with, such as PBS or NPR, except if those entities are also station licensees. Lotteries Sponsorship Identification. As stated above, we encourage you to first contact the station or network directly about programming and operating issues. The local stations then contract with program distributors and also provide some programming themselves. Apparatus Requirements for Emergency Information and Video Description Except for the requirements concerning political advertisements, the limits on the number of commercials that can be aired during childrens programming and the prohibition of advertisements over noncommercial educational stations, the Commission does not regulate a licensees business practices, such as its advertising rates or its profits. The FCC and Freedom of Speech The Communications Act authorizes the Commission to "make such regulations not inconsistent with law as it may deem necessary to prevent interference between stations and to carry out the provisions of the Act." receive funding from the public thru license fees, subsidies, or taxes. C. Mispriced securities are common in efficient markets. Independent services include Create, an American Public Television-operated network featuring how-to, home and garden, cooking and travel programs; MHz Worldview, a network owned by MHz Networks, which carries international dramatic series (particularly crime drama), news programs and documentaries; and World, a joint venture of American Public Television, WNET, the WGBH Educational Foundation and the National Educational Telecommunications Association that broadcasts science, nature, news, public affairs and documentary programs. Alternatively, you can also file an informal objection, which has fewer procedural requirements, often takes the form of a simple letter, and will be considered if received at any time before we either grant or deny the application. In the case of an application for renewal of a television license, the station has complied with the limitations on commercial matter aired during childrens programming and filed the necessary Childrens Television Programming Reports (FCC Form 2100, Schedule H). NET's constant need for additional funding led the Ford Foundation to begin withdrawing its financial support of the network in 1966, shouldering much of the responsibility for providing revenue for NET onto its affiliated stations, prior to the foundation of the CPB, which intended to create its own public television service. Once techniques were perfected, radio became a necessity for military and commercial users alike. Once the FCC grants the application, the permittee becomes a licensee, which authorizes the new licensee to operate for a stated period of time, up to eight years. There are some restrictions on the material that a licensee can broadcast. Music stations are probably best known for playing classical music, although other formats are offered, including the time-honored "eclectic" music format that is rather freeform in nature common among college radio stations. This will help those involved in the selection of advertising material to become better informed about audience opinion. The public can access a stations public inspection file at An average person, applying contemporary community standards, must find that the material, as a whole, appeals to the prurient interest; The material must depict or describe, in a patently offensive way, sexual conduct specifically defined by applicable law; and. The act established a CPB governing board to be appointed by the president of the United States and confirmed by the U.S. Senate. With the exception of a few secondary or tertiary stations in certain major and mid-sized cities that rely entirely on syndicated content from American Public Television and other distributors, the vast majority of public television stations in the U.S. are member outlets of PBS. An informed and actively engaged public plays a vital role in helping each station to operate appropriately and serve the needs of its local community. Cable Television - Where to File Complaints Regarding Cable Service, Online Public Inspection File Access and Information, Public, Educational, and Governmental Access Channels ("PEG Channels"), Television Broadcast Stations on Satellite, Video Competition and Price Survey Reports. All Class A television stations began operating digitally in 2015. (Licensees were formerly required to file an EEO mid-term report -- FCC Form 397 -- at the mid-point of the license term, but that requirement was eliminated in 2019.