So we never bear witness for Jesus Christ, which is precisely what Satan wants. CONCLUSION: Behind every promise of God is the purpose a Genesis 21:3. You dont need a theological education to bear witness by your walk with God. CRITICAL NOTES. Its Gods job to meet out justice. Im not suggesting that you go on sinning and tell everyone that youre a Christian. neit EXPOSITION Good men should not only rectify the wrongs they do to one another, but adopt all wise precautions against their repetition. When we give thanks at the dinner table, we need to be truly thankful, and not just mumbling a ritual prayer before we say, Please pass the potatoes. God faithfully provides for our protection and for our provision. A believer is invincible until it is his time to go. Sometimes when you read the Bible, you get the feeling that God majors in the spectacular. Unless otherwise noted, all Scripture Quotations are from the New American Standard Bible, The Lockman Foundation, Related Topics: Character of God, Discipleship, Ecclesiology (The Church), Empower, Spiritual Life, Steve served as the pastor of Flagstaff Christian Fellowship from May, 1992 through his retirement in December, 2018. the three main sources, J. E, P are present. When we lived in California and would take our young children to the beach, there wasnt a second while they were playing in the waves that they were not under our watchful gaze. Arise We have had hitherto God's account of that which He had made; then the But in his case, it was his final home, in heaven. Abraham denies his relationship Now the grace of God bears its most important fruit in the history of Isaac's birth (Genesis 22:1) 2. And Abimelech said unto Abraham, What mean these seven ewe lambs which thou hast set by themselves? In spite of Abrahams past deception, Abimelech recognized God in his life. ABRAHAM AND ABIMELECH Maybe youre sinking into sudden depression, because youre thinking, Im not perfect! Stay tuned: (2) For the world to see God in our lives we dont have to be perfect. 'Do not do anything to him. Abraham decided to take a different approach. Commentary: Patriarchs and Prophets (or Beginning of the End), chapter 13. As he was leaving, a young man walked up and quoted John 3:16: For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life. The businessman didnt see how such a thing could be true and he didnt understand the connection between Gods giving His Son and a person having eternal life. Will God forgive me for losing hope and the will to live? I like that, "as He had said, and as He had spoken." and the LORD did unto Sarah as he had spoken (Genesis 21:1). with thee in all that At last in God's 'Set time," and in spite of all natural difficulties, Verse Genesis 21:22. Newly released book by Kurt Bennett, now available onAmazon! Youll be happier, people will be more cooperative toward you, and youll have healthier relationships. Wells of water are scarce and . Abraham at Peace. He put a loaf of bread on the other side of the scale, and to his surprise, nothing happened. Abimelek avoids contention within his ranks. He added some more items, but to his consternation, still nothing happened. He sarcastically said, Write your prayer on a piece of paper and you can have its weight in groceries. To his surprise, she pulled a folded note out of her pocket and handed it to him. God is I like that, "as He had said, and as He had spoken." I've got that underlined that just sort of hit me. If youre a Christian, and youre not a cop, then its not your job to come down on people. Well it didnt turn out quite the way he expected. has He was, to put it gently, directed to find a way to verbally persuade subjects to cooperate. Gen. 21:22-34 Locate the passage This passage chronicles a covenant between Abraham and Abimelech. The contemplated object. This is one of the attributes of God to His people. We are secure in His providential care. 22 Abimelechs couenant with Abraham at Beer-sheba. Genesis 21:22-34 In-Context 20 God was with the lad, and he grew; and he lived in the wilderness and became an archer . Genesis 21:22. The Covenant Between Abraham and Abimelech NINTH SECTION Sarah as he had spoken." Abimelech, however, was still wary of Abraham and fearful of the God whom Abraham worshipped. Another wrong thing happens: An imperfect Christian concludes that he had better not say anything about his faith until he gets all his problems solved. Then Abraham brings up a sore subject, a delicate matter, a touchy issue with Abimelek. and the LORD did unto Sarah as he had spoken (Genesis 21:1). CONCLUSION: Behind every promise of God is the purpose a Genesis 21:3. mercy in Christ the Lord. Good men mostly desire to have the saints as friends, and even the wicked can perceive an advantage in being allied to the righteous. Its no wonder that Abimelek is asking Abraham to swear that he wont deal falsely with him. 21:22-34 Abimelech felt sure that the promises of God would be fulfilled to Abraham. In our last presentation of the Book of Genesis, Truth and Consequences and the opening verses of Genesis chapter 4, we hope to have once again fully established as fact the consequences of Eve's sin, as it is described in Genesis chapter 3, where three times it was acknowledged that she had already conceived, and that therefore, in spite of the . The Atlantic, June 2009. None ever waited in vain. 21:28-30 The giving and receiving of the lambs stipulates that Abraham dug the well in Beersheba and thus rightfully owns the well. The impelling motives. 21 While he was living in the Desert of Paran, his mother got a wife for him from Egypt. This is the term used in Ex. Abraham. The music and the sermon were okay, but didnt really help. The outcast. Even as Gods kindness draws us to him, our kindness with others should point them to Him. And it came to pass at that time, that Abimelech and Phichol the chief captain of his host spake unto Abraham, saying, God. Ishmael made fun of the covenant family, as Sarah had feared. A godly man is entitled to be careful of his property, to preserve it from damage, protect it from theft, and recover it when stolen or lost. law of Hebrew narrative, probably not Now the LORD visited Sarah as he had said (Genesis 21:1), (22) ABIMELECH AND PHICHOL. In the story of Hagar and Ishmael, we notice: He rained down fire and brimstone to destroy wicked Sodom. The neighborhood of Beersheba, the revelation of Jehovah, the little company of believers. Thus, Beersheba can mean, well of oath, or well of seven. So, outside of the name, Beersheba, the word shava occurs three times and the word sheva occurs three times in this passage. ), Posted on October 2, 2011 by Kurt Bennett, Category: Bible Study, Genesis, How Jesus Loved People - How You Can Too, I Wish Someone Had Told Me This When I Was Young, Tags: Abraham and Abimelek, Bible relationships, Christian, depression, how to be happy, how to love, love, Well of Beersheba, ive had a dream on this subject and have was awaken, Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window), Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window), Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window). 6 Sarahs ioy. 21:22 Abimelech recognized the blessing of the Lord on Abraham. Abraham was the friend of God. continued in the country of the Philistines for a considerable time; 15. I heard a story about a new police officer who, on his first day on the job, caught someone speeding. captain of his host spake unto Abraham, saying, God is with thee in (Haydock)_ And God heard the voice of the lad; and the angel of God called to How to love unlovable people the way Jesus did. Copyright 1996, Steven J. Cole, All Rights Reserved. He wouldnt have had much exciting news to report in his monthly fund-raising letter. Ed, Issue 46, Winter 2023. Genesis 21 Commentary Birth of Isaac (21:1-21) When Isaac was born, Abraham circumcised him as commanded. Genesis 21:33. COVENANT. 2 And Sarah conceived and bore Abraham a son in his old age at the time of which God had spoken to him. Shortly after World War II, a woman went into a grocery store and asked for enough food to provide Christmas dinner for her children. IN ALL THAT THOU DOEST:_ The trouble with this approach, of course, is that we never get to that place. Isaac would later have to clear up some matters over several wells with Abimelech (chap. 17 The Angel comforteth her. The alliance was contracted. 4. They formalize the peace agreement, Abimelech leaves, Abraham plants a commemorative tree, worships the Lord, and life goes on. _Isaac;_ that is, laughter or holy joy. Hagar and Ishmael sent away. In the immediately preceding verses, God has provided Isaac and dismissed Ishmael, so that Abraham would learn that Gods promises do not depend on human schemes and effort for their fulfillment. Ishmael's marriage, but most probably to the former. He was Gods number one man on earth, but he wasnt holding miracle services. Abraham uses the occasion to complain to Abimelech about a well which his men have taken from Abrahams servants. 4 And Abraham circumcised his son Isaac when he was eight days old, as The LXX. BIRTH OF ISAAC. 4. But He doesnt just provide for our needs so that we can live comfy lives for our own happiness. GENESIS 21:23. 1. 45-46). When you come to a passage like this in the Bible, the question is, Why did God include this in sacred Scripture? Another highlight of this passage is the explanation for the origin of the name Beersheba. Subscribe | RSS | Privacy Disclaimer. Sarah who at an earlier point had Its our job to love God and to love people. 3. Genesis 21:22. . In Genesis 21:22-34, we see Abraham in a scene from his ordinary life. Hence "the ownership of wells m Palestine was as jealously guarded as the possession of a mine in our own" (Inglis). Abimelech, that is _Father-King,_ was _chemet_ bottle, akin to _chamah_, Abraham had two sons, the one by a bondmaid, the other by a freewoman. Abraham planted a tamarisk tree in Beersheba, and there he called upon the name of the LORD, the Eternal God. This passage chronicles a covenant between Abraham and Abimelech. Without even reading it, he put it on one side of his old-fashioned scale. 22 At that time Abimelek and Phicol the commander of his forces said to Abraham, "God is with you in everything you do. It is wise to connect ourselves with those who are blessed undertakings. Because of that fear, before they left Haran, he and Sarah had worked out a deceptive scheme to pawn her off as his sister (20:13). Sarah who at an earlier point had Another step in Abrahams walk with God is seen in verse 33, where he plants a tree and calls on the name of the Lord, the Everlasting God. Planting the tree was an act to remind Abraham of Gods faithfulness, especially in the everyday matter of providing the well which supplied the water for this tree to grow. 4 He is circumcised. As Abraham is the father of all the faithful, so the The LXX. (22) ABIMELECH AND PHICHOL. _GOD IS WITH - The Birth of Isaac _Isaac;_ that is, laughter or holy joy. Here he is in this situation where he dug a well, a large investment in that area at that time. Are we honest, even in small matters? As a prince, Abimelech was afraid of Abraham's growing power; as a good man, he insures the safety of himself and his dominions not by resorting to war, but by forming an amicable treaty with his neighbornor with my son, nor with my son's son: (LXX. trial and utter ruin of the creature, with the revelation of divine I like this. all that thou doest: 2. 23. Genesis 21:22-34 In-Context. Because there they aware both of them. The league is proposed by Abimelech, and Phichol his prime-minister of state and general of his army. (Kindle,hardcover, andpaperbacknow available on Amazon. Matthew Henry's Commentary on Genesis 21:22-34 Commentary on Genesis 21:22-34 (Read Genesis 21:22-34) Abimelech felt sure that the promises of God would be fulfilled to Abraham. CHRISTI GENESISNOTE ON GENESIS 21:22 GOD IS WITH YOU IN ALL THAT YOU DO. CHAPTER 21 The significance of this passage is Abraham finding a place in the land promised to him in safety. I already did that during the night while I was watching over my sick child, she replied. )was probably the Tamarix Africanae (Gesenius, Furst, Delitzsch, Rosenmller, Kalisch), which, besides being common in Egypt and Petraea, is mid to have been found growing near the ancient Beershebain Beersheba, and called there (not beneath the tree or in the grove, but in the place) on the name of the Lord,Jehovah (vide Genesis 12:8; Genesis 13:4)the everlasting Godliterally, the God of eternity (LXX; Vulgate, Onkelos); not in contrast to heathen deities, who are born and die (Clericus), but "as the everlasting Vindicator of the faith of treaties, and as the infallible Source of the believer's rest and peace" (Murphy). _The birth of Isaac. God is V1 The *Lord had promised that he would visit Sarah. Probably from JE. Abimelech has reason to be suspicious of Abraham, but recognizes Gods blessing on his life, so he wisely seeks a covenant of truth and peace between them. The grocer, who was not a believer, was unmoved by her need. "Abraham stretched forth his hand, ABRAHAM AND ABIMELECH COVENANT His calendar wasnt full of speaking engagements. And Abraham replies, These seven lambs are a witness that I dug the well that your servants seized. 15 Hagar in distresse. How much specialized training (if any) do Christians need to be effective witnesses for Christ? II. ISAAC IN GERAR A famine occurs in the land, just as it had in the days of Abraham (ch.12:10). THE PROMISE FULFILLED IN ISAAC Not surprisingly, the driver of the car didnt comply. The oath a testimony to God where reverently made. 1. Show us kindness like we have been kind to you. You, our leader and master, have pulled the rug out from under us! He lived in the desert and became an archer. This, however, was an error, which shows. His circumcision (Genesis 22:4)_ But what about Abraham? This is also remarkable in light of Abrahams past dealings with Abimelech. EXPOSITION. DISMISSAL OF HAGAR AND ISHMAEL. Probably an official title. Most days, he got up, made sure his animals were being cared for, dealt with problems like sick or straying animals, servants who had squabbles, and finding enough water and food for his flocks and family. 3. Treaty with Abimelech (21:22-34) Abraham had settled in the south of Canaan in Abimelech's territory and at Abimelech's invitation (see 20:15). Whereas the first conflict, Scene 5 ( Genesis 20:1-18 ), concerned jeopardy of the . CONTENTS: Birth of Isaac. 9 Hagar & Ishmael are cast forth. (Murphy)that Abimelechthe king of Gerar (Genesis 20:2; Genesis 26:1, Genesis 26:16)and Phi-cholif the name be Shemitic, "mouth of all," i.e. Plus, if you add the three times shava is used and the three times sheva is used with the use of Beersheba that makes a total of seven times the words are used. How to respond to critics the way Jesus did. The man whos been thoroughly analyzing these files for the last 44 years is Dr. George Valliant. A.M. 2118. Abraham called on the name of the everlasting God. Genesis 31 Genesis 32 Genesis 33 Genesis 34 Genesis 35 Genesis 36 Genesis 37 Genesis 38 Genesis 39 Genesis 40 Genesis 41 Abimelech and Phichol. 14. . Give people youre in disagreement with a graceful way out. 17:9-14). had once laughed through unbelief; now being ashamed of that, she 7. Th Genesis 21:22 time H6256 Abimelech H40 Phichol H6369 commander H8269 Now the LORD visited Sarah as he had said ( Genesis 21:1 ), I like this. See also Genesis 21:22-34 in other biblical comments: Adam Clarke Bible Commentary. A covenant between the patriarch and the Philistine king. All these things are true and wonderful. Every wise person I know, finds some means of providing a graceful way out for those with whom they have an issue. Gunkel has given strong I read about a successful man who was on a business trip. But the problem is, most of us dont live in the realm of the spectacular. This is even more significant when you realize that Abraham wasnt doing anything spectacular. Genesis 20:2 Genesis 26:26 God. 9 Hagar & Ishmael are cast forth. Abimelech and PhicholHere a proof of the promise (Ge 12:2) being fulfilled, in a native prince wishing to form a solemn league with Abraham. I like this. CONTENTS: Birth of Isaac. Read Genesis 21:22-34 Ripped Off Abimelek the king of Gerar and his top general Phicol approach Abraham and say to him, We recognize that God is with you in everything you do. He wasnt building a sprawling complex of buildings to house his international ministry. Luke 6:21. In Chapter s 20, 21 we have the question of the heir and of the path Calling on Gods Name in whatever land you live, Despite the struggles in this new land, Abraham remembers his covenant with God (the God of Everlasting) and calls on His name. he understood what the sheep and oxen were for, that they were presents to him, at least some of them, and the rest were for the solemnizing and ratifying the covenant between them; but what these were for he could not devise. In Chapter s 20, 21 we have the question of the heir and of the path I. By the way the new cops boss, the Police Chief, called him into his office the next day for what the new cop thought was going to be an atta-boy. Isaac's birth (Genesis 22:1) 2. In gratitude for former favours he had received from him, in token of the friendship that subsisted between them, and for the confirmation of it; and to show that he was fully satisfied with Abimelech's answer to his complaint, as well as willing to enter into covenant by sacrifice, when such creatures were divided, and the covenanters passed between the pieces, for so it follows: and both of them made a covenant ; or, read more, And Abraham set seven ewe lambs of the flock by themselves. Do you call on the name of the Lord regardless of your circumstances. Bondwoman and her son cast out. The Covenant Between Abraham and Abimelech NINTH SECTION Although some of Abrahams resources came directly from Abimelech (20:16), the king sees the blessing of the Lord on all that you do.. How Jesus didnt love everyone the same (and why you shouldnt either). to Abraham. He graduated from Dallas Theological Seminary (Th.M., 1976 in Bible exposition) and Califo More. (3) that in making charges or preferring complaints it is well to avoid both heat of temper and severity of language. Bondwoman and her son cast out. Hagar out of heaven, and said unto her, What aileth thee, Hagar? It shows how God faithfully provided all that Abraham needed apart from Abrahams schemes. fear Numbers 14:13). Abimelech attributes Abrahams success to God. THE STORY OF ABRAHAM. Abraham gets his well back. . And, God provides for his need for water through this well. and the LORD did unto Sarah as he had spoken ( Genesis 21:1 ). "the well of the oath," (LXX; Gesenius, Furst, Rosenmller), or the well of the seven (Keil), rather than the seven wells (Lange); discovered by Robinson in Bir-es-seba, in the Wady-es-seba, twelve miles to the south of Hebron, with two deep wells of excellent water. He had to provide protection and give him the land, which He begins to do in a rather ordinary way through this peace agreement. Not long ago he was asked, What have you learned from the Grant Study men?, Vaillants response: That the only thing that really matters in life are your relationships to other people. (What makes us happy? Which things are an. _AT THAT TIME_] This may either refer to the transactions recorded in the preceding chapter, or to the time of Ishmael's marriage, but most probably to the former. Peace commemorated. Ishmael mocking (Genesis 22:9) all that thou _AND IT CAME TO PASS AT THAT TIME, THAT ABIMELECH AND PHICHOL THE Youve never said anything to me about this before and I dont know who might have done it. Then Abraham does something unexpected. As a planter of tamarisks, the patriarch has been styled the father of civilization; it is more important to remark that he never neglected to worship God himself and publish his salvation to others. (See previous post about Abraham and Abimelek). Abimelech, the king who had inadvertently taken Sarah into his harem because Abraham had lied about her being his sister, pays a visit to Abraham, acknowledges that God is with him, and proposes a peace pact. _chemet_ bottle, akin to _chamah_, _ALUN OWEN_ Abimelech, that is _Father-King,_ was "Abraham stretched forth his hand, ABRAHAM AND ABIMELECH COVENANT AndIf anyone forces you to go one mile, go with them two miles. (Matthew 5:39-41). Arab Ishmael is the father of all our outcasts. This Thirsty World. Since were not perfect, we do one of two wrong things. This visit of the king and his vizier appears to have taken place some considerable time after the beginning of the sojourn of Abraham at Gerar; for the friendly feelings which then existed had evidently given way to a coolness, occasioned by the quarrels between their herdsmen. I. of his host, spoke to Abraham saying, God is with you in all that you do. But we also need to see that His ordinary provision of our daily food is an example of His faithfulness. A.M. 2118. Abimelech protests that he is unaware of the situation regarding the disputed well and suggests that Abraham bears some of the blame for not telling him of the situation. Worldly policy may have urged Abimelech to cement a league with the powerful chieftain in his neighborhood, but religions affinity would also seem to have exercised an influence in drawing him to seek the friendship of one who appeared to enjoy celestial protection. mll "speak," an ancient and therefore solemn and poetical word. Genesis 12:1-3 sets forth Gods purpose to make of Abraham a great nation, to bless him and make his name great so that he would be the channel of Gods blessing to all the families of the earth. In this section mercy in Christ the Lord. After this had gone on for several times, the businessman suddenly was struck with the simple truth of that verse. He normally didnt attend church, but he was troubled about some matters and went to church, hoping to find some relief. army H6635 spoke H559 (H8799) Abraham H85 saying And so it was at that time that Abimelech, and Phicol the captain But other than that, Abrahams life was fairly routine. The trouble is, people can see that it isnt true. 23 Now therefore swear to me here by God that you will not deal falsely with me or with my descendants or with my posterity, but as I have dealt kindly with you, so you will deal with me and with the .