Since Pisces is symbolized by two Fish swimming in opposite directions, attractions may run hot and cold. Endless hugs, cuddles, kisses, and devoted affection? Aspects do matter, for sure. Another attractive Taurean trait is their focus on success. They beam with pro-social qualities like loyalty, curiosity, and romanticism. My boyfriend has Venus conjunct Mars in Gemini and he is NOT a player.. far from it.. youd think that with the Libra rising too. And so he told me I was too clingy (??? Given the information youve provided, though, I would say that his type: Anyway.. Because of this need, Libra puts a lot of energy into their relationship which results in them becoming more attractive to others. Next up, we have another Venus-ruled sign, the earthy and naturally beautiful Taurus. Theres something unshakeably solid about Taurus. Anyway, what a person wants in love, he/she always shows. Theyre also highly sensitive and supportive. He likes someone whom others will admire. When Venus is in Leo, your attitude towards love is something out of a fairy tale. Check. Click here for instructions on how to enable JavaScript in your browser. There you have it, the top five attractive zodiac signs. Perhaps a bit of shyness in revealing your feelings gets misinterpreted. They may be slow-moving, but they move with incredible self-confidence. Venus in Scorpio takes break ups very hard, even though he, likely, would not let you know. WebLook to your Venus sign for an answer to that question. Aquarius is a rare, genuine spirit that stops people in their tracks. Venus is the planet of relating, like the Moon. (Example: Venus 19 Scorpio, Sun 21 Scorpio. Im Aquarius and I know they are on all the other beautiful people list! By the same token, your S.O. Honigman credits their good looks with getting enough beauty sleep. He can make your heart beat faster with his words. Cookies and milk for a snack while dinner slow roasts in the oven? They rarely flourish without lots of affirmation and people to be around. While you know that theres no such thing as perfection, you arent looking to play psychologist to the tragically flawed. When Venus is in Capricorn, you are a dependable partner who will never let down your lover. Cancers know when to give it up~! But what if her reversal is actually a blessing in disguise? This Venus likes light things, from furniture to humor. You are a romantic to the core, and you spare no time in showing that side to your love. But, this is only because of society's gender rules. But, even then, peoples tastes vary based on so many unique ideals. Love at first sight is all too real for youand youve probably fallen head over heels in a nanosecond more than once. One soulfully sexy gaze from you might be all it takes for clothes to go a-flinging. At first I though he was playing me, I mean, who would actually do all those things? (That's saying something! Or they may be addicted to romance (Venus) and alhocol (or to all sort of illusions; or simply lazy; Pisces). Lets study some of the Venus signs. Throw away that rulebook! Your ideal mate would slay a thousand dragons and cross treacherous oceans for the opportunity to have your hand. very loyal, almost to the point of making one feel guilty. This is me. For me ideal wife would be also my best friend and love trips around the world, of course together). My house is all bright colors and flower prints. A physical lover, hugs and hand-holding are but some of the ways you show how you feel. Tie all this together with that fact these Cancer people look good. Look to your Venus sign for an answer to that question. This planet reveals the key to capturing your heart and provides insight into what pleases you. It may have simple lines, such as Ikea. Ruled by Venus, you adore beautiful things and culture, and seek perfect balance and harmony in all areas of life. All you ask for in return is an affectionate partner who can treat you with fairness. He likes quality in clothes, home decor and his partners. A sexy raconteur, you keep your "targets" spellbound with witty banter, fascinating stories, and even a few head games. You love to cuddle and can get a little moody when ignored. Pacing yourself is an art form to learn. Venus rules the bull sign of Honigman promises "all those good habits add up eventually," allowing Virgos to be "the youngest looking" seniors out there. Pisces are delicate in nature and are usually Related: Which Zodiac Sign is the Best Kisser in the Zodiac? For some Venus in Pisces people, commitment issues may play out in sneaky ways, luring you toward neglectful or narcissistic partners, even "rescue missions." She will, always, look well dressed and rich, even if she shops at yard sales. Was married with 2 kids and yet it felt like she was in it for the comfort, not to give herself to others. If you were born with Venus in fantasy-fueled Pisces, you see the poetry in basically everything. As I mentioned at the beginning of this article, remember that attractiveness is always subjective. Those with the Moon and Venus in very different signs will often hear from their partners or friends that the person they met is not the same as the person they're now living with. If any Venus wants to show off a partner, it is this one. That is a major drawback with this Venus. While people might think of Taureans as being more understated, they're often effortlessly good-looking. Captivating placements. When you inevitably do find "The One," youll take care of them in every way possible. Peepl, what about the aspects to his Venus? My ex husband and my husband are both Scorpio rising and I'm a Taurus rising. They have a highly attractive blend of motherly nurturance and sex appeal. My Dads wardrobe is completely chosen by her tiny, always perfectly manicured hands. Honestly, you would do the same for your partner, too. They tend to have this innocent yet drop-dead gorgeous appearance, with appealing hands, stomachs, and breasts/pecs. What makes you attractive and sexy? They love to touch and enjoy all forms of comfort. The well-deserved 1st place and the title of the most attractive zodiac sign goes to Libra ruled by Tending to move fast in love and business may or may not work out depending on the needs of the other parties involved. Venus is "exalted" in Pisces, meaning this is its most potent placement in the zodiac. They eschew fast fashion and opt for elegant, understated designer outfits and accessories. Did you know about Venus symbolizing a lover (qualities, which turn the man on), and the Moon stands for a wife (qualities, which he would love to see in his spouse)? In the middle of this transition, Venus vanishes from the skywell, at least from our view here on Earth. If Venus is positioned counterclockwise from the Sun (or at a later zodiac sign), your Venus type is an Evening Star. Venus in Aries would like a RED sports carthe brighter the better. Venus is the planet of love and beauty. Venus in Piscesis very poetic and romantic Fun fact: While the Mayans werent fooled, the ancient Greeks once thought that Venus was two planets. After that, she becomes a dreamy evening star until her next retrograde cycle. I picture Pamela Anderson in her red Speedo .He likes to do exciting activities like sky dive. Ultimately, youll rise, like the phoenix that represents the highest vibration of Scorpio, and continue your quest for a spiritually aligned partner. For best results, allow yourself to experience the full-on bachelor(ette) lifestyle before you settle down. Scorpio people are very powerful. With your tender underbelly, it can take you years to get over a breakup or so-called rejection. He does not like coarse humor.He, also, is very, very sensitive to tastes and smells. Create a free birth chart here to find out where your Venus sign lies, and then dig into what every Venus sign means here: If you were born with Venus in assertive Aries, you are a fiery and passionate lover who wont settle for less than an all-encompassing attraction. I could not do that on this message board but thank you so much for all your help! That said, you dont mind exclusivity! Moon together with the Mars conjunction he has Moon square Pluto; Moon is in the 8th house This Venus would like clothes and furnishings that are upbeat and have a happy vibe. Their eyes and facial features are usually quite attractive, and their bright clothes, jewelry, and stylish accessories shine regally. The former child star has tried out a lot of different careers. This Venus looks for perfection. Theyre also very feet-to-the-earth partners, craving stability and reliability. Related: Which Zodiac Sign is the Smartest? By the way, why do you call a Cap stellium exhausting? Your email address will not be published. When Venus is in Libra, favorable energy creates a true-love scenario. Some Venus-in-Capricorn people might actually swoon at the notion of co-creating a business. Often, if you're looking at old pictures of Taureans they'll appear ageless because they never change their classic style. Opposite sign of home base, may need to work harder to integrate the planets energy if placed here in the chart. Their hobby can become a second career. Venus in Sagittarius. Venus-ruled signs, for example, tend to embody the qualities of Venus, which include beauty, harmony, and refinement. Youre looking for a partner who wants to build something stable and fruitful togetherand that doesnt come along every day. Copyright [the-year] [site-link] | This website is intended for entertainment purposes only. As such, she has two names: In the morning, she is Phosphorus, which means bringer of light. Your attractiveness comes from an ability to chart a course for the relationship, which shows commitment to the union. He does not want a clinging vine: someone who makes her whole life about him. I love this article! Leo does not relent and does not forgive easily. Negative aspects (square, opposition) mean the opposite. And so on. This is partly due to the Sun being weak in Libra. Libra sun/venus, pretty in the sense of pretty, they most likely have dimples & flawless skin. You want to know NOW: Are you into me or not? partner for you will support your need for space, being affectionatebut never smothering. Posts: 6755 From: Registered: May 2012: posted November 28, 2012 05:06 PM With your peacekeeping ethos, youd rather avoid the unpleasantness of a conflict at all costs. However, if you want me to help you to find Jesus, that is why I am here. But, overall, Libra is able to remain kind while satisfying their social and emotional needs with grace and beauty. Pro tip: Skip the revenge fantasies and let karma handle it. Venus is that which we love: that which we find attractive and pleasing, quite simply our TASTES. Venus in Capricorn likes classic everythingfrom clothes to home decor. Your ideal mate would slay a thousand dragons and cross treacherous oceans for the opportunity to have your hand. People born under this sign are often determined and patient, which can make them very successful in life. WebIn Greek mythology, Venus is Aphrodite, the goddess of beauty and love. Venus in Taurus Man Taurus is materialistic, protective, and practical. That said, you dont wait TOO long for a home visit. A relationship of two whole individuals is your ideal, not losing your identity in some claustrophobic couple bubble. his Venus is sextile Uranus and Neptune, trine Pluto; Venus is in the 9th house I am telling you! Behind their tenderness is a deep loyalty to those they love. Loves sex and tender me and me . Ultimate Bulletin Board 5.46a. 2022 Galvanized Media. This Hollywood powerhouse has has been acting for 50 years. Taurus pampers their loved ones and surrounds them with beautiful things. This Venus is in the Exaltation. They will defend friends, family, and partners ferociously, and are always ready to cheer people up and provide motivational coaching. Posts: 172From: HoustonRegistered: Jan 2012. Click here for instructions on how to enable JavaScript in your browser. In this article, well be diving into the top five signs that produce the most overall attractive people. When Venus is in Gemini, you possess a natural ability to lighten moods with your friendly nature. bright and visible in the sky near sundown. As such, you may have to sift through a few more twists and turns than most before you master Cupids game. Expensive gifts wont necessarily woo you, but youll go giddy for something thoughtfully chosen, like your favorite book in a leather-bound hardcover or a consciously sourced treasure handmade by women in a developing country. Your bedroom may look like a high-end bordello, complete with all the accoutrements needed to put on a show or even make a few home videos. Single years will certainly be storied for Venus-in-Sagittarius people, with a few tales that could make a sex worker blush. If you were born with Venus in secretive Scorpio, your approach to love is seductive, soulful, and intense. "I want to welcome you to my website. 2009 - 2023 MindBodyGreen LLC. They think they're the hottest thing in the neighbourhood while I find them just really not attractive (to stay polite ), Posts: 544From: Greenville, South CarolinaRegistered: Jan 2012. A dog is very different from a giraffe. Pleasing parents falls pretty low on your list of priorities; in fact, shock value can be an aphrodisiac! With the worldly sign directing your love jones, youll have a diverse portfolio of dates and mates. Romance is a priority, but they are oddly noncommittal., Daily, Monthly, and Yearly Personal Numerology. Theyre outgoing, love to take center stage, and usually have the physical looks to stand out effortlessly. And Though Their Beauty On The Inside May Not Match The Outside, They're Still Very Venus in Scorpio is a soulful siren with a heart that extends to the darkest depths of the ocean. Leos love attention, so they always try to look their best to guarantee they'll receive it. Often reserved in public, you open up A LOT when you are in the privacy of your own home. Venus is "in detriment" in Scorpio, which is a somewhat challenging position because it falls opposite to Taurus, the sign that the love planet rules. He also has an Aquarius Moon (conjunct his Mars in Pisces at 4 degrees, not sure it counts). This is a rather rare Venus sign, from my experience. When you feel hurt or rejected, you may come across as withholding and even downright coldand the loss of a relationship can devastate you more than most. Your Venus sign is the zodiac placement of the planet of love and beauty at your time of birthso it can explain a lot about your romantic attractions. A roaming eye or an ambivalent heart are deal breakers. That means he does love well,so to speak. Some Venus-in Sagittarius-people might be comfortable in a polyamorous arrangement or a relationship that is open under certain circumstancese.g., hooking up while traveling solo or kissing other people but not removing clothes. Any planet (and its sign) making an aspect to the ruler of the 7th house, shows what else the person wants in a partner. Of course, so too can our sense of groundedness, safety and trust, which is why this is NOT the day to make any rash decisions or sudden moves. That's Venus in Astrology. Alas, patience is NOT a virtue for those with Venus in Aries. And lady Taurus Venuses~ sorry - you know I love yas all~ sooooooooooooo much! A fairy tale beginning to your lifelong romance is a must; something you can reminisce over during the slower spells. Have only met a girl with this placement and she seemed like she was just not capable of loving. These bull-headed people love resources and focus steadfastly on resource-giving achievements. To top it off, Libra is quite the social charmer. The partners he chooses must be the same. He is very poetic and romantic. With money, saving is more appealing than spending, but you will splurge on anything that smells, tastes, sounds or feels yummy. We are committed to bringing you researched, expert-driven content to help you make more informed decisions Honigman says "they always appear beautifully pulled together and chic" because of their penchant for the finer things in life. But astronomically, Venus retrograde is pretty profound: This 40-day backspin marks the period when Venus begins her shift from: An evening starbright and visible in the sky near sundown, To a morning star, rising just before the Sun. You prefer to plunge into the depths of intimacy and find out every one of your lovers secrets. This is an earth sign, and they have a natural earthy sense of beauty and grounded confidence to them. This sign is represented by the bull and is known for being reliable, practical, and down-to-earth. With dualistic Gemini directing your love jones, your feelings run hot and coldand can fluctuate by the second. Your libido has a mind of its ownespecially in a darkened bar, hot tub (or any body of water), or when youre far from home and can maintain more of an anonymous profile. Here's what your Venus sign means in astrology - New York Post When a prospective lover shows interest, you might demure or throw up a tough outer shell. In the process, we may become impregnated with new visions of what love could be and giving us a chance to bring them to life and to light! Casual dating is so NOT your jam. He is, surprisingly, moral, although you would not know that by his actions, usually. Let the slow jams pipe softly through your speakers and the vintage Pinot breathe alongside a pair of glasses on your counter. Your email address will not be published. The Most Attractive Zodiac Sign, According to an Astrologer Ever wondered why certain people seem to sparkle more than others? But heres something thats especially important to remember: Finding true love also requires you to risk heartbreak. Ever wondered why certain people seem to sparkle more than others? Hi, Im Loren. Do you agree with the list, or think it misses the mark? When Venus makes her shift from a morning star to an evening star, you could experience a romantic rebirth and sexual reawakening. Metaphorically, the New Venus day might be a moment when all our old stories and hang-ups about love could finally disappear. Note that the rankings on this list are based partially on raw physical attractiveness (prettiness) as well as raw beauty, which transcends physical appearance. And Tinder was practically made for Venus-in-Gemini people, even if youre just scanning profiles "for the fun of it.". They lock horns fast when challenged. Venus is that which we love: that which we find attractive and pleasing, quite simply our TASTES. IMHO, Laura, if he is drowning you with romance, he finds you attractive . Odette Moderator . "Leos feel that it's nice to look nice, and it shows," she explains. As for his type of woman, to me, his whole natal chart should be studied, not just Venus and Moon placements. This can make you wildly adventurous (read: generally nonmonogamous) or endlessly devoted to your mate. In the evening, she is Hesperus which means Western since she appeared near the Sun at dusk. Much like a monthly new moon, we can think of this day as a new Venus or a Venus rebirth. As Venus goes totally dark, we have blank canvas upon which we can imagine the future we want to create in our love lives. He wants an equal in every way(mostly, but that is a whole other story). The person who can hold a fascinating conversation and inspire you to think outside the box could be the one who lures you into a permanent domestic partnership. I dont like many Aquarius placements, such as the Sun. One of Libras downfalls is their need to feel admired and appreciated. The nonnegotiable? Ultimately, youre a sapiosexual, turned on by a beautiful mind. Youll take your sentiments supersized, thanks. Alas, these romantic rescue missions can throw you off your game for months, even years! He has excellent taste in everything, from the opposite sex to toothpaste. If you were born with Venus in harmonious Libra, romance is your raison dtre! Each person has very different tastes. In relationships, youre praised for your steadiness and stability, though you can get stuck in a rut. What is the Most Popular/Loved Zodiac Sign? Youre one of Cupids darlings and, whether you care to admit it or not, a hopeless romantic to the core. Libra Ah, Libra. Should I take into account any other placement? You have to understand the meaning of the 12 signs. Your restless nature drives you to abandon relationships regularly, but you come back again. If youre with them, theyll always be considerate and have your back. Most aesthetically pleasing: venus air/fire which in vedic translates to earth/water all commital nonbackstabbers . This Venus likes to have fun, fun, fun and keep it light, light, light. They have been dubbed astrologers to the stars after reading for notable celebrities, including Beyonc, Emma Roberts and Stevie Wonder. As Capricorn Sun and Aquarius Venus (Aries rising, Cancer Moon) it seems really eccentric (and Im a lesbian does it matter? The disappearing act happens approximately two weeks after the retrograde cycle beginsand lasts for around eight days. The Taurus-Venus wants to feel physically and financially secure before they give their heart I love you and hope you write to me to say hello or to ask questions. The only men I know, who in the evening wear purple silk shirts and a diamond earring. And what kind of woman is he looking for? Venus in Sagittarius Keyword: Independence. Joey Cramer, who starred in the 1986 Disney fantasy film, is 48 now. All it takes is one glance at their hypnotic eyes to see it. From Fitness to Relationships, Your Virgo Full Moon Horoscope Calls For A Clean-Up, Your Saturn in Pisces Horoscope for The 3-Year, Reality Melting Transit, Marchs Virgo Full Moon Blows the Whistle on Your Messy Habits, These Celebrities Are Finishing Their Saturn Return in Aquarius: Before and After, Your March 2023 Horoscope: The Decades Next Turning Point, Saturn in Pisces Turns the World Inside Out for the Next Three Years (But Dont Panic). 7th house ruler is Uranus in Capricorn (for some reason Ive been attracting them lately) oh, well never figure it out :D. That said, Venus in Capricorn gives you a strong "provider" instinct. my ex psychopath narcissist husband has it too, one of your role models! This 40-day backspin marks the period when Venus begins her shift from anevening starbright and visible in the sky near sundownto amorning star, rising just before the Sun. You might even prefer to date cross-culturally. Although you might not admit it out loud, youre a sucker for status. As such, you want to know what youre getting yourself into before getting swept away. Check out my journal, Edit : I don't like anyting Scorpio in a man, be it sun, moon, ascendant or venus. But, the Moon runs deeper, dealing with long-term relationships and friendships. Youll wait patiently as your potential S.O. Lover = the couple does not live together. Heres some more specific info just in case, assuming his birth time is correct: During the dating phase, you require all the traditional trappings: long-stemmed roses, Rumi poems, picnics in the park. Which Zodiac Sign is the Best Kisser in the Zodiac? This Venus likes refinement in the partner. Theyre never afraid to take a stand, and their assertive determination can move mountains. Once the object of your affections passes your tests, youre all in, shopping for housewares at Crate and Barrel, pinning iconic engagements rings, scouting out hillside mansions for your wedding ceremony, and figuring out which grandparent youll name the first kid after. Each one is like a different animal. As his Venus is in the 9th house, he easily attracts (and is attracted to) partners with a cultural background different from his own: foreigners, travelers, highly educated people, people who dont fit in, or all of that at once. almost too comfy, not much vibe, Venus in Taurus - weird. It depends on the rest of my chart. Whats your rising sign, by the way? Nesting with your S.O. Ive got the Cap stellium, EXHAUSING Sun, Mercury, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, North Node. is part of the Meredith Health Group. With your finely tuned sense of balance, you easily sense when a partnership is out of sync, and youll quickly adjust. Explores truth through relationships, and instinctively knows our first engagement is with life. Venus in Taurus n the middle of this transition, Venus vanishes from the skywell, at least from our view here on Earth. and it's an organic thing, this is how they function. The females are the most aggressive of the female Venus signs. This isnt the hottest, steamiest trait; but everyone wants to have someone comfort and listen to them. Single days are not lonely days for you, whether youre burning up the dating apps or enjoying the virtual turn-on of erotica (or both). WebAnswer (1 of 8): The Moon Sign and the Rising sign play an important role in this matter not only the Sun sign. Great hygiene and grooming are also musts for your germ-conscious Venus sign. Needs lots of freedom to move freely, even in a Best matches are another Venus in Taurus, or a Sun-sign Libra, a sign ruled by Venus, or an empathetic Sun Scorpio. Weelll, Aries is speedy and likes such. You feel as if you are in a garden. Who Are the Most Beautiful Signs in the Zodiac? Theres a comforting tenderness, calmness, and maturity to Taurus that makes them easily land at the number two spot on this list. The disappearing act happens approximately two weeks after the retrograde cycle beginsand lasts for around eight days. They often set the bar too high for others, and make it hard to live up to their standards. You need a hero who will have your back through lifes ups and downs.
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