[3] Predictions of the end from natural events have also been theorised by various scientists and scientific groups. The high elevation allows the fungus to grow and later spread its spores widely. Maybe that's why they only approach you after a certain distance, as I've stared some down before when aiming way off in the distance and they don't see me standing in the open. The Sheet has Hit The Fan. I love this website, but this article is just plain stupid. Pope Innocent III (died 1216) predicted that the world would end, After his 1260 prediction failed, the followers of, This painter believed he was living during the Tribulation, and that the Millennium would begin in three and a half years from 1500. But do zombies, or zombie-like beings actually exist in nature, and if so, what are they, and how do they come to enter this state of undeath? And can humans ever become zombie-like? It's also called Travel Moon, Dying Grass Moon, Blood Moon, or Sanguine Moon. ", "Some Mormons stocking up amid fears that doomsday could come this month", "Biblical prophecy claims the world would end on Sept. 23, Christian numerologists claim", "Conspiracy theorists claim end of world is coming April 23 when Nibiru appears", "No, the world will not end on Monday, says conspiracy theorist cited in reports", "Doomsday: Friday, 13 November, A.D. 2026", "No sign of apocalypse as Mayan prediction falls flat", "Super-eruptions: Global effects and future threats", "Meteorites, Impacts, and Mass Extinction", "Gamma-Ray Burst Caused Mass Extinction? "First of all, you should have an emergency kit in your house. 1525 would mark the beginning of the Millennium, according to this. I think the government really is trying to accomplish this. Mede claimed that the Antichrist had appeared in 456, and the end would come in 1660. For centuries, doomsdayers have prophesied the apocalypse. Assuming no year zero, that means the end would come in 1658. This cardinal predicted the end would occur between 1700 and 1734. they feed off suffering they feed off negative energy and emotions. Is it any wonder why society is devolving into a bunch of zombies? When it comes to people on bath salts or on a bad drug trip, you need to incapacitate them as soon as possible. Researchers report that [h]is suicide note revealed that he wanted to kill himself as he feared spreading a deadly infection to the villagers who resultantly might suffer from cancer.. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Some of the more well known zombie attack stories include the man who was high on synthetic pot who attacked his neighbors and ate their dog while the poor creature was still alive. "But even in a zombie apocalypse, that desire to be alone could change. Why are people saying a zombie apocalypse will happen in 2022 - Quora this is all rediculous MDMA/molly and XTC are not bath salts or METH, not even close. Stop playing those idiotic video games that strengthen your thumbs and try combat and self defense. Yeah. Reanimation of this creature from the grave involves magic in many cases. I also see us as humans failing our duty to take care of one another, the earth and all its animals. floating tv stand modern. There is plenty of scientific research backing up the fact that Molly(MDMA) is a safe drug as long as it is not abused(as with anything). This culture of violence has invaded every aspect of our lives. also its sad as many have lost their own will/ became puppets mentally. Her family recognized her walking about as a zombie 3 years after this event. This can be particularly unsettling when we think that those organisms are viruses. Mass prayer meetings were held in India. Yall need to be worried about Satan coming not this bullshit. There is no proof that a zombie apocalypse could be on the horizon but anything can happen. One of the best things to get your hands on is a car battery and alternator. Missile after missile was launched from the tank as it took down dozens of zombies. While it might not be the typical scenario that you're used to seeing depicted in Hollywood movies, the reality of the situation is no less frightening. Our society has degraded so far down into the gutter that todays youth will do anything to escape from reality, including taking drugs that are literally turning them into real-life walking zombies. Best food forward: Are algae the future of sustainable nutrition? The very core of my soul is sickened with it. Its just telling us that we need to snap out of this and get back to going outside and learning to do new things that dont rely on much technology. The only thing you did was point out one more thing that should have been in the article POLITICAL ZOMBIES. Drugs on our streets!! Molly does not cause anyone to want to eat each other, and does not make people into Zombies. This preacher predicted the great tribulation would begin before 2000. It is obvious to all educated individuals that the zombie apocalypse is a foregone conclusion (why else would there be so many awesome TV shows about it?). The exact problem with our beautiful country and why it is falling apart. A group of astrologers in London predicted the world would end by a flood starting in London, based on calculations made the previous June. Yes, you heard me right. This is ridiculous. Its important that we stay alive as long as possible and keep our humanity. if we dont start thinking for ourselves and following our own rules and work together, we are all doomed. If it comes upon us theyll be just as scared or terrified as us to do anything but run. #2.gather guns,silensers,ammo, and knifes,swords, and machetes. Why do they allow their teens unfiltered access to the internet, cellphones and media? Americans want more of anything that makes them feel good, whether its drugs or material things. Thats very dangerous for these tiny spiders.. I have to say, this would probably be the handiest tool you could have during a Zombie Apocalypse. pfft. its going to happen and im going to laugh when i see you as a zombie. Hi, I dont believe in zombies also, but I understand what you are saying. To ensure you'll make it through the zombie apocalypse, heed their simple tips. Its no wonder, then, that the CDC uses zombie outbreaks to illuminate the importance of being for emergencies and preparing for Pandemic Outbreaks. Several social media posts have floated around the web lately, issuing warnings from Nostradamus, a 16th-century French physician famous for his book 'Les Prophties." The posts warn of a "Zombie . I agree drugs are ruining our society! The US government, and also EU governments are following the same path, have constrained their citizens in such a way that they are no longer capable of thinking, an that is the only tool we need not only to survive in any scenario, but also to act as citizens who know our rigths and duties. An estimated 778 followers of this Ugandan religious movement perished in a devastating fire and a series of poisonings and killings that were either a. Falwell predicted God making judgement on the world on this date. If zombies were to start roaming the streets - yes, we said zombies - the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention wants you to be prepared. Why do you think so? Answer (1 of 47): Well different people will have different answers. Of course, the current global security situation is worrying. The focus of the Zombie Apocalypse Medicine Alliance preventing all forms of control by outside forces through various medical and psychological means. Our enemies are aware of the weakness in Americas youth. Anthropologist and ethnobotanist Wade Davis Ph.D, has spent years investigating a possible scientific explanation for the alleged existence of zombies in Haiti. Are Zombies Coming in 2021? The CDC Wants You to Prepare for Them At some point, the man attempted to take his own life. [Lore] How can zombies see that you are a human from so far away? When everyone else freaks out or dies and only private bumpkin is left but he takes initiative and kills the enemy or holds a position for reinforcements. There have been hundreds of doomsday prophecies through the ages, but none have ever come true. This might seem ridiculous, but we almost have no fatalities. If our govt wasnt retarded when it comes to the war on drugs then it would be legal and available in its pure form so people wouldnt accidentally get bad drugs in place of it. Both 1) and 2) require hard work now. ill give you more imput next time. Looks like you zombied out during English class. I fuckin agree pretty scary rite guys/gals, its not going to happen dont worry and if it does the military will save us and police force ok where safe so dont be scared, no they wont cause they will be over whelmed. In the midst of providing guidelines on an unprecedented pandemic, the CDC updated its tips to prepare for another extreme occurrence: A zombie apocalypse. sandy creek high school. "Back in the 16th . Some versions depict slow-moving members of the undead who wander aimlessly while others move quickly in search of their next victim. Anarchy is not the solution to these problems. The Mayan calendar got some people worried in 2012. Especially people who kill or rape children!! its as if the enlightment and awakening of a being of light and or something more enrages them. When it comes to real-life zombie threats, its a matter of paying attention. It remains unclear just how prevalent this condition is, but research suggests that it is a rare occurrence. I see bad things coming and I just hope that I can take care of myself and my family. This should be at least three days, although a two week supply would be even better. The second person had experienced brain damage, and also had epilepsy, while the third appeared merely to have a learning disability. You die of dehydration from crapping yourself and throwing up until you're so dehydrated you drop dead," said Mogk. The zombie clocks predicts when this is most likely to happen as well as the most likely cause. These plants become the living dead. If zombies were to start roaming the streets - yes, we said zombies - the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention wants you to be prepared. the guy at the top is real. This was a total disaster as these new drugs havent been tested at all and have no research on them. Doc in the box is the new way of life. The undead. The violence issue We also know of numerous bacteria and funguses that can infect the human brain and change the way a person thinks and acts. Molly was actually made for psychological use but because it became a street drug it became outlawed by the DEA in the mid 80s, we are just now getting some good research done on it again to support its use for many mental disorders including PTSD. Out of the many predictions for 2015, a zombie apocalypse virus probably seems like a bad joke considering the recent Ebola epidemic. Well done. It's Baba Vanga again! And then there was me, a street smart artist armed with a Smith and Wesson five shot and ten years of college education. Lindsey believed that Jesus would return within 40 years, a "biblical generation", of the founding of Israel in 1948. Then our own society comes into play. Renowned seer Nostradamus prophesied 250 years ago that a king of terror would come from the sky in 1999. Can you drive without your GPS system? Oh, and I am sick of hearing bad parenting as the excuse for the attitude of the youth today. But always being prepared for the unexpected than expected the covid-19 been here for almost to years so if everyone do the math how many people are in the world then do how many people are in your country or state then do your town then the county population in other countries around the world the city and towns county with in there county how many to you think are wearing mask or staying clean and keeping six feet apart think about it for real there with every new virus thiers a cure the same thing is going to happen when zombie APOCALYPSE hits if its coming from russia the in prediction the got to be a way to get antivirus right there are ways I would try and think about this would be how would you try put a stop think when you were a baby what did your shit record contain when you got your shots remember each state and other countries with their country have different shots that you had to take when your where little there should be a cure stop it but how would you get the viruses in the first place where would you and get it and how would you get it the answer is right from us the scientist is going to a grave to get a courpse to do what other lab body you need a lab rat if the virus is coming from a rat he going to need a dead body to test it on that only explanation I see how we can get from animal to human but rat Im just thinking out side the box here so we can come with a counter attack against the virus ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE, Dude, I think ur the one who needs to lay off the drugs, Agreed lay of the drugs dude but yes I shot a man 5 times and he didnt die, Thats because he was a human zombie and thats what there saying here also u wonder y we live in corrupt world cause of all gangs and mafia holy wood rule the evils w corrupt politics and do what ever to fuck this world up I play vid games and make media but am aware of truth always I am millinery brat and no fool I try to save lifes as much as possible incept corrupt cops sucks always protect wrong people and a lot times $ power rule bs get away things just because it happens s does not mean its right thing there is wrong right in decisions marking playing vid games some of us is way to make $ and keep us from falling into depression but I do kno how to fight this is no joke idiots read revelations about our govmerment read satan commandments its true u young morons who dont under stand Shit this world is heading train ride of wrong direction most of u goin to die if u dont help make a stand change way our world is we all in this fight together and corrupt world acts like none of us matter incept rich and kill off rest population of course government all of them have plan destroy our world while they live in space leave us behind idiots at least I kno diff idiots are more than us I am 2 smart for this shit. One of these species, Ophiocordyceps unilateralis sensu lato, specifically infects, controls, and kills carpenter ants (Camponotus castaneus), native to North America. they also believe eradicting the guts of something that is already dead would kill it the brain controls all . Its with money and views think about it. Um do you watch zombie movies? Rich people not being taxed more,illegal aliens being aloud to settle here!! Clear the Room. Zombie. That means there is actually thousand of nuclear bombs ready to explode and contaminate the entire planet. Camisard prophets predicted the end of the world would occur in either 1705, 1706 or 1708. For instance, the drug issue. This church, founded in 1831, claimed that Jesus would return by the time the last of its 12 founding members died. #4.get vehicles and a lot of gas. 15 Real Instances of Actual Zombies - Ranker Below, you can watch a video showing how the parasitic fungus infects its victims, leading them to their death. Can diet help improve depression symptoms? Did you know the average American spendsmore than 40 hours a week watching TV? According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, the word comes from the Louisiana Creole or Haitian Creole word zonbi, and it is akin to the Kimbundu term nzmbe, which means ghost. The Zombie Apocalypse 21 Day Countdown | WIRED A new article in a peer-reviewed student journal finds that the zombie hordes would take Earth's population down to a mere 273 survivors in 100 days. Between 2016-2016, 10762 wee shot in the streets of Chicago. Now its time to think about how youd stay safe if faced with one of these real-life zombie situations. mind bending is easy except im no experiment. Truthfully, most parents are better than what you think. We have a world full of people who have literally checked out of reality. Austrian geologist and Nostradamus buff Alexander Tollmann decided to play it safe by sitting it out in a self-built bunker in Austria. And if theres something you can do to protect yourself and the ones you love, join the military. 9 years/9 years and 1 month + 1 year, 4 months, 3 weeks, 6 days and some minutes = 10 years 4/5 months 3 weeks 6 days Some minutes 10 years, 4/5 months, 3 weeks, 6 days and some minutes. the CDC's Preparedness 101: Zombie Apocalypse guide reads. Also people like they said high on drugs are like that where they have no empathy for others and kill and eat people. Human bodies can move on their own after death, study finds, The Lazarus phenomenon: When the 'dead' come back to life. Im from The Netherlands and go to college. Needless to say that none of them have come true. Anything is possible just saying.. Could a zombie apocalypse happen? | The US Sun My whole family worksor has worked or is currently working as a police man or woman or a law enforcement job. Pay atention to europe, who are in the edge of a multitude of nationals revolutions and the fall apart of EU. retirement. I can tell you from experience that the drug that you call Molly, does not turn you into a face-eating zombie. Swedenborg, a former Lutheran, claimed that the, Based on a misunderstanding of a talk given by astronomer. I agree with you, Noreen. Solar eclipses are really nothing to worry aboutas long as you use proper eye protection. Ummmm no not really combat skills include decision making under stress. just like the walking dead the walkers are smart enough to open a door, Seriously yay are you fucked in the head once your infected by the virus it dont wear off your a zombie for the rest of your life.
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