Make sure the tires are centered on the scales. Even 1/8 inch difference will make a difference, especially if you have as Left Rear Bite + Right Front Bite. It's stuff closer to 60/40 or 40/60 where you need to stray from crossweighting. Calculate the average front and rear desired ride heights. First the tires. Take the total weight of the car in the configuration you decide on, with driver or without, and to find the corners, do the following: TVW = Total Vehicle Weight = 2,800, LSP = left side. Cross-weight percentage compares the diagonal weight totals to the car's total weight. Check your tire pressure and bump it up to the hot pressure It's always possible that there's something wrong with my scales - I'll call their manufacturer and get their input an recommendations, and I'll let everybody know what they say. more important corner balancing becomes. 19. Would be interesting to see how close to ideal I got it though, given how well it handles already. A set up plan will help you to build a race winning effort. I can see binding throwing off each corners weight but the sum should be the same. You've mentioned "dead struts" a couple of times - what do you mean by that? Softer tire compound Right Rear Increase Right front and left rear Corner Weights Bicycling Left side tires lose contact with the racing surface More overall left side weight % Now that we understand the value in maintaining ride heights, just what heights do we want? height and the shocks set to the exact same spring perch height Air up the tires as they will roll through tech. When that time arrives, you walk across the racing surface, into the dirt oval's imperfectly defined center, and meet your instructor. used cheap linoleum tiles (49 cents each at Home Depot) to shim two of my scales Left front weight + right rear weight = right front weight + left rear weight. [Up] [CornerBalanceCalculator] [CGHeightCalculator], This calculator takes your car's four wheel weights and calculates current Once you have established an ideal moment center design and the correct cambers through testing, you need to maintain those throughout your season. This gets very tedious, given the number of iterations it typically takes to get the corner weights right. ride heights after every change. Moving weight to the front of the kart will provide more front-end grip. The more rear weight bias, the tighter the chassis will be coming out of a turn. On oval track cars, cross-weight is usually used in conjunction with stagger (where the right rear tire is larger in circumference than the left rear tire) to balance handling. Right Front = Suggested Adjustment Procedure for Oval Track - KONI NA adjustments were 1 turn to the right front and 3/4 turn to the left rear. This was a very interesting post to me. This is but one method and I encourage everyone to ask around and find a method that works for your type of car, this one may not be the most efficient. Grassroots Motorsports Understanding Corner Weights. Jacking weight will not alter the left side or the rear percentages. another. A. Interested in hearing peoples' opinions and (preferably) experiences. If your car has coil over adjustable shocks you should consider Understanding How Weight Distribution Affects Your Race Car This also coveys other advantages, the short shock travel means that it can be shorter and lighter. In this example, we will adjust the crossweight percentage on a sample car with different rate springs. They're made by Proform, and are quite a bit less expensive than the ones made by Intercomp, but they got good reviews. Yeah, I'm a little puzzled by my result when I let me car down on my new scales as well. tires. Dirt oval racing tips/ Go karts - Don Terrill's Speed-Talk Finding The BBSS Front Spring Pre-Loading the driver seat and reconnect them so there's no preload on them. Struts and trailing arms generally arent great in this case as they have a lot of inherent bind. For our example we have LF 3.625, RF 4.75, LR 4.625, RR 5.75. Changing the ride height at any corner will change the cross-weight percentage. Wheel offsets are very important. Using dead struts and lots of bearings will help. The more power a car has, the more that static weight over the drive wheels helps acceleration off the corners. tiles) on the left front and 1 on the left rear to level the scales. "Springs and chassis components can be adjusted to push down on one rear wheel," Bickel said. When I weigh my cars I try not too overthink all this binding stuff. This article explains everything pretty clearly and I feel like I could tackle the job myself now! Add about 20% and slowly increase until your car turns when you let off the throttle in the middle of the corner without rolling out of the throttle. - can make your car dive like a dump truck or a block of wood on ice. Measure control arm angles after each change. % 50% is optimal, Wedge = Understanding corner weights. traction or bite in left turns. Caster Creativity - JOES Racing Products "If your car is really tight or really loose during hot laps, you have to take a look at the things that are going to make the biggest difference. upgrading our street stock suspension part 2 the rear end. Excessive front toe in will make a car turn into a corner quicker, & may create a loose condition. LF and RR (extend coil over), remove preload to RF and LR (shorten the coil B. Don't just blindly cross weight it thinking it's the "right" way. For example, if your initial setup is 52 percent cross-weight, and you want 50 percent cross-weight, lowering the right front or left rear corner will decrease cross-weight percentage. Then there is what I do for FWD stuff That is forget the rear weights entirely, and just balance the fronts to be equal. One of the most important aspects of racing is having a good handling balance. 10. At the rear, your rear control link angles are critical to maintaining rear alignment and determining rear steer angles and/or reducing rear steer altogether. 3.If you plan on having to set ride height without the driver, measure the difference with and without the driver in the car at all four corners and record those differences. on each wheel to speed shock adjustment. Take the cosine of that angle, divide it into 1.0 and then square it, or multiply it by itself. Weight Distribution Theory | Bob's 4 Cycle Karting The Track (FATT) event and it handled superbly. But this is almost never the case. Some of the most popular engine packages are the Yamaha KT100S, Parilla Leopard, Honda CR125, Briggs L0206, Honda Clone, TaG (Touch and Go) and many more. If most of the important turns on your I race in a spec class, so everyone is using the same equipment. Disconnect the shocks, when possible, and the anti-roll bars. . To favor right turns, put more weight on the Rolling the car onto the scales from a small ramp that's the same thickness as the scales seems like a better option, but does it truly remove all the bind? You need to follow distinct directions to set up your RC for a dirt oval. How to Properly Use a Penske Shock Tuning Guide to Optimize Your turns. To keep things clear I call this added LR/RF weight Wedge We were racing dirt oval about a month ago, and then I tried this scale system . Tuning with anti-dive probably won't be . Since each side at each end will usually have different rate springs, the amount we change the spring height adjusters will differ side to side. Disconnect the sway bar. Wheelbase: 9.5" min, 11.5" max Maximum width: 10.250" Minimum weight: 57.0 oz All cars must have 4-wheel independent suspension, single speed transmissions only. This keeps the ride heights as close to ideal as possible. difficult to position all 4 scales so you can just drive up on all of them at In our example it is 18 degrees. You need: 1. And there is a methodology, or possibly several that will make this routine easier. Remember that this is a sample car, so don't use these numbers, but do use this method. anti-roll bars then leave them connected. I Recheck air pressure often to assure ride heights stay consistent. two years. Your ride heights determine your arm angles up front, as well as the cambers, and, to a lesser degree-excuse the pun-the caster angles. I commented on this to the youtubevideo on TIG welding, where they put their C5 Vette on scales and had a contest to guess the weight correctly, so I apologize for the duplicate posts. used are 0.045" thick. knew I needed to put the car on the scales. Wedge Delta and what values work best for certain tracks and conditions Once you have installed your coil-over suspension, mount the rims with the tires you will be racing with, and complete all other items that could impact the vehicles weight and placement of that weight. I was surprised how much these high rate The car is built on a jig for a particular ride height layout. To do this, we add five rounds of pre-load to the RF. If you had a car with a fully rod-ended out suspension that frictionless and frictionless tires you wouldn't need to roll the car around or bounce it or anything. At least for road racing. If the car feels loose on corner entry, lower the left track bar. Dirt adds weight, binds suspension parts and hides potential problems > The bearings come well oiled and attract a lot of dirt. the scales and zero them with no weight on them. It seems to me that if there's bind in the suspension that's preventing all the force of the springs to come into play, the weight read by the scales will be less than the correct value. This is the arm length divided by the distance from the shock mount to the inner pivot line, squared. So we multiply the difference, or 4.2 percent, by 1.12 and we get 4.7 rounds of right side change to the spring pre-load, or 43/4 rounds. If you go to a tuning shop that provides this service, estimate that it will cost you $90 $150 to have them corner weight the car for you. this excellent article: and stock rear sway bars connected. Use a load of fuel for where you you want the car balanced, either at the start of the race, the end of the race or an average between the two.
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