Rapid thoughts flooded my brain. As the embryo grows I am constantly conflicted. And then we came back home. but no one wants that for me. The first question the nurse asks is, What was the first day of your last period?, and I burst into tears. Thanks for this wonderful piece. I know Im going to love him when he is here but in the time being I am just purely struggling. 'I had to carry my baby to bury my baby': Woman says she was denied We chose 3 yrs ago to decide to be Childfree. He told me to decide between him and the baby and he would leave. Im already a mom and I love my daughter more then anything. I'm just a tiny someone, Constant regret and pain . A lot of people who are not able to have children would love to adopt. I was literally in the same situation as you! I aborted my second child at 10 weeks 16 years ago and have regretted it since. Same with me 7 years. Anyway, Im still mourning and will never forget till the day I die. Realizing it is her choice and respecting her decision has been rough but weve grown these past few weeks. Cry Of An Unborn Child by Gabrielle Kruger - Family Friend Poems. Published by Family Friend Poems November 2008 with permission of the author. You may wonder why I say she.. But in reality I know who the dad was because of what had happened on the night we spent together but it did not help my decision as I felt so ashamed. I am finish a social work degree and my fiance just finished his Masters and has started working. Im giving up the pregnancy to focus on my toddler & also to avoid a life of suffering for the new baby You know in your heart what the right decision is. Letter To Mommy From The Womb, Cry Of An Unborn Child, Abortion Poem Im a working fulltime mom Ive always been morally against abortions Ive always advocated against them and here I am having to contemplate one. She comes to me in my dreams at least once a week. I too feel like I will regret it if I do this, I always wanted to be a mum I adore children but back then I couldnt keep it . A mother is a protector but I couldnt, I killed my unborn. Im just lost. We have been having the same unprotected sex as we were while still together. Even though I knew none of the other ladies who were there for the same reason I felt like I was not going through it alone. Then I panicked more I hadnt even thought about how I had a choice to make, and how this didnt only involve me, it involved your dad, too. Please give me some advice Im so lost right now. An abortion at age 15 left Teresa with 'a wounded and tormented soul' The dad is eh. it really makes my decision i made 10 months ago seem like the right one. Wish I had a way to contact you personally. You'll be grateful in eternity! I dont know you but it seems to me that if you went through with it, it was 100% the right thing to do. I wanted an abortion but my boyfriend wanted us to keep the baby. 30 years old , Im pregnant now. Even my close friends dont know this time. Now, faced with having one in our early 40s is terrifying. April S., New Jersey. My biggest fear is not be Abel to give my girl a sibling I will be 39 in a couple of days so . The abortion debate has been going on for ages. I was 5 weeks when I decided to let my baby go, I miss her everyday . I dont want you to go through thisit never does go away. I went through every logistic financial, physical, mental to see if I could go through with it. Ive always had irregular periods and issues. A boy or a girl? However, reading this, even though it did make me cry, also made me realize I could look at this moment as something to grow from and not just bury it away as a bad memory. I feel like its hard to find forums where women arent either all regret or all confidant/fine with their decision. I want the baby, and he says not yet. My apt is tomo And I dont want to go. I miss my baby every minute of every day. As a minor in highschool who lives with her boyfriend (of 2 years), I had to have a termination back in September after finding out I was pregnant days before the dads birthday (Aug. 28). Unborn Child's letter to a Mother! - Momspresso I had not passed my probation period and I wanted to prove myself, to be as good as I could be. And then I blurt out, without any grace, and much louder than I intend, Im pregnant. His eyes get wide as frisbees and he says, Wait. How do you know? I pull out the test and show him the two pink lines. So many people would love to give that little one a home. I found out I was pregnant the same day I was supposed to get an IUD inserted. My boyfriend and I have been together for 15 years, we have a 9 year old & make about $80K (maybe more) combined income but yet Im contemplating abortion. I dont know what to do. How are you coping? In a saline abortion procedure, caustic saline solution was injected into the mother's womb. Its so irresponsible of me i know, but i dont want him to feel like Im trying to use this new baby as a way to rekindle our relationship that in reality was not that good. I was 5 weeks. During that time, I had to learn a lot about our choices were, and I didnt want to scroll past your comment without sharing some of that knowledge. I miss my baby every day. I found this whilst considering abortion. There arent any protesters out that day and Im grateful. The baby has been name Baby Amanda Marie, for the name Amanda means "she who ought to be loved." Maybe you can relate with "Jess," a young woman who posted her abortion story in 2019 on the Shout Your Abortion website. Thank you so much for writing posting this just hope and pray that one day I will get a chance to be a mom again. People will yawn when they are bored of you. I dont know how I got to this point of being so mistreated and lost. I couldnt talk to him about keeping it because he would panic and and say it wasnt plausible anytime I showed attachment. We chose to end our family after two children. I knew I wanted to finish school, and with barely making enough to keep the house stocked with I knew I would have to turn to work full time to be able to keep it. Letter from a Woman Who Had an Abortion | EWTN Three years later, I look back on that day as the most difficult, important, unforgettable, and un-regrettable moment of my life. For the first time in my life. It took me months to get back to normal, probably because of the hormones, and I got severely depressed and anxious. An Honest Letter About Abortion. I take his hand in mine and say, Everything thats happened the past few weeks doesnt matter anymore. I sat on the toilet and watched as my destiny-deciding urine diluted with water, coffee, and last nights wine crept across the screen. Am I selfish for bringing our baby into this world? I want to experience the excitement of my first day at school And wham, I unexpectedly end up pregnant, at 41. I just wanted to say thank you for writing this. All I wanted to do was feel your skin and smell you. I worry everyday about what y child will be like when he is here, how y decision is going to have an impact on the people around me, on those closesest to me. Children need attention so please think about if youre equipped to care for them on your own as a single parent. I am curious as wel. Must be awful. I took a test when i got home from work and sure enough i was. Ive just got an amazing job that I cant afford to give up, I suffered badly with my mental health the first time round. I felt a sense of love and attachment to the baby I knew I had to let go. Love to each of you xxxxxxxxx. Diary of an Unborn Child is the title of an anonymously-written anti-abortion article which was first read on the floor of the New York Senate in 1970. My periods had always been very irregular and I had taken over the counter tests when it got late but I got negatives the both times so I was certain I wasnt pregnant. One abortion opponent testified that people in her life had . It helps to know I am not alone so thank you. I decide abortion at week 6. Up to this moment Im still thinking of her, asking God and her for forgiveness. Can I ask what you ended up doing? All the best xxxx, Hi Owami, your message speaks to me because I was completely alone too. So not really any adult guidance, or access to the financial resources parents often avail their young-adult children. I am a teacher and take care of infants to two year olds, Im devastated because in a better situation I would have kept this child. Raising her was not easy on my own but he convinced me to move back so he can have his family. Labor would begin, usually within 12 hours, and the baby would be expelled. Except for some personal references her letter is reproduced in full. Letter: Actresses' reading of novel ignores rights of the unborn Listen to her fears and help her conquer them one by one. I dont want one. A part of me knows there are logistical & rational reasons why we should not have another & honestly those out number the reasons we should but yet I still want my baby. It also makes me proud to know that I was conceived out of love. I am now 48 and very much regret it and really dont know how to go on, but somehow we must. He walks into the front room while I am mid-stand, so thats how I greet him. I dont know how Im going to get over this. I feel that it was indeed the best decision for me but Im so emotionally torn that i feel horrible for doing it i was also about 5 weeks . Jocelyn Miller is a Montessori teacher in San Francisco who spends her weekdays supporting the growth, development, and independence of young children. So we did. My mother killed me | Parent24 Thank you for this I hope one day Ill find a way to be okay, I really feel stupid and sad Im pregnant and everyone doesnt support my relation ship.i now want to abort and sadly get over my man. I am 18 and got an abortion 4 weeks ago. I pray for you, and your baby. None of it matters. Your dads hand squeezes mine, although I dont think its purposeful, and he asks again, Whats wrong? I look him dead in the eyes, knowing Im about to change his life forever. You are making the best decision for yourself at this point in time , I feel like I can relate and that give me a lil strength. Thats the last burrito hell ever order without any major care in the world, I think to myself. The emotions you displayed in this article made me cry because it is exactly how I feel. Your dad looks at me and then the tests before putting them down, one in my lap and the other in his, but it falls in between us how symbolic. I thought the tears would stop but they dont. I did regret it but I cant imagine hows my life would had been if I didnt do it. Im sad, but dont regret it. I think when we choose to do something like that we are so confused. I cant share any of this with him. Youre still with me, and Im grateful for that too. So afraid. Surfing helps, but I know the best thing for healing is time. At first, he was kind of a jerk, but eventually conceded to drive two hours back to San Francisco even though I had just sent him away that morning. I found out I was pregnant October 1st. Oh mommy, I can't go on anymore help me 17 years have gone by since you made that fateful decision. I am with someone who I cant bring myself to tell and I am starting to feel emotionally and mentally effected by it. I found out I was pregnant exactly two years ago this weekend. I had not long been in a new job that I had wanted and worked hard for. I just had to message to empathise that this is not an easy decision and I understand the turmoil you are likely going through right now. I havent gotten pregnant the last 2 years since being off birth control and we already have two children as it is. I too had an abortion a couple of days ago 1/10/20. But i wanted to say thank-you because your post was something i came across before i went in for my abortion and it brought me to tears. A letter from an unborn baby | Count Clement II's Panorama It is simply not a choice anyone wants to make. Tears and snot are running down my face as I write this, I have 2 beautiful little girls after this and it hasnt got any better. I felt you crying when you went to the doctor. we are just buying a house and i know money isnt good right now, but i cant help but hate his kids now bc i had to give up mine. Making an impassioned plea to her mother to not abort her, she shares her hopes and fears with the woman who can control whether she lives or dies. It would have been too early to know the sex for sure but when I think of her I feel her and I know she was my baby girl your not alone, whatever you feel, your not alone. Nurse horrified as doctor orders abortion survivor to be taken to lab Just not now. I just want to be happy with him but its hard when we are on different pages. Sending love xx. Your situation is mine. I hear you and Im there for you. I had a disease that I didnt know about that affected the baby because of my bloodstream. I want to be able to call you "Mom," and hear you say I'm yours. Thank you for your bravery! Would you call that dad-approved? Did you spell check your submission? Breaks my heart. Maybe you're frightened. Not until Im sure. The subject presents itself fairly often and I am at a loss. Ohio state Rep. Jean Schmidt calls pregnancies from rape an I thought about how I had just lost my job, just went back to school, was still struggling with grief from a lost loved one and trying to take care of my mom while still trying to learn how to take care of myself. Do NOT submit poems here, instead go to the. The following article is one I submitted back in March 2017. And make you scream and shout, Like you, I was afraid and let fear took over my life. And the dad is on pills really bad and i didnt find out until it was too late. Dont panic, I thought. Im 22 and I recently went through my 2nd abortion. Couldnt take my meds or prenatals because the baby threw up everything. My baby fever was at an all time high I was even looking at baby clothes. And Im scared because Ive read what an abortion can do or affect my fertility. And understand that by forcing your boyfriend to do something he isnt ready for you may ruin your relationship with him. (Sense my sarcasm, little one.) I took away all the vitamins, iron, proteins, calcium and every bit of you in me. Me too A M, August the 30th. I think. What if I was never able to get back on track with school and start my career? Heartache and emptiness daily. I was worried I would have preeclampsia again, which could put baby and me in danger. The dad and I had talked about having another child after 3.5 yrs. After a further 2 weeks things started to settle down. I would give anything to hold him. When I told him I was pregnant the first thing he said is lets get a chicken sandwhich. I sit there like that until I hear the front door open and your dad walks in. From a mother's letter to her aborted child: "It's been a decade and still my blood runs cold and I catch my breath whenever I hear the word " abortion." Space there is an emptiness inside of me that can never be filled, a chill that has never quite been warned, a grief that will Continue reading "A Mother's Letter to Her Aborted Baby" I, well, thankfully few days ago I conceived in your tummy. I always thought she would come back to me somehow but only in my sleeping dreams and waking thoughts. I hope you are healing well and have found happiness in other areas of life, until you and your unborn baby see each other again. It breaks my heart everyday because I didnt really want to get rid of my baby I loved her ( felt she was a girl ), had a name picked out, went to multiple scans ( still got pictures ) .Today is a year since my surgery and I grieve her everyday I regret it . It will be 8 years since my abortion in July and I still think about it every day. Dear Mom: Letters from an Aborted Baby - The Shining Light Ministries She / he would have been 9 years old. The way you wrote it felt so close to home for me and i just wanted to say thank-you, thank-you, thank-you. A letter to a woman considering abortion - Archdiocese of Baltimore Ugh. Young mom writes heartbreaking letter to her unborn baby - LifeSite I couldnt relate more to this paragraph you wrote: I was so excited when I found out because I didnt even know if could have kids. This poem represents the voice of an unborn child pleading for its life. I had an abortion past the point of having the pill so had to have the surgery, It was the most painful time of my life physically and emotionally and I never expected it would continue to haunt me. We don't need to live in a big fancy house, I dont want to undo my choice, but its still so hard to live with sometimes. Im at a loss. Mothers should never be bored of their children. It takes courage to share your story, especially with so much honesty. I felt empty after too, 10 years later and I still have regret. Then I went into early menopause at 34 and never had kids. But heres the problem, my husband and I are happily married. All my life my dream was to have kids. I know thats the right decision but I cant stop crying or thinking about baby . Ive imagined names and what he would look like. I received my bachelors degree in adolescent counselling just last June. I cry. Its been 44 years since my abortion and I think of her every day. I am 31 and had an abortion in November last year at 10 weeks pregnant, which was later than I thought too. My boyfriend is full of regret and wishes he wouldnt have said hurtful things. I had an abortion at 5 weeks 6 days, pill as well. A group of doctors and conservative medical groups is suing to overturn the FDA's approval of mifepristone and a federal judge could rule to cut off . Just my thoughts ?? Thankyou all for sharing your stories + most of all the letter to the little light. He doesnt mean too, hes just a consummate bachelor annnnddddd.damn it. My Unborn Love By I was very confused. I understand you completely I found out I was pregnant pretty early ( 2-3 weeks ) decided I was going to go through with the pregnancy after me & my boyfriend relationship changes drastically he started to become emotionally and mentally abuse. I stood up, pants around my ankles, and lost my footing, grasping onto the shelf that held toilet paper and Febreze. What Pro-Abortion Activists Got Wrong About Jessa Duggar's Miscarriage Oh, Honey. Share your story, thoughts, and prayers in words, pictures, or video. I still wonder if o made the right decision. Id give anything to see my baby smile. Take care. I lost my baby in August. Im ready,but am I really ready? She was worth fighting for. In a letter shared in advance with the Guardian and sent on . I move into the mini-counseling session with your dad, and we are firm on our decision. I told my husband minutes before we left to go camping. I took the morning after pill and it failed. When I started getting very nauseous all the time my Mom said I was definitely pregnant and we went to the gynecologist who gave me an ultrasound and said I was pregnant. I walked back to the preschool where I work with ten minutes to spare and decided, Ill just do it now. I saw a tarot reader 2 years ago and they brought him up and told me he forgave me and understood but I will never forgive myself. no one is on my side. I am 6 weeks and already feeling flutters and I feel like I will never get past be this. I really care about him, but this all has put a serious strain on our relationship. Anger boils in me now and again over it. I wish I would have told him to have a nice life. Everything about the timing felt wrong, but even then I still wanted my baby. Ill be 43 when the child would be born. To cheer you up when you're sad. The 'pro-choice' movement argues that a woman should have a choice to keep . Struggling with the decision I made. Hes worried our quality of life will suffer for the whole family. Im 33. If you can't take care of a child, please let someone adopt it. Hey, came across this after searching for something to resonate with how I feel. I loved you, my first, my only.. These letters are an appeal to all who read them to choose life. How first and my first. We have only been together 8 months though. We talked all weekend, tried finding ways to make it work but we both knew it wasnt the time because of so many factors, the big ones being my health and finances. But I begged her not to go, I pleaded at times crying on the phone. There arent any protesters out that day and Im grateful. Everyone at work keeps getting pregnant and every time I hurt. I even Bought girl stuff.. in the end I told myself he was right. Ive never thought Id be in this position and feel so weak and lost. But the six-week deadline contrasts starkly with early American abortion law, where the procedure was legal until "quickening"the first time a mother feels the baby kick, which can happen . I had an abortion when I was an illegal immigrant my boyfriend that time wanted me to get an abortion. The technician asks me if I want pictures, and I say, I do. When she leaves to print them, I repeat the lyric from Gone and I cry more while holding my stomach. I told my mom who was not shocked and she said we should schedule it for the next day. I long to feel the grass tickle my toes Good luck with that husband. I would do things so differently. Hospitals must offer abortion if the mom's life is at risk My eyes fixate on her belly, and I sob. My boyfriend was with me when I took the test. I ask for the pill and she hands me it along with a cup of water. Everyday I think about my baby, Im still google searching what the baby would look like at this gestation age, what the baby would be doing. I look back at him as the door closes behind me and I feel alone, until I remember youre there with me. or I found out Im 6 weeks pregnant last week. Published by Family Friend Poems March 2017 with permission of the author. Youre feelings and emotions emulate mine. My room mate and best friend had an abortion two days ago. 27 Abortion Poems | Healing Poetry About Abortion - Family Friend Poems Thank you so much for sharing this. If your willing to share that is. In the last twenty minutes of my lunch break, I walked to Walgreens and bought the test thinking the employees must assume Im really irresponsible (I guess I was?). UN urged to intervene over destruction of US abortion rights So many of the feelings you described in your post match mine, and as I read, I finally felt something other than alone. Thank you again.
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