While arriving in a part of the woods, one of the jeep's tires blows out and he notices that it is an arrow. Stefan is the only character amongst the main trio that has never killed. Caroline and Stefan are later waiting by an alley nearby the Grill and Stefan demands that Tyler stop or delay the plan to attack Klaus. Finishing up, she flashes a smile and wonders why the director has no comments. The car stops and Elena approaches the car, she sees a women in the driver's seat, Stefan catches her gaze and tries to compel her to give them a ride, but that woman is Maria a Traveler who helped them, she says them that the travelers and Markos are coming for them. After Stefan interrupts the plan, which results in Mikael's death, Klaus undoes his compulsion, and Stefan and Katherine leave. Stefan was a member of the Salvatore Family. Stefan's personality was able to emerge more fully into itself without all of his guilt weighing him down, prompting to show sides of himself he would have had if he had never killed so many people as the Ripper or turned Damon into a vampire. Stefan is assumed to be the 4th doppelgnger of Silas, although it is possible that there have been many more of Silas' doppelgngers that preceded him, according to Qetsiyah who said that Stefan had other shadow selves of Silas that were born before him. Giuseppe than urged Stefan to let the sheriff know that they have another vampire in Katherine captured and for him to go the sheriff as quickly as possible. She tries to attack Meredith but Stefan holds her tight. She says she doesn't know what she feels. In The New Deal, it is revealed that Stefan is hiding Klaus' family coffins with the help of Bonnie. Later, Stefan halts Elena from going after Rebekah with the white oak stake. Enzo tells to Stefan and Caroline that they will find another doppelgnger of Stefan and that he don't know the Traveler lore, he also says that the last remaining pair of doppelgngers are special. Later, when Stefan regains consciousness, Damon attacks him and Stefan is unconscious again. Liz is rushed back to the hospital. He may have felt guilty about his kills, but Stefan was definitely the top killer on The Vampire Diaries. Stefan can't believe his eyes and touches Damon to make sure he is real. Klaus then says that he agrees but even if it was Silas who stole it he doesn't see how this affects him. When Stefan finds Elena, he and Damon work together to bring down another vampire called Elijah. Stefan says that he knows she would do that, why not manipulate people with sex and that this is the same trick Katherine used to pull. One point for Matt. He asked Lily if she knew about the telegram Valerie sent him saying she was coming back to him. Klaus, however, keeps to respond ironically. Just before the younger Gilbert succeeds in that, Stefan appears and snaps Damon's neck. Elena was smart enough to hide around the house while Brady searched for her. Caroline is disappointed and upset when he says that's the only reason he came back to town. She tells him she is very sorry. After leaving Enzo he calls Elena (Katherine) and tells her that he wants to talk with her and Katherine invites him on Bitter Ball, although at first he refuses then accepts her offer. Satisfied with Elena's reasons, Stefan reminds her to be careful, as it's easy to get caught up in the feed. Stefan is highly sentimental and likes to keep objects and souvenirs from his past as memories. Stefan had a horse during his human years named Mezzanotte, which means "midnight" in Italian. In Resident Evil, Elena is writing in her diary at a table outside the Grill. Stefan then decides to accompany her but Enzo interrupts them telling that he can't because the Travelers still need him, Caroline says him that she will be fine and that he would do the same for her, Stefan tells her that he don't trust in Enzo and Caroline says that don't worry because she don't trust in Enzo too and that she will be safe, she promise that to him, Enzo says goodbye to Stefan with a wave and leaves with Caroline leaving Stefan worried. Elena says he had her but he says, "I lost you the minute I left town". He later receives a phone call from Caroline, but he ignores the voicemail and purposely breaks his phone, showing that he is still grieving. Qetsiyah arrives and tells Damon, that she plans to use a spell to link Stefan and Silas so that she can strip Silas of his mind control. Klaus takes him to Chicago about their memories (who was erased by Klaus) and their days and Rebekah is now dead, waiting for her resurrection. Stefan reminds that the last time a witch linked to him to his doppelgnger, she fried his brain and he lost his memory, Sloan replied that they will be careful. Stefan knows four languages, English, French, Latin, and Italian, the later two less fluently. Amara yells devastated and kills herself too. Caroline is worried about Stefan because he could lose his memory again, she is willing to join him and Enzo in a fight against the Travelers to protect him, Stefan tells her that he will be fine and that he would do it for she too but Caroline tells him that if they do fry his brain then she will kill them, Stefan smiles and tells her that when she'll spiral out of control about killing them she can do him a favor, that is she remind him that they were friends, Caroline smiles to him. On the Grill, Stefan and Damon are drinking, Stefan tells Damon that him without Elena is making miserable and that he must deal with his problems, on that moment Caroline arrives and Stefan tells him that she wants to help, Damon is surprised because he knows that Caroline hates him and in the end Damon tell to them that he don't need their help, so Stefan decides that they must better try with Elena again. Rebekah, continuing to divulge information sarcastically asks Stefan why Elena would hurt him like that to which he responds 'she was sired to Damon'. While a ripper again, he attempted to murder Elena in her coffin, ripping out Enzo's heart, killing him as he was in his way. Stefan goes up against Beau and nearly gets staked but is saved as Lily arrives and commands them to stop. After much heartbreak, between Caroline losing her mom and Stefan trying to prove himself worthy of their friendship, which blossomed into romance, they become romantically involved and are currently in love. He sees a small box in it and thinks that this might be the cure. He's worried about Ivy making herself a target for Tripp if she doesn't learn how to control herself. Elena however doesn't respond and kills the waitress in the diner in front of them while also adding that if they don't stop there will be more deaths they will be responsible for. Knowing that he was too weak from his diet, Stefan decided to start taking small amounts of human blood every day, and Elena who was against it at first, started to help him by giving him her own blood. One night, Stefan went to a camp where the war-wounded lay, and discreetly fed on their blood. However, he can feel that someone is there. Later, over drinks, Damon whines about how Elena is happy without him and Stefan gives him the kick he needs to go see Elena and then find out what happens. Caroline and Stefan at first had no close relationship. After it is revealed that Alaric is going to let himself die, Stefan watches Elena break down and asks her to come with him. Some time later Caroline and Stefan are still 'hostages' in the Lockwood Cellar and Stefan answers the phone, it's Damon who tells him something unheard. Caroline compels Jesse to go and hide. Stefan later has a heartfelt reunion with Damon when he escapes the Prison World he was sent to following the Other Side's destruction. [8] In both cases he had been in awe of being a vampire and sought to embrace it. The Vampire Diaries - Season 1 Episode Guide | Hypable Katherine gets rid from Vaughn for the moment. He then compelled him to kill Elena if the clock reached 0. He was determined to make him suffer as he was still mad at him for making him turn. She is very fragile in that moment and she breaks down because it's really hard to accept that her only living relative is dead. He was in Chicago with Lexi at a Bon Jovi concert, which unbeknownst to them was Katherine watching them from afar. He calls Silas and says that he'll make everything to keep Amara alive until Silas comes there. Stefan enjoys reading, studying and literature. Another night, Stefan and Katherine were spending a passionate night together when she suddenly bit Stefan. He sees that it is Klaus and is greeted by him. After she leaves them she meets Sheriff Forbes at the party and they have an argument which ends with Elena trying to feed on Liz until Caroline and Stefan stop her. Both of them looked very happy, they kissed and confessed love for each other. Stefan was born on Veritas Estate in Mystic Falls, Virginia. Stefan felt guilty because he felt that he did not retrieve the remedy fast enough before Lillian was then sent away to a TB ward where she ended up dying. Stefan asks what, Elena smiling? Caroline told Elena about Ivy, but doesn't know she's dead. Stefan rushes over and manages to push him off of her. As a result of indirectly betraying Damon, Stefan felt extreme guilt for unintentionally being responsible for Katherine's capture and promised Damon that he would do everything he could to help Damon get Katherine back. After Stefan says his goodbye to Katherine he and Damon talk about their eventful days. The doppelgnger gives her the cure and runs away using her vampire speed. One of the most heroic, selfless acts Stefan has ever committed is to give up his entire life in Mystic Falls, including his values, morals, and his devotion to his own humanity in order to save the life of his beloved brother (Damon) when he was dying from a fatal werewolf bite. Later, Stefan comes back to the campus and gives to Elena his blood so she can remain calm but Elena tells him that is not enough, that need more and that she's fine, Stefan refuses and tells her that she isn't fine, he tests her, biting his wrist and bringing close his blood to her, Elena reacts violently and try to attack him but the protection spell stops her. Stefan arrives at Alaric's loft to meet Damon and Elena, and explains his plan to have one of Klaus' hybrids enter the Grill first, as they are immune to werewolf venom. Valerie whispers to Stefan "I will find my way back to you". Stefan still refuses to leave without his brother, same goes for Elena when she joins them, but Bonnie grabs her, forcing her through. When it's clear she's not going to stop, he snaps her neck. Stefan Salvatore | The Vampire Diaries Novels Wiki | Fandom Damon asks Stefan if he's in love, before seeing that Stefan isn't because is he was in love wouldn't need to ask Damon about it, then advises him to bail now before Caroline gets hurt, just not today, "give her today". The next morning after their passionate affair, Stefan awoke with a bloody wound on his neck, and the previous night slowly returned to him. Bonnie tells Stefan that she has been unable to perform magic without reliving the horror of watching her Grams be tortured. Knowing the blood transfusion didn't work, Damon pulls out Colin's heart, much to his friends' dismay. After receiving a tip that Tripp's men have taken Liz into hostage and ask that they make an exchange. In the meantime Stefan and Damon are on their way to meet up with Elena and they talk to each other. He asks Tyler to warn Caroline as he douses his with gas. After heart-to-heart chat, Stefan sees the bear's ear. Stefan tried to give Elena a normal day, but the revelation of Caroline's transformation into a vampire was a shock. The original brother however says that if anything happens to Katherine he'll descent upon Elena and he hangs up. While Stefan is headed to one of the possible spots for the massacre he speaks with his brother on the phone and explains him what's going on. He goes into a bar where supernatural people can stay and no magic can reach inside. Stefan had called Tyler and told him to call Caroline and warn her. She explained everything that had happened since he was shot: she had found him and Damon lying dead in the woods, brought them to the quarry, and he and Damon were now transitioning into vampires. Although Elena is initially afraid of Stefan and what he is, she gradually accepts Stefan's vampirism. She complies, then they have a make out session that leads to more. They fill it with gas while they talk. She says that he's hurt and he's acting out, that this is not his true self. Elena tells Stefan to get Jeremy up to his room. After Damon leaves, Stefan looks at the ground, ashamed yet rushes forwards after he hears a commotion in Damon's direction. Stefan tells her to close her eyes, that he's come to say goodbye. She then tries to find Jeremy and Stefan catches up with her, he is silent when Elena asks if he has been making Jeremy kill vampires. Was it over? Damon remarks that Elena is not looking so good, and they banter quietly about jealousy and keeping secrets. Going by flashbacks, it is evident that Stefan was also Giuseppe's favorite son, and that Stefan had a rather close and good relationship with his father, the complete opposite of Damon, who appeared to have had a rather strained and tension-filled relationship with Giuseppe. She asks if Stefan has slept with her too, but he says no and adds that he was just a better person when he was with Lexi. Giuseppe, hearing Katherine collapse, entered Stefan's room. As a human, Stefan was compassionate, kind, noble, honorable, intelligent, athletic, responsible, academic, dutiful, and a gentleman. Then the brothers are shown at the porch. Damon says he can see that Stefan just wants to be the old him again and Stefan responds shaking his head and saying, "That part of me is gone for good." She tries to calm Stefan but he asks if she has bags of blood, she says that she has some in the car but then Stefan disappears. Caroline asks Stefan how he feels about living in Dallas but has to get off the phone to deal with the babies. She reveals how every incarnation of the doppelgngers, always meets and falls in love and conquers all, saying it is the doing of the universe. Stefan has jet black, wavy hair and emerald green eyes in the book series. Stefan is known to be the good vampire brother (between he and Damon) and is seen to be kind, caring, compassionate, heroic and selfless. As a reward, Caroline gets to sing karaoke. She initially resisted his interest, but not long after that, they became romantically involved. Their first and only stop is at a house Stefan lived in during an attempt to start over. Lexi Branson. Elena is undeniably drawn to Stefan and the two have an instant, deep and indescribable connection. Valerie tells him that she killed herself and accidentally became the first Heretic. Stefan's 10 Year Killing Spree The Stefan audiences meet in season 1 is worlds away from the Stefan once known as the Ripper of Monterey. Klaus lightly admonishes Stefan for his nosiness, but admits that he might be useful in persuading Rebekah to cooperate with Klaus. Caroline shares her concern about Elena with Stefan, and he explains that Elena is channeling all her emotion to rage, and that she'll learn to deal with it better. Stefan was very close to Lillian as a child, so much that Damon himself even referred to Stefan as being a "mama's boy". Stefan and Lexi head to the Grill to find Alaric, but still see no sign of him. In reference to Alaric, Elena tells Stefan that she wasn't planning on giving up on either of them. This is news to Stefan, and Damon explains that he intends to teach Elena how to feed from humans without killing them, and that Elena needs to learn "snatch, eat, erase" now more than ever. Stefan returns to Klaus, who has extracted the wolf pack information from Ray. It's time to start. Stefan is with Nora as she is making her costume for the Whitmore party him and Caroline invited her and Mary Louise to as a distraction. Nora starts destroying things, trying to look for Oscar. Stefan agrees to come once he hears Enzo will be there. Despite reservations from Damon, Stefan tells her to do it anyway. After Katherine returned to Mystic Falls in the 21st century, Stefan and Katherine became one-sided bitter enemies for some time, mainly due to their conflicting actions regarding Elena.