(10) Bolt-headers mean the same as an upsetter or forging machine except that the diameter of stock fed into the machine is much smaller, i.e., commonly three-fourths inch or less. The validation organization shall make available upon request a list of PSDI safety systems which have been certified/validated by the program. 1910.23 Ladders. (b) The device may not be used as a tripping means to initiate slide motion, except when used in total conformance with paragraph (h) of this section. (vi) The adjustable barrier guard shall be securely attached to the press bed, bolster plate, or die shoe, and shall be adjusted and operated in conformity with Table O-10 and the requirements of this subparagraph. Showing adjustable tongue giving required angular protection for all sizes of wheel used. A controlled clearance between the wheel hole and the machine spindle (or wheel sleeves or adaptors) is essential to avoid excessive pressure from mounting and spindle expansion. (i) Point of operation is the area on a machine where work is actually performed upon the material being processed. After hearing. Based on this, the Assistant Secretary shall issue the final decision (including reasons) of the Department of Labor stating whether the applicant has demonstrated by a preponderance of evidence that it meets the requirements for recognition. All auxiliary equipment such as mill divider, support bars, spray pipes, feed conveyors, strip knives, etc., shall be located in such a manner as to avoid interference with access to and operation of safety devices. [Reserved] Sec. The vertical clearance in passageways between the floor and power transmission beams, ceiling, or any other objects, is not less than five feet six inches (5 ft. 6 in.). Eligibility. Steel castings (min. 1910.1029 Coke oven emissions. C. Analyses may be used for certification/validation when existing data are available or when test is not feasible. In overhead silent chain-drive guards where the chain is held from lateral displacement on the sprockets, the side clearances required on drives of twenty (20) inch centers or under shall be not less than one-fourth inch from the nearest moving chain part, and on drives of over twenty (20) inch centers a minimum of one-half inch from the nearest moving chain part. (1) Antirepeat means the part of the clutch/brake control system designed to limit the press to a single stroke if the tripping means is held operated. (1) A mechanical or electrical power control shall be provided on each machine to make it possible for the operator to cut off the power from each machine without leaving his position at the point of operation. c. The applicant shall provide information demonstrating that it and any validating laboratory utilized meet the program requirements set forth in section III of this appendix. (2) Saws. Air controlling equipment shall be protected against foreign material and water entering the pneumatic system of the press. FAR). By a standard guard as described in paragraph (o) of this section, at least seven (7) feet high extending six (6) inches above the mesh point of the gears; or. 1910.1004 alpha-Naphthylamine. The spreader shall be slightly thinner than the saw kerf and slightly thicker than the saw disk. This trimming operation can also be done cold, as can coining, a product sizing operation. 1910.219 - Mechanical power-transmission apparatus. 2. Paragraph (f)(1) of this section does not apply to hand-operated gears used only to adjust machine parts and which do not continue to move after hand power is removed. 1910.303 General. Vertical belts. (30) Foot control means the foot operated control mechanism designed to be used with a clutch or clutch/brake control system. (d) Design, construction, setting and feeding of dies -. All revolving collars, including split collars, shall be cylindrical, and screws or bolts used in collars shall not project beyond the largest periphery of the collar. 1910.1003 13 Carcinogens (4-Nitrobiphenyl, etc.). Such supplemental safeguarding shall consist of either additional light curtain (photo-electric) presence sensing devices or other types of guards which meet the requirements of paragraphs (c) and (h) of this section. 20), and the openings shall be not greater than three-eighths inch. (ii) A pad with a nonslip contact area shall be firmly attached to the pedal. Before proposing to revoke recognition, the Agency will notify the recognized validation organization of the basis of the proposed revocation and will allow rebuttal or correction of the alleged deficiencies. Bandsaw wheels shall be fully encased. If its necessary to clean belts or drums while the equipment in is motion, insure proper barrier guards are in place and that no part of the equipment can be activated which could endanger the individual at work. (3) Each hand-fed circular ripsaw shall be provided with nonkickback fingers or dogs so located as to oppose the thrust or tendency of the saw to pick up the material or to throw it back toward the operator. (2) through (4) of this appendix except that the burden of proof shall be on OSHA to demonstrate by a preponderance of the evidence that the recognition should be revoked because the validation organization either is not meeting the requirements for recognition, has not been performing the validation functions required by the PSDI standard and appendix A, or has misrepresented itself in its applications. Design certification/validation for a new safety system, i.e., a new design or new integration of specifically identified components and subsystems, would entail a single certification/validation which would be applicable to all identical safety systems. 1 Flanges for wheels under 2 inches diameter may be unrelieved and shall be maintained flat and true. 1910.110 Storage and handling of liquefied petroleum gases. The certification/validation of safety systems for PSDI shall consider the press, controls, safeguards, operator, and environment as an integrated system which shall comply with all of the requirements in 29 CFR 1910.217 (a) through (h) and this appendix A. 1910.18 Changes in established Federal standards. The employer shall establish and follow an inspection program having a general component and a directed component. Only part revolution type mechanical power presses are approved for PSDI. 1910.7 Definition and requirements for a nationally recognized testing laboratory. When blotters or flange facings of compressible material are required, they shall cover entire contact area of wheel flanges. (12) Presence sensing device means a device designed, constructed and arranged to create a sensing field or area that signals the clutch/brake control to deactivate the clutch and activate the brake of the press when any part of the operator's body or a hand tool is within such field or area. Content of application. (iii) The mode selection means of paragraph (b)(7)(iii) of this section shall have at least one position for selection of the PSDI mode. 1. (viii) Number of operators required for the operation and the number of operators provided with controls and safeguards. (5) Blotters. All manually operated valves and switches shall be clearly identified and readily accessible. the hierarchy of the document. (d) Muting (bypassing of the protective function) of such device, during the upstroke of the press slide, is permitted for the purpose of parts ejection, circuit checking, and feeding. (7) All cracked saws shall be removed from service. (3) Type 6 straight cup wheels means wheels having diameter, thickness, hole size, rim thickness, and back thickness dimensions. The manufacturer's recommended procedures for maintenance and inspection should be closely followed. (vi) Oil swabs, or scale removers, or other devices to remove scale shall be provided. (OSHA 3170-02R, 2007) Title: Microsoft Word - FS Conveyors2.doc Author: rudnick Created Date: 11/18/2011 5:41:31 PM . Dimensions of such adaptor flanges shall never be less than indicated. 4. 1. (iii) Portable units shall be used only in areas where good, general room ventilation is provided. (3) On applications where injury to the operator might result if motors were to restart after power failures, provision shall be made to prevent machines from automatically restarting upon restoration of power. Type 27 wheels are manufactured with flat grinding rims permitting notching and cutting operations. A PSDI safety system which has received installation certification/validation shall undergo recertification/revalidation the earlier of: a. 6.a. (14) No saw, cutter head, or tool collar shall be placed or mounted on a machine arbor unless the tool has been accurately machined to size and shape to fit the arbor. A certification/validation report shall be prepared for each PSDI safety system for which the certification is validated. This requirement shall not apply to natural sandstone wheels or metal, wooden, cloth, or paper discs, having a layer of abrasive on the surface. 1910.135 Head protection. Where the drive extends over other machine or working areas, protection against falling shall be provided. (ii) A gate or movable barrier device shall protect the operator as follows: (a) A Type A gate or movable barrier device shall protect the operator in the manner specified in paragraph (c)(3)(i)(f) of this section, and. OSHA has two standards specific to conveyors, its 1910 standard applying to general industry. (9) Continuous means uninterrupted multiple strokes of the slide without intervening stops (or other clutch control action) at the end of individual strokes. The maximum angular exposure of the grinding wheel periphery and sides for safety guards used on cutting-off machines and on surface grinding machines which employ the wheel periphery shall not exceed 150. The hood shall be so mounted as to insure that its operation will be positive, reliable, and in true alignment with the saw; and the mounting shall be adequate in strength to resist any reasonable side thrust or other force tending to throw it out of line. No changes found for this content after 1/03/2017. It shall include instruction relative to the following items for presses used in the PSDI mode. Machinery shall be oiled when not in motion, wherever possible. (iii) Means shall be provided for disconnecting the power to the machine and for locking out or rendering cycling controls inoperable. Subpart EExit Routes and Emergency Planning, 1910.33 Table of contents. (iv) Records of the installation certification and validation and the most recent recertification and revalidation shall be maintained for each safety system equipped press by the employer as long as the press is in use. (34) Fixed barrier guard means a die space barrier attached to the press frame. Shaft couplings shall be so constructed as to present no hazard from bolts, nuts, setscrews, or revolving surfaces. (ii) Maximum hole size for cutting-off wheels should not be larger than 14-wheel diameter. Subpart O: Machinery and Machine Guarding, OSHA 1910 General Industry | UpCodes Subpart O Machinery and Machine Guarding Authority: 29 U.S.C. (e) Inspection, maintenance, and modification of presses -. Usually used for preforming, roll forging is often employed to reduce thickness and increase length of stock. The cleaning chamber shall have doors or guards to protect operators. Where any portion of the train of gears guarded by a band guard is less than six (6) feet from the floor a disk guard or a complete enclosure to the height of six (6) feet shall be required. Shall not engage in the design, manufacture, sale, promotion, or use of the certified equipment. (i) Every point of operation guard shall meet the following design, construction, application, and adjustment requirements: (a) It shall prevent entry of hands or fingers into the point of operation by reaching through, over, under or around the guard; (b) It shall conform to the maximum permissible openings of Table O-10; (c) It shall, in itself, create no pinch point between the guard and moving machine parts; (d) It shall utilize fasteners not readily removable by operator, so as to minimize the possibility of misuse or removal of essential parts; (e) It shall facilitate its inspection, and. (ii) The requirement of paragraph (c)(1)(i) of this section shall not apply when the point of operation opening is one-fourth inch or less. (1) Guards. (51) Slide means the main reciprocating press member. 1910.262 Textiles. It is the intent of paragraph (h)(7) that control components be provided with inherent design protection against operating stresses and environmental factors affecting safety and reliability. (4) Pressure pipes. (iii) Modified Types 6 and 11 wheels (terrazzo) with tapered K dimension. Appendix to Subpart E of Part 1910Exit Routes, Emergency Action Plans, and Fire Prevention Plans, Subpart FPowered Platforms, Manlifts, and Vehicle-Mounted Work Platforms. The ground shall be provided through use of a separate ground wire and polarized plug and receptacle. If the supplemental guards are moved, the presence sensing device would become misaligned and the press control would be deactivated. Steam hammers shall be provided with a means of cylinder draining, such as a self-draining arrangement or a quick-acting drain cock. (ii) If the single-stroke mechanism is dependent upon spring action, the spring(s) shall be of the compression type, operating on a rod or guided within a hole or tube, and designed to prevent interleaving of the spring coils in event of breakage. (iii) The brake monitor setting shall allow an increase of no more than 10 percent of the longest stopping time for the press, or 10 milliseconds, whichever is longer, measured at the top of the stroke. learn more about the process here. (2) Each circular resaw (other than self-feed saws with a roller or wheel at back of the saw) shall be provided with a spreader fastened securely behind the saw. (i) Vertical and inclined belts shall be enclosed by a guard conforming to standards in paragraphs (m) and (o) of this section. Reaction Times. (4) Openings for oiling. The route followed by the oiler is protected in such manner as to prevent accident. If previous design, history and application are considered to be similar, but not equal to or more exacting than earlier experiences, the additional or partial certification/validation tests should concentrate on the areas of changed or increased requirements. 1910.177 Servicing multi-piece and single piece rim wheels. (a)(1) OSHA Basics: OSHA's Special Industry Standards in Subpart R 1910.180 Crawler locomotive and truck cranes. In engine rooms a guardrail, preferably with toeboard, may be used instead of the guard required by paragraph (k)(1) of this section, provided such a room is occupied only by engine room attendants. Sprockets and chains. Pulleys serving as balance wheels (e.g., punch presses) on which the point of contact between belt and pulley is more than six feet six inches (6 ft. 6 in.) (iii) Following a die change, the safety distance, the proper application of supplemental safeguarding, and the slide counterbalance adjustment (if the press is equipped with a counterbalance) shall be checked and maintained by authorized persons whose qualifications include knowledge of the safety distance, supplemental safeguarding requirements, and the manufacturer's specifications for counterbalance adjustment. Its hood shall be so designed that it will automatically cover the lower portion of the blade, so that when the saw is returned to the back of the table the hood will rise on top of the fence, and when the saw is moved forward the hood will drop on top of and remain in contact with the table or material being cut. 1910.242 Hand and portable powered tools and equipment, general. If the frame of the belt shifter does not adequately guard the nip point of the belt and pulley, the nip point shall be further protected by means of a vertical guard placed in front of the pulley and extending at least to the top of the largest step of the cone. 1910.181 Derricks. (3) Cylinder draining. (C) A check shall be made to determine that all supplemental safeguarding is in place. (1) Each machine shall be so constructed as to be free from sensible vibration when the largest size tool is mounted and run idle at full speed. Dp = Penetration depth factor, required to provide for possible penetration through the presence sensing field by fingers or hand before detection occurs. Belt perches. (1) Safety-bit chucks with no projecting set screws shall be used. Spacers shall be equal in diameter to the mounting flanges and have equal bearing surfaces. 1910.420 Safe practices manual. to 16,5 S.F.P.M.1. It is recommended that old installations be changed to conform to this rule. (1) Inspection and maintenance records. The documentation shall include, but not be limited to, the following items: a. The validation organization shall demonstrate competence and experience in either power press design, manufacture or use, or testing, quality control or certification/validation of equipment comparable to power presses and associated control systems. (ii) Horizontal overhead belts more than seven (7) feet above floor or platform shall be guarded for their entire length under the following conditions: (a) If located over passageways or work places and traveling 1,800 feet or more per minute. (3) Bearings shall be kept free from lost motion and shall be well lubricated. The validation organization shall in its installation validation, state that in what circumstances, if any, the employer has advance approval for adjustment, when prior oral approval is appropriate and when prior approval must be in writing. fOSHA Conveyor Standards (3) Surface condition. Paragraph (h)(6)(xv) of the standard requires that the control system have provisions for an inch operating means; that die-setting not be done in the PSDI mode; and that production not be done in the inch mode. (31) Foot pedal means the foot operated lever designed to operate the mechanical linkage that trips a full revolution clutch. Brake design parameters important to PSDI are high torque, low moment of inertia, low air volume (if pneumatic) mechanisms, non-interleaving engagement springs, and structural integrity which is enhanced by over-design. - Occupational Safety and Health Administration, Department of Labor, - Occupational Safety and Health Standards, 1910.214 Cooperage machinery. See paragraph (c) of 1910.215 for full description. (4) Hand feeding tools. (i) Presses with flexible steel band brakes or with mechanical linkage actuated brakes or clutches shall not be used in the PSDI mode. The hazard created by a guide post (when it is located in the immediate vicinity of the operator) when separated from its bushing by more than one-fourth inch shall be considered as a point of operation hazard and be protected in accordance with paragraph (c) of this section. 1910.253 Oxygen-fuel gas welding and cutting. 2. (B) The safety distance shall be checked for compliance with (h)(9)(v) of this section. (vi) The control system shall incorporate a timer to deactivate PSDI when the press does not stroke within the period of time set by the timer. (4) Flywheels and bearings. 1910.105 Nitrous oxide. (9) Push sticks or push blocks shall be provided at the work place in the several sizes and types suitable for the work to be done. (i) Wheels must be dry and free from sawdust when applying the ring test, otherwise the sound will be deadened. This subparagraph does not apply to keys or setscrews within gear or sprocket casings or other enclosures, nor to keys, setscrews, or oilcups in hubs of pulleys less than twenty (20) inches in diameter where they are within the plane of the rim of the pulley. (10) It is recommended that each power-driven woodworking machine be provided with a disconnect switch that can be locked in the off position. Where panels are fitted with expanded metal or wire mesh the middle rails may be omitted. Table O-2 - Exposure Versus Wheel Thickness, Table O-4 - Minimum Dimensions for Straight Unrelieved Flanges for Wheels with Threaded Inserts or Projecting Studs. 1910.184 Slings. 5. Press brakes, hydraulic and pneumatic power presses, bulldozers, hot bending and hot metal presses, forging presses and hammers, riveting machines and similar types of fastener applicators are excluded from the requirements of this section. (xiv) The clutch/brake control shall automatically deactivate in event of failure of the counterbalance(s) air supply. If the conveyor runs at head height or carries material hung from hooks, workers in the area should remain alert to possible danger and measures should be taken to prevent workers from being accidentally struck by moving material. (11) Hydraulic equipment. The brake monitor used with the Type B gate or movable barrier device shall be installed in a manner to detect slide top-stop overrun beyond the normal limit reasonably established by the employer. (j) Modified Types 6 and 11 wheel (terrazzo) - blotters applied flat side of wheel only. 1910.19 Special provisions for air contaminants. Reactivation of the clutch shall require restoration of normal supply and the use of the tripping mechanism(s). d. Tests designed by the manufacturer shall be made available upon request to the validation organization. 1910.134 Respiratory protection. This content is from the eCFR and is authoritative but unofficial. (iv) Periodic inspections of clutch and brake mechanisms shall be performed to assure they are in proper operating condition. (ii) All major assemblies and fittings which can loosen and fall shall be properly secured in place. The midrail may be one by four (1 4) inches or more. (d) Fluid compatability with other materials, (d) Material stress tolerances and limits, (e) Stability to long term power fluctuations, (g) Repeatability of measured parameter without inadvertent initiation of a press stroke, (h) Operational life of components in cycles, hours, or both, (1) Specific operational wave lengths; and. (A) The requirements of paragraphs (b)(7)(xiii), (b)(7)(xiv), (b)(10), (b)(12) and (c)(5)(iii) of this section apply to the pneumatic systems of machines used in the PSDI mode. (See Figures O-8 and O-9. (53) Stripper means a mechanism or die part for removing the parts or material from the punch. (iii) All mechanical power press controls shall incorporate a type of drive motor starter that will disconnect the drive motor from the power source in event of control voltage or power source failure, and require operation of the motor start button to restart the motor when voltage conditions are restored to normal. The Type 27 A Wheel is mounted between flat non-relieved flanges of equal bearing surfaces. Minor modifications not affecting the safety of the system may be made by the manufacturer without revalidation. (2) Each swing cutoff saw shall be provided with an effective device to return the saw automatically to the back of the table when released at any point of its travel. (5) Sharpening or tensioning of saw blades or cutters shall be done only by persons of demonstrated skill in this kind of work. A. For flywheels with smooth rims five (5) feet or less in diameter, where the preceding methods cannot be applied, the following may be used: A disk attached to the flywheel in such manner as to cover the spokes of the wheel on the exposed side and present a smooth surface and edge, at the same time providing means for periodic inspection. Mechanical and electrical equipment and auxiliaries shall be installed in accordance with this section and subpart S of this part. All upsetters shall be installed so that they remain on their supporting foundations. (2) Engine rooms. Solid material used for this purpose shall be of an equivalent strength and firmness. b. Equip.) Cranks and connecting rods, when exposed to contact, shall be guarded in accordance with paragraphs (m) and (n) of this section, or by a guardrail as described in paragraph (o)(5) of this section. 1910.6 Incorporation by reference. Reactivation of the clutch shall require restoration of normal air supply and use of the tripping mechanism(s). No extra microswitches or interlocking sensors would be required. 1910.24 Step bolts and manhole steps. The recognition of any validation organization will be evidenced by a letter of recognition from OSHA. The certification/validation report shall include the following: b. The mark or logo shall be suitable for incorporation into the label required by paragraph (h)(11)(iii) of this section. (11) Device means a press control or attachment that: (i) Restrains the operator from inadvertently reaching into the point of operation, or, (ii) Prevents normal press operation if the operator's hands are inadvertently within the point of operation, or, (iii) Automatically withdraws the operator's hands if the operator's hands are inadvertently within the point of operation as the dies close, or. (6) Types 27 and 28 depressed center wheels mean wheels having diameter, thickness, and hole size dimensions. (2) Inspection and maintenance. 29 U.S.C. For that reason, the prohibitions against die-setting in the PSDI mode, and against production in the inch mode are cited to emphasize that inch operation is of reduced safety and is not compatible with PSDI or other production modes. c. The recognized validation organization shall continue to satisfy all the requirements of this appendix and the letter of recognition during the period of recognition. Flywheels located so that any part is seven (7) feet or less above floor or platform shall be guarded in accordance with the requirements of this subparagraph: Cranks and connecting rods. (4) This section covers the principal features with which power transmission safeguards shall comply. (3) For combination or universal woodworking machines each point of operation of any tool shall be guarded as required for such a tool in a separate machine. Where two or more knives are used in one head, they shall be properly balanced. The guard shall be constructed of heavy material, preferably metal, and firmly secured to the frame carrying the rolls so as to remain in adjustment for any thickness of stock. http://www.osha.gov/pls/oshaweb/mechanical.html. Dimensions of such flanges shall never be less than indicated. Conveyor systems shall be equipped with an audible warning signal to be sounded immediately before starting up the conveyor. Navigate by entering citations or phrases OSHA may revoke its recognition of a validation organization if its program either has failed to continue to satisfy the requirements of this appendix or its letter of recognition, has not been performing the validation functions required by the PSDI standard and appendix A, or has misrepresented itself in its applications. of this appendix, above, except that a reinspection is not required but may be performed by OSHA. (a) As used in 1910.213 and 1910.214 unless the context clearly requires otherwise, the following woodworking machinery terms shall have the meaning prescribed in this paragraph. A recognized validation organization may voluntarily terminate its recognition, either in its entirety or with respect to any area covered in its recognition, by giving written notice to OSHA at any time. A validation organization may be considered independent even if it has ties with manufacturers, employers or employee representatives if these ties are with at least two of these three groups; it has a board of directors (or equivalent leadership responsible for the certification/validation activities) which includes representatives of the three groups; and it has a binding commitment of funding for a period of three years or more. Pulleys, any parts of which are seven (7) feet or less from the floor or working platform, shall be guarded in accordance with the standards specified in paragraphs (m) and (o) of this section. (1) Dull, badly set, improperly filed, or improperly tensioned saws shall be immediately removed from service, before they begin to cause the material to stick, jam, or kick back when it is fed to the saw at normal speed. Malleable iron (min. 1910.243 Guarding of portable powered tools. The recognition of each validation organization will be valid for five years, unless terminated before or renewed after the expiration of the period. (9) Repairs and maintenance. (50) Single stroke mechanism means an arrangement used on a full revolution clutch to limit the travel of the slide to one complete stroke at each engagement of the clutch. Please do not provide confidential The OSHA catwalk width requirements are found in section 1910.28 (b) (5) (ii) (A). 1910.159 Automatic sprinkler systems. The minimum guarding line is the distance between the infeed side of the guard and the danger line which is one-half inch from the danger line. OSHA Conveyor Standards 1926.555 (a) General requirements. (c) The safety distance (Ds) between each two hand control device and the point of operation shall be greater than the distance determined by the following formula: (d) Two hand controls shall be fixed in position so that only a supervisor or safety engineer is capable of relocating the controls. (i) It shall be the responsibility of the employer to provide and insure the usage of point of operation guards or properly applied and adjusted point of operation devices on every operation performed on a mechanical power press.