and our failure to love as Christ has loved us. rejoicing when we are found and restored to wholeness, generously forgiving a repentant heart. During the litany, each reader reads the line spoken by the person they represent. To whom, might God be calling you to reach out with a nurturing and caring spirit. Mother? To whom do you offer nurture and care, like a mother? you are gentle with us as a mother with her children. These, together with some of the passages in the lectionary provision on pages 4445 of Common Worship: Pastoral Services, will give some indication of themes that can be tackled in the course of teaching people over a number of months about healing, but it may well be that the words used at this point in the service are briefer and more informal. C Liturgy of the Word Notes to the resources Sample modules. value the love of others (The Laying on of Hands may be received on behalf of a third person who is not present.). Pray with me. If anointing is administered by an authorized minister, the authorized words on pages 5253 of Common Worship or other suitable words may be used. AllThank you God for the love of our mothers: thank you God for their care and concern; thank you God for the joys they have shared with us; thank you God for the pains they have borne for us; May God, who gave birth to all creation, bless us: may God, who became incarnate by an earthly mother, bless us: may God, who broods as a mother over her children, bless us. Then we will all eat together. We praise you, our God, for all mothers who the distribution of flowers to the congregation. thank you God for all that they give us; Introduce yourself using only your first name, then saying either I am here. or I am who I am, or both. May the love of our fathers draw us ever nearer to you. Before the service it is normally appropriate for them to pray together for grace and discernment. You might light a candle to celebrate someone who has been like a mother, in the positive sense, to you, or as a symbol of forgiveness to someone who did not handle the task of mothering and caring well. May this shared meal of mystery and awe manifest for us the very essence of the risen Christ in our midst. Daily your Spirit renews the face of the earth. Morning Prayer from All Saints' Day until the day before the First Sunday of Advent. Mothering God, you birthed the universe into being. This is ordinary bread and ordinary juice. Whose realm is blooming among us now. Loving God, we thank you for the family of the Church. This element of the service needs to be conducted with sensitivity. We remember mothers who would like their children to know Jesus but are discouraged by modern day disciples who dont like annoying kids. Lord, speak to us that we may hear your word. At the Heart of Love is Giving - Lectionary Year B - The 4th Sunday of Lent / Mothering Sunday (Short Talk SHT088) Aim: To encourage people to show their love for others by giving in different ways; inspired by God showing us His love by giving us the gift of His Son. This should include an authorized Affirmation of Faith, a confession if one has not been used earlier in the service, and intercession, and may include some symbolic action relating to the life, ministry and gifting of the saint being celebrated. Great Love; the root and sap of our evolving fullness. You hear us when we cry for help. Mothering Sunday . We remember mothers who believe their children can do no wrong and deserve special treatment. Neither death nor life can separate us from the love of God. If symbolic gifts are to be distributed to fathers, this should take place before the following prayer. In addition to the giving of gifts of flowers (or other gifts) to mothers in the congregation, it may be appropriate to place flowers near a statue of Mary, the mother of our Lord. Allthat we should be called the children of God. Music might be played or a hymn or song be sung while this takes place. Holy God, in whom we live and move and have our being. Blessed be God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. This service uses inclusive language and imagery for intimate worship settings at which everyone is welcome and valued. This ready-to-use Caf Church Mothering Sunday worship service weaves together scripture, drama, reflection, conversation & communion. Whoever we are and wherever we are on lifes journey, we are welcome here. Needs for prayer may be shared and open prayer may follow. PDF Disciples Prayer by Thandiwe Dale-Ferguson, WORD Disciples Prayer by Thandiwe Dale-Ferguson. receive Christs healing touch to make you whole. used. This may vary from a simple comment by the leader, or some other suitable person, to a dramatic presentation of the saints life by a number of people. Loving God, you have given us the right to If the service is to be eucharistic it could follow this order: Including the Praising and Thanking God and Confession material. We remember mothers whose children are sick or disabled and who will try anything to cure or help them. and bind up our wounds, For their love when tired; We believe in one God; there is hunger; for freedom where there is oppression; for joy Eat, in the knowledge that God, like a mother, cares for you. that we should be called the children of God. The president says the Collect, the prayer that they may be made whole in body, mind and spirit. Hymns and songs may be sung during the prayers. Print and distribute the necessary number of copies. now and for ever. Hymns by Fred Kaan and Alan Gaunt (both writing out of the United Reformed Church traditions) speak sensitively about the different facets of . Service (outline), NPW21 Worship in a Our love for you is like a morning cloud. thank you God for the joys they have shared with us; Let us therefore put away all anger and bitterness. Communion elements: juice or grapes and bread to be shared (gluten free and non-alcoholic, so no one is excluded). Jesus, as you blessed marriage in the wedding at Cana, and with those who come to the end of their resources . who is a strong tower for all who put their trust in him. Empower us to respond to your call to care for all your children, near and far. A light could be taken from the Easter candle or some other large candle and a small candle lit as each of the names is read out. Amen. . There is nothing to connect his death with the choosing of a Valentine of the opposite sex, other than that it coincided with a rather jolly Roman pagan festival in mid-February. Of your own flesh, you fed us, saying this is my body, broken for you. This meal is a sign of that covenant. Let us pray that we may know life and hope in Jesus Christ as we say. All: We join together with our Mother and with one another in giving birth to beauty, peace, and kindness. AllPraise God who cares. Let us return to the Lord our God and say to him. We will be observing Mothering Sunday on the same day as people in England. progressive Loving God, Jesus, your Son, was born into world we pray for healing among the nations; for food where be called children of God. Allhe has redeemed us and will defend us to the end. Allnothing can separate us from your love. To God almighty, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. whom all things in heaven, on earth, and under the earth obey, May you believe and trust that the only name under heaven. As we meditate upon mothers and those who have mothered and cared for us and for others, if you would like to light a candle, please do so at this time. to bind all together and complete the whole. AllLet us rejoice and be glad and give him the glory. Canon B 37 provides that the priest should use pure olive oil consecrated by the bishop of the diocese or otherwise by the priest, for which forms are provided in the rite for a celebration of Wholeness and Healing in Common Worship: Pastoral Services, page 2021, and also on pages 4647. In the section Praising and thanking God the acclamations may be led by different voices from different parts of the church building. we cry in the Spirit, 'Abba', Father. A common experience for us all having a mother. AllThanks be to God. in your love and tenderness remake us. May 10, 2020Fifth Sunday of Easter; Festival of the Christian Home; Mother's Day. Other words of thanksgiving may be added as appropriate. May the God of all healing and forgiveness. What is Progressive Christianity all about? For example, if the saint is a martyr, the service might focus on commitment and use elements from the Thanksgiving for Baptism. God loves us so much that when we make mistakes, or when we make bad choices, God has agreed to forgive us and grants us a second chance, every time. Believe and Trust: Holy Communion with Baptism, 8. or when you describe God? Care needs to be taken that their inclusion does not make the service feel too heavy, especially if many visitors have been invited and the overall feel of the service is one of celebration. you are gentle with us as a mother with her children. Leader:In the beginning our Divine Mother gave birth to the universe. A suitable hymn of praise and a praise item such as this versicle and response. (Come, let us return to the Lord and say). Out of the slavery their cry for help rose up to God. Everyone sits except mothers, who are listens to our cries, Loving God, Jesus, your Son, was born into the family of Mary and Joseph; bless all parents and all who care for children; strengthen those families living under stress and may your love be known where no human love is found. The bread, the juice, prepared and presented. Remember the Sabbath day, and keep it holy. With which of these Biblical figures do you identify? Show us all how to see not only with our eyes, but with our hearts. and the glory are yours through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. The readings appointed for Mothering Sunday are: Exodus 2.1-10, Psalm 127.1-4, Colossians 3.12-17, and John 19.25-27. You can listen to a pre-recorded sermon by Fr Leonard Doolan of St Pauls Church, Athens here: The CollectGod of compassion,whose Son Jesus Christ, the child of Mary,shared the life of a home in Nazareth,and on the cross drew the whole human family to himself:strengthen us in our daily livingthat in joy and in sorrowwe may know the power of your presenceto bind together and to heal;through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord,who is alive and reigns with you,in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. 3 Thank you that the Church, our Mother,gives us bread and fills our cup,and the comfort of the Spiritwarms our hearts and lifts us up. Give us new hearts and constant wills to worship you in spirit and in truth; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Fathers present might be asked to stand during the prayer, Heavenly Father, you entrusted your Son Jesus . bringing life and health, wholeness and peace. Amen. AllAmen. *Jann Aldridge-Clantons passion is gender inclusivity in the realms of worship, religion and faith expression.